Cautam urgent au pair pentru familia Joseph Reizis & Christina Abate din Salt Lake City, Utah.

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Oct 7, 2011, 4:56:27 AM10/7/11
to muncainstrainatate
This is a very nice family who is looking for someone to help care for
their 2 children. They’re looking for an Au Pair who can Drive well,
cook and swim. The applicant must be a non-smoker and must be okay
placing with dogs. She must also enjoy the outdoors as this family
spends a lot of time walking and hiking.
Profession of Parents: Science
Ages of Children: 2 year old girl and 4 year old boy

Beneficii de natura financiara- minim 15 000 USD- optiune standard:
-plata neta, SAPTAMANALA de MINIM $195.65 si bonus daca aveti
experienta cu copiii sub 2 ani
-2 saptamani de concediu, platite, si un weekend intreg liber pe luna
-500 USD pentru studii
-o camera privata si toate 3 mesele incluse (te-ar fi costat in jur de
700 USD/ luna)
-asigurare medicala pe perioada sederii(valoare de 50 USD/ luna)
-bilet de avion international PLATIT DUS- INTORS (valoare de 800- 1300
-transport local, pe teritoriul SUA PLATIT (valoare 200 USD)
-4 NOPTI de cazare la sosire in SUA si PREGATIRE in vederea ingrijirii
copilului INCLUSE (valoare de 800 USD+ pregatirea)**
-activitati sociale si culturale regulate, impreuna cu alti Au Pair
-suport local (pe fiecare judet si oras) de la o echipa cu experienta
in domeniu ***
-telefon de urgenta gratuit

Conditii de eligibilitate:
- maxim 26 ani
- detinerea permisului de conducere
- cunostinte de limba engleza
- experienta minima cu copiii
- absolvent minim de liceu

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