Selecting random play for a single ripped FLAC CD

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kurt glatte

Mar 13, 2021, 1:29:13 AM3/13/21
to Brennan Forum
Whenever I am playing a particular ripped FLAC CD, I would like to play the songs in random order, but only for the that one ripped CD while it is playing. In other words, to shuffle the order the songs are played in.
So far, random plays songs from my ALL ripped CD's in a random order - which is not what I want.
Any suggestions or solutions would would be appreciated
Thank You

Daniel Taylor

Mar 13, 2021, 7:05:51 AM3/13/21
to Brennan Forum
So far, that capability is not available.  Others have asked for random to work for just a particular artist.  If other random modes are ever added, having it work for just an album shouldn't be much trouble.

Mar 13, 2021, 8:17:39 AM3/13/21
to Brennan Forum
A workaround would be to pull that CD into a playlist and switch on the random shuffle. The only problem with this is I think it will keep looping randomly till you stop it.

Les Stanley

Mar 13, 2021, 7:03:50 PM3/13/21
to Brennan Forum
It's a mystery to me why no changes have ever been made to the playback options, specifically random. I've mentioned various improvements ever since I bought my B2 some 3 or 4 years ago and nothing has happened whereas numerous other features have been added.
There obviously is a random algorithm of some kind and updating it to include artist, album etc should surely be relatively simple.

Maybe one day when all the possible Sonos options have been exhausted. We can only hope.

In the meantime, it's the old "add to a playlist" workaround.

kurt glatte

Mar 14, 2021, 5:26:51 AM3/14/21
to Brennan Forum  - good workaround BUT I'd like the random option on each of my 100's of CD's!

Mar 14, 2021, 6:38:04 AM3/14/21
to Brennan Forum
I think getting the B2 to work with Sonos systems is more likely to open up the market for more B2 sales, whereas tweaking the playback/ random play options in the grand scheme of things is a lower priority for a small firm with limited resources. So many people have/are going down the Sonos route. Personally, I listen to the B2 in one room. If I'm in the garden I use my phone and a Bluetooth speaker. In the car, again I use the phone via headphone socket and aux line in (old car). However, everyone would benefit from more playback/random play options. Maybe we should start a Playback/random play options page and everyone interested could add their name. If enough show interestmaybe it will move it up the Wish List and Martin will take notice.


Mar 14, 2021, 7:23:14 AM3/14/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi, Leslie, I’m not at all interested in random playback and would never listen to my music, which is mostly classical, in that way  but can you explain what other playback options you mean?

Mar 14, 2021, 9:36:01 AM3/14/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Rik. I mainly meant Random play options, but included playback options too as a phase Ijstan had used. I can see why you aren't really interested in random play if most of your music collection is classical. I listen to a wide variety of musical genre including Rock, jazz, blues and some classical. Definitely wouldn't use the random play on classical CDs, but would like to be able to pick an artist I have a lot of albums by, and be able to select random to play from that group of albums. Say Van Morrison, of which I have over 30 albums. Or Joe Bonamassa over 20. Would be nice to be able to just click on the artist and select random play, and the B2 would randomly play from that artist's album collection. Would be a lot easier than having to drag all the albums into a playlist and then select random play. Other playback options may refer to Playlist uses?

Mark Fishman

Mar 14, 2021, 6:46:45 PM3/14/21
to Brennan Forum
For us classical enthusiasts, while we wouldn't want to play the tracks within a work (or CD) in random order, we WOULD benefit from being able to play a work or CD all the way through and then have a different work or CD randomly selected -- in other words to shuffle the playback sequence at the level of whole albums rather that at the level of tracks. Each album would play through in the correct order, then a randomly chosen album would start, and IT would play through in the correct order, and so on. That would get away from the fixed order that's in the b2db while still keeping whole works together.

Believe it or not, classic iPods can do this -- and I have never found anything else that does.

Les Stanley

Mar 14, 2021, 8:14:55 PM3/14/21
to Brennan Forum
Apart from the obvious random/shuffle of CD and within artist here are some other idea:
Load date including recently loaded. Many music apps have this. You can define the time period as well as there being defaults such as last 3, 7, 30 days etc.
Artist or Song starting with a certain letter.
Artist or song released in a certain year (not perfect and often confused by re-releases), but fun for a change

These are just a few, I'm sure there could be more.

Part of the problem, I think, is the way the B2 stores music and the fact that tags are not used.

I can fully understand that few of these options will appeal to classical lovers. I also appreciate that many people will say something about having all this, and more, on Spotify.

But there must be hundreds of B2 owners who have lovingly loaded hundreds if not thousands of CDs onto their B2 and would like, occasionally, to have more options for listening to it.


Mar 15, 2021, 4:22:41 AM3/15/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks for reply, Leslie, Yes I see the benefits for you in that and the other options explained just now. I think I’m probably odd in always wanting to choose what to listen next to every time but maybe if there were other options I’d change and use them.
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