Can't Update My B2 Software!

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Would Be Pilot

Feb 13, 2021, 3:51:25 PM2/13/21
to Brennan Forum

I’ve had my B2 since mid-2016, have ripped 500+ CDs; it has wired internet connection.  I can’t fault its operation or performance during these years.

 However (hence this post) I can’t update the software!  I download the latest B2 SW onto a USB memory stick, insert into USB C, then use Settings/Maintenance/SW Upgrade.

 “Loading” flashes up momentarily, then “Rebooting” with “Software upgraded” but checking the version with the handset always reveals March 23 2016!  I’ve repeated the exercise with different USB sticks (what difference can they make?) but always get the same result.  Sometimes I use Settings/Maintenance/Reboot before /SW Upgrade but the results always the same!

 I think I’m doing what’s required – am I missing something obvious?  I’ve tried to set up Wi-Fi (to try a Web Upgrade) but that also fails every time although the B2 successfully picks up my network, thinks about it for a little while, then says “Failed”.

 Any suggestions would be gratefully received!  The reason to update now is to try and integrate the B2 with my new Sonos installation – I read its possible but I also see there are issues, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there!

 Is moving to B2B going to let me ‘start again’ if there’s some internal gremlins?

 Thanks for any assistance.

Peter Lowham

Feb 13, 2021, 4:37:42 PM2/13/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi there,

The clue here is that your software is dated 'March 2016'.  This B2 software is too out of date to be upgraded either via USB or 'Web Upgrade'.  You have two options to move forwards.

1.  Purchase a new SD card from Brennan (£10 inc P&P)
2.  You can re-flash your existing SD card using the Brennan website instructions at no cost.

Below is a link to the Brennan website that describes the re-flash process;  scroll down to the 'New SD Card' section.

If you wish to use option 2, we can post some additional instructions regarding the re-flash which a number of other users have found helpful.  Just let us know here if you would like these.


Would Be Pilot

Feb 14, 2021, 3:12:59 AM2/14/21
to Brennan Forum
Good morning Peter,
What a welcome start to the day - an explanation of my 'problem'!  Your expertise and options presented are much appreciated, thank you.

I'm sure you could guide me the re-flash but I'd have to purchase a USB SD Card Adaptor for just this job so I might as well spend the money with Brennan and start anew.  Would the OS on the new card be the B2B version?

May I raise two further queries arising from my studies over the last few days:
1.  When I have the opportunity, does the Web Upgrade option only work through the Wi-Fi internet connection?  I've never seen any specific mention of it working through a wired connection, but don't the two methods simply give the same result by different routes?

2.  In a similar vein, does the new ability to 'find' and play through Sonos speakers work just through a Wi-Fi connection to the B2,  a wired connection, or either?  All connections being on the same network is understood.

Thanks again for your help
Best regards,

Peter Lowham

Feb 14, 2021, 7:12:15 AM2/14/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,

The new SD card that Brennan supplies will be the B2B version.  This version is 100% compatible with your B2 and will give you the much improved version of Bluetooth (if you require it).  When you plug the new card into your B2, you should run 'Settings' --> 'Web Upgrade' as the new card will not be completely up to date.

When you order the card, be sure to state 'SD card' (I'm assuming that your B2 is the early model with the SD card protruding out of the side of the case.  (The later B2s use microSD cards, so Brennan needs to know which type to ship to you)

1.  'Web Upgrade' works through both wired and wireless connections.  The wired connection is, by far, the better option, much, much faster and more reliable than wireless and is probably one of the main reasons that you have had years of trouble free running (as I have also had with two wired B2s).

2.  Regarding Sonos connections, I''m not an expert on this by any measure, but the Sonos connections can be wired or wireless.  The wireless option seems to be very popular on this forum, but if I was implementing Sonos I would try to use wired connections.  Perhaps other forum uses who have Sonos kit could give you more in-depth advice.


Would Be Pilot

Feb 14, 2021, 10:26:23 AM2/14/21
to Brennan Forum

Hi Peter,

Thanks so much for all your confirmations and advice;  just being able to ask seemingly obvious questions and get definitive answers is a treat!

Yes, my B2 has the side slot so I just ordered a SD Card through the Brennan website ‘shop’ (against the picture of same) so I assume that should come as full size rather than a MicroSD.   We’ll see!

Regarding internet connections, I find there’s something very reassuring/satisfying when the RJ45 clicks home – you know you’ve made the connection, everything will work.  If it doesn’t then it’s the problem of someone higher up the network structure!  Call me old fashioned if you like!  I look forward to my first Web Upgrade!

As with the Web Upgrade, I’ll assume a B2 connection into a Sonos ‘Network’ can be via Wi-Fi or wired connection.  One of the deciding factors for me to start with Sonos was the ability to set up its ‘own’ network as I don’t run my computer Wi-Fi network except for a few specific connections on an occasional basis. So the Sonos ‘Boost’ (the “Hub”) is wired to my router and the ‘Port’ (B2 audio input point so far) and my first ‘OneSL’ (speaker) make their internet connections through the Boost – so far its worked fine.

 I’ll  report when I have an up-to-date B2 and can leave the technicalities to enjoy the music!

Best regards,



Feb 15, 2021, 4:23:59 AM2/15/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,

I can confirm that the Play to Sonos option works via WiFi and Ethernet - I've tried both.

Once you have set up the Sonos speakers using the Sonos app there is no need to have the app open to play from the B2.

Brennan Support.

Would Be Pilot

Feb 17, 2021, 3:32:26 PM2/17/21
to Brennan Forum

Just to report a successful update of my B2 to B2B software with a web update too!  All without a hitch.  Thanks to Messrs Brennan for the speediest supply of a new SD card!

 I now really appreciate the amazing integration possible with my new Sonos kit over a SonosNet.  It works an absolute treat!

 My ‘new’ B2 UI shows the many developments and improvements since 2016 and makes managing my recorded database so much quicker and easier.  As my latest recordings now ‘come’ with cover artwork, I’m tempted to add artwork to the rest of my 500+ albums, in easy stages of course!

 Is there a Brennan-recommended pixel image size and pixel/inch resolution to give a reasonable quality image on the UI and add least Kb to each album?

 Thanks to Peter and Paul for getting me sorted; with a good (wired) internet connection there should be no stopping me and my B2 now!

Peter Lowham

Feb 17, 2021, 4:39:07 PM2/17/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,

It's great to know that you are back up and running, and thanks for the update.  And it is worth keeping an eye on the regular Brennan software updates.  As well as bug fixes, there are constant 'feature' additions and updates which keep adding value and enjoyment to owning the Brennan devices.

Just one note to add here; please do regular 'Export's to keep your valuable music collection secure.


Feb 17, 2021, 5:17:26 PM2/17/21
to Brennan Forum
Andrew, I've found best artwork size is around 500 by 500 pixels as per musicbrainz downloads, not sure what filesize that is.

Peter Lowham

Feb 17, 2021, 5:57:34 PM2/17/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,

An image size of 500 x 500 will typically be an average of about 60KB but can vary very considerably, depending on how well the image compresses.



Feb 18, 2021, 4:05:45 AM2/18/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,

Glad to hear you are up and running again.

Brennan Support.

Would Be Pilot

Feb 18, 2021, 12:29:38 PM2/18/21
to Brennan Forum

Many thanks Jeff, Peter and Paul; apologies for the delay in responding.  

I’ve thought about your comments and think now I was being unnecessarily concerned about inflating the size of the data stored on the B2.  

I currently have 530 albums taking up 270Gb, so an average of, say, 0.51Gb (510Mb) per album.  If a 500 x 500 jpeg file averages 60Kb, then 530 such files will amount to 31,800Kb (31.8Mb) if my calculations and conversions are correct!  That’s just over 6% of one album – not a problem!

I’ve not come across musicbrainz before; I’ve used Amazon and Discogs in the past for cover artwork when working with iTunes so that will be a new source to try – thanks.  

I have a 1Tb USB hard drive and have backed up from time to time in the past; now I intend to use the B2 substantially more with the Sonos system I’ll take more care to keep the back-up up-to-date; also B2 software, now that I can!

Best regards, Andrew

Feb 18, 2021, 12:58:45 PM2/18/21
to Brennan Forum
Andrew if you click on the dots next to an album in the UI, it comes up with a dropdown of about 5 items, ! of which is get album art musicbrainz. It works pretty well. The album has to be open so you can see all the tracks. Hope this helps.

Peter Lowham

Feb 18, 2021, 1:15:12 PM2/18/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,

Yes, your calculation is a reasonable estimate for this size of 'jpg' in your situation.  I've been doing estimates of 'Export' volumes for other forum users and have found that the overhead of 'non-music' files is commonly in the range from 5% to 25% of the music data volume.


Would Be Pilot

Feb 19, 2021, 3:29:37 AM2/19/21
to Brennan Forum
Jeff - thanks for pointing me to the cover artwork tab.  Looks a great resource - just need the time to work through my 530 albums!


Feb 19, 2021, 3:55:04 AM2/19/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi All,

And if Musicbrainz or Amazon cannot find an artwork, you can search online for one, save it to your computer and use the 'upload' tab on the web UI (or click the 'camera' icon - Album panel RHS) to upload it to the B2 - you will need to type in the Artist and Album details for where the uploaded artwork will be stored.

Brennan Support.

Feb 20, 2021, 10:52:03 PM2/20/21
to Brennan Forum

I am concerned regarding your "backup". Please make sure that you have made a backup of your HDD using the B2's "Export to C" command - it is possible that you may have created your backup using the "Backup to C" command (in which case your backup is actually a JB7 export, not a proper (incremental) B2 backup.


Would Be Pilot

Feb 21, 2021, 3:14:42 AM2/21/21
to Brennan Forum

Good morning Fred,

You’re spot-on when you suspect my existing “backup” was a “Backup to C” from my 2016 OS but I had noticed a different command to use on the up-to-date OS and had pondered the differences.

When you say the “Export to C” is a proper (incremental) backup, I assume that if a file changes between backups, the old file is deleted and the newer one recorded in its place.

I suspect with the “Backup to C”, changed files were recorded in addition to the previous version as I think I saw what appeared to be duplicate folders when I had occasion to look!

Does the “Export to C” run ‘in the background’ or is it an exclusive process?

Thanks for giving me a push to get on with it!


Daniel Taylor

Feb 21, 2021, 6:55:40 AM2/21/21
to Brennan Forum
The Backup command (paired with Restore) is intended for backward compatibility with the old JB7 model.  It uses a different folder structure than that used on the B2.

In the case where you ask if a changed file replaces the old file during an Export: If the data inside the file is somehow changed, but the filename and folder within which it is stored remain the same, then the new file will be passed over and not stored.  If the filename or folder has changed then the new file will be saved, but the old one will remain.  In that respect, I think it works the same as the Backup command.

Regarding "background":  The Raspberry Pi computer/operating system does not handle multi-tasking well.  When asking the B2 to do more than one thing at a time, bad things can and do happen, although not every time.  Save yourself much gnashing of teeth and do not ask the B2 to do more than one thing at a time.

Feb 21, 2021, 8:32:04 AM2/21/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,

Daniel is spot on with his answer.

It would appear that your security backup of your B2's music really needs to be done with the specific tool developed for this since you purchased your B2 (it is about the same age as mine!) - the "Export to C" command which is to  found in the "USB Menu".

Peter (a member on this forum) is our backup (Export) expert and if you post here the information relating to your B2's HDD content (what appears on the scrolling screen after boot up - or what is at the top of the window which opens when you click on the "cog" in the web UI), I am sure he will run this through his spreadsheet and tell you how long a new Export to C will take. 

I assume you will want to do this to a new USB backup device. If so please format this first using the B2 and the commands it provides. NOTE all the format commands for doing this are in "Maintenance Menu" - DO NOT use the format command in the "Advanced Menu" these relate to formatting the B2's internal HDD and this you DO NOT want to be doing!.


Would Be Pilot

Feb 21, 2021, 10:44:51 AM2/21/21
to Brennan Forum

Thanks Daniel and Fred; I think I'm up to speed now on the technical ‘how-to’ to make a backup with “Export to C” except I’m using a 1 Tb USB drive that has previously only run on USB A (more current available?) but which I read is not a problem.

The question of ‘incremental’ backup is a another problem however.  From Daniel’s description, the backup programme compares the names of files (at Album level) present on the ‘previous’ backup with what its finding during the ‘current’ backup and simply ADDS any not there last time.  OK, that’s fine if you’ve only made new recordings since the previous backup.

Where that falls down for me is as I add cover artwork to my files – there’s no change in Album file name, just an increase in file size – so the backup programme doesn’t see a change and passes over the (revised) file.  Have I got this right?

 If I’m understanding this correctly, is my best option (at least while I’m ‘updating’ files) to have two backup drives and reformat them alternately to make a fresh, full backup?  In that way I only lose any ‘updating’ done since the previous backup, if worse comes to worst.


Peter Lowham

Feb 21, 2021, 12:31:47 PM2/21/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,

The way that 'Export' works is as follows.  This applies to any file type that is in the B2 'music' directory structure; 'Export' does not discriminate on file types or names.  It looks for matching file names, if it doesn't find a matching file name, then it ADDS the file name to the 'Export'.

If you add ANY file to a given <Album> then the 'Export' will add that file to the 'Export' (such as '.jpg', 'pdf', 'txt', etc.) to that album.
If you subsequently rename that file in the given <Album> then the 'Export' will copy the renamed file into that <Album>, so you will have two versions of the file in the <Album> folder.
If you rename a <Track> in the given <Album> then 'Export' will copy the renamed <Track> into the <Album> folder, so you will have two versions of that <Track> in the <Album> folder.

The same applies to the <Album> and <Artist> folders if they are renamed.

So when you add your cover artwork to your music collection, these will be picked up by the next 'Export'.

The time that you would want to do a new full clean 'Export' is if you have been renaming a lot of artist, album or track names.


Would Be Pilot

Feb 21, 2021, 3:50:19 PM2/21/21
to Brennan Forum

Thank you Peter; I set my first "Export to A" running at 8 pm!

Feb 22, 2021, 12:02:04 PM2/22/21
to Brennan Forum

How did it go?


Would Be Pilot

Feb 22, 2021, 3:11:26 PM2/22/21
to Brennan Forum
Hello Fred,  Well, I set it running last night but found this morning it had stopped itself with not many files copied so I turned the B2 off and restarted later in the morning and have run it in 3 chunks through to this afternoon by when all files had copied.  So, well pleased with a first attempt at a b2Export.  233 Gb copied for 5,793 items.  I made a change to an album title this evening so I deleted the fomer-titled file from the backup HDD and ran Export again when the re-titled album was duly Exported.   Yes, happy with the results!  Just 520 albums to add artwork to now!
Thanks for your interest and help, Andrew

Peter Lowham

Feb 22, 2021, 4:08:55 PM2/22/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,

I reckon that your 'Export' has not worked correctly.  The volume of 5793 'flac' tracks should be about 125 GB and yours is 233 GB.  So there is something to be checked out here.

Have you any idea as to the cause of the stoppages?  On a normally functioning Brennan, the 'Export' function is pretty bulletproof, so once it starts it should run to completion.  I did experience issues a while ago with a Bluetooth dongle causing my 'Export' to fail.

When you run an 'Export', it is a good move to remove the Bluetooth and WiFi dongles if fitted.  Also, the B2 should be left to run this without other functions running such as playing music or the internet radio,.


Peter Lowham

Feb 22, 2021, 4:26:26 PM2/22/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,

I've gone through the posts again and realised that you might be using '.wav' file (uncompressed) format.  If that is the case then your collection would take up 233GB of space.  If this is the case, then my apologies for misunderstanding the situation.


Would Be Pilot

Feb 23, 2021, 3:31:38 AM2/23/21
to Brennan Forum
Good morning Peter; there's no need for apologies, your interest and technical knowledge is a treasure to us all.  In reverse order then, you're quite correct in your surmise about my .wav files.  The data shows "5555 tracks in 537 albums 186 artists; 5401 WAV 26 FLAC 25 MP3 103 AAC; Capacity 1000.00G Used 272.81Gb".

Is there any technical benefit to compressing files to FLAC or is it just in space-saving?  I must have 95% of my CD collection ripped to the B2 and I'm not unduly concerned about the balance; they're discs I'm not much interested in.  I buy few new discs now so it will be a while before I reach even 300Gb! 

If I did start compressing files to FLAC, presumably Export would see those as 'new' files and add them to an existing backup - needing the WAV files to be weeded out by hand whilst viewing the b2Export 'music' folder on a desktop computer, or a periodic fresh start/new Export.

I don't have Bluetooth or WiFi dongles fitted and Daniel cautioned previously about not 'multi-tasking' the Raspberry Pi so I leave it to its own devices.  Why it stopped after a short while - no idea!  Perhaps there was a very short power-outage (not long enough to cause digital timers (cooker, microwave etc) to reset to zero but enough to make the B2 falter - but wouldn't it reboot itself and carry on?  I choose to split the remaining Export into chunks to give the B2 and USB HDD a breather.  Perhaps I'm too sensitive to their semi-mechanical nature and should just let them run non-stop?

Thanks again for your interest and advice
Best regards, Andrew

Peter Lowham

Feb 23, 2021, 6:41:04 AM2/23/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,

Thank you for your kind words.  I've plugged your stats into my 'Estimator' and the result is much nearer the 'normal' mark so I think that we can say that your Export is good.  A further check is to plug the USB Export into a PC and check the 'Properties' of the 'Music' folder.  This should show a 'Folders' count of 723 (it might be a few more, but the minimum should be 723).

Regarding your query on 'wav' versus 'flac', the main advantage of 'flac' is space saving.  This is less important nowadays, when I think back to the mid to late 1990s when I began ripping music to a PC, a typical hard disk was 40GB and it was a struggle to store the music.  I used mp3-128Kb at that time.  The good thing about 'flac' is that it is lossless, which means that you can convert it back to 'wav' and it will be a perfect reconstruction of the original 'wav'.  Unlike 'mp3' which, by necessity, disposes of what is believes to be inaudible elements of the music.

On the point of the USB HDD issue, the 'Export' should complete in one run.  The longest continuous run that I have on record for the B2 is 55 hours, but yours should complete in just under 10.5 hours.  The B2 and ancilliary devices are designed to run non-stop.  If there was any sort of power glitch, the B2 would power down and not power up again.  So the stoppage remains a mystery.  However, the good thing about the 'Export' function is that it is incremental, so if it is stopped and restarted, it just continues from where it stopped.


Would Be Pilot

Feb 23, 2021, 4:09:59 PM2/23/21
to Brennan Forum

Hi Peter; please excuse the delay in responding but things have turned out not as expected, following your suggestion to check the folder count of the Export’s ‘music’ file.

Firstly I’m an Apple Mac user from which I could only find file size and ‘item’ count which (last night) was 233Gb for 5793 ‘items’.  But I do have Windows Vista (!) on an old Mac which I used for AutoCAD so I blew the dust off and set it up and checked the ‘properties’ this morning to find Size reported as 216Gb, 5187 files, 648 folders – way short of the 723 figure you indicated.

So, I ran Export again throughout today and (Windows) results now stand at Size 259Gb, 6102 files, 759 folders, so I think we’re there!  The Mac information reads 279Gb for 6813 ‘items’.  Not sure what the differences signify – I’ll take the Windows result to show the Export is complete!  Just to repeat the current B2 stats– 5555 tracks 537 albums 186 artists 272.81Gb used.

I let Export run today but, again, it stopped Exporting a couple of times by itself.  Once I turned the B2 dial to see if I could re-start it to find ‘USB not mounted’ at the USB Menu so perhaps the B2 stops “seeing” the USB drive periodically or vice-versa.  Perhaps that was the case when I started it overnight and found it quit in the morning?  Any ideas?

Just to enquire again about FLAC files – if I start compressing my .wav files I assume the FLAC versions simply replace the .wav versions on the B2 HDD but presumably they show up as ‘new’ files in Export?

Best regards,  Andrew

Daniel Taylor

Feb 23, 2021, 4:25:16 PM2/23/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,
As this thread has become quite long, I have not gone back and read every post, so I may have missed this.  But with your B2 stopping mid-Export, it makes me think of earlier versions of software not too long ago that would not run Export to completion.  Of course, if you have up to date sofware, that won't be the problem for you.

When the WAV files are converted to FLAC, the new FLAC files do replace the WAV files.  And yes, a further Export would add the FLAC files to the backup disk along with the previously existing WAV files.

Would Be Pilot

Feb 23, 2021, 4:49:57 PM2/23/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Daniel;  I'm pleased to say I'm now bang up to date with my B2B software (after being 5 years behind the times last week) so B2 stopping mid-Export still to be resolved!  Thank you for confirmation on fate of FLAC/WAV files; given the (relatively) small size of my library I'm inclined to stick with my wav's but at least I know what to expect if I start to 'FLAC' them!
Best regards, Andrew

Feb 24, 2021, 9:23:42 AM2/24/21
to Brennan Forum

Have you tried inserting a powered USB hub between your backup device (which I am assuming is not mains powered)?
It just could be a power issue!


Peter Lowham

Feb 24, 2021, 9:26:06 AM2/24/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,

Apolgies for the delay in replying, but I was struggling to put all of the facts and figures together so yesterday and today i have produced a 'Problem Diagnosis Sheet' in which I collate all of the data in one sheet to make the diagnosis easier to make.

The 'folders count ' is slightly high, but that is much better than being low.  The count should be 723, but at 759 it's almost there.

So, out of the diagnosis, here are two requests for you.

1.  Could you run 'Scan Disk' again and post the stats here please?  

2.  The Export USB HDD is running in 'USB C'.  Could you more that to 'USB A' and run the 'Export to A'?  My reason for this request is that USB A can provide more power than USB C and the USB HDD might be dropping out due to a marginal power condition.  Especially if the USB HDD is a few years old as the newer ones use less power.


Would Be Pilot

Feb 24, 2021, 10:22:02 AM2/24/21
to Brennan Forum

Thanks Fred and Peter for your suggestions.  

Firstly, and I’m sorry I’ve only mentioned this in passing previously, I WAS running this Export in USB A; attempts to use my WD ‘Elements’ 1 Tb portable HDD in USB C have always failed straight away –  both in the original 2016 OS and when I tried it initially in today’s B2B OS – so I’ve always had to use USB A which I understood provided more power.  The WD drive is the same vintage as the B2 – mid 2016 and is just a plug-in type, with no external power supply.

I’ve looked at modern alternatives and a WD 4 Tb ‘Desktop’ USB HDD (i.e. with its own 12V PSU) is available at a good price from Amazon; but is there any restriction on HDD size imposed by the B2?

I ripped a couple of CDs last night so B2 stats after running Scan Disk today are: 

Software Version B2B Feb 14 2021 09:03:06

5659 tracks in 539 albums 187 artists

5504 WAV 26 FLAC 26 MP3 103 AAC

Capacity 1000.00G Used 274.49Gb

USB 0 tracks in 0 albums 0 artists

0 Youtubes

Thanks for all the work you’re doing on my behalf – I think we’re essentially home and dry and if we can fix the Export cutting-out issue I suspect I’m not alone in this!  

Perhaps Paul at Brennan Support has suggestions?

 Thank you all,  Best regards,  Andrew

Daniel Taylor

Feb 24, 2021, 10:23:49 AM2/24/21
to Brennan Forum
If any of the artists names or album names had been slightly changed after the beginning of the Export, that would account for some new folders being added to the disk.

Would Be Pilot

Feb 24, 2021, 10:29:23 AM2/24/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Daniel but I only added a couple of CDs after the Export ran.  I took your previous warning re. Pi-multitasking to heart!

Peter Lowham

Feb 24, 2021, 12:18:39 PM2/24/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,

I have processed your stats from the post above and have noticed something which puzzles me.  That is that you have ripped 2 CDs since the previous stats but two numbers jump out at me.  Those are:

1.  The number of 'wav' tracks has increased by 103.  This seems strange at over 50 tracks per CD?

2.  The 'Used space' has increased by 1.86GB.  For 103 tracks that is an average of 15MB per track, which is about half of what I would expect (an average '.wav' track used about 30MB)

I have attached a screenshot of a section of my 'Problem Diagnostic Sheet' which hopefully will help to show the situation.

In the meantime would it be possible to run the following?

1.  Run 'Scan Disk' and record the results.
2.  Rip another CD in 'wav' format.
3.  Record the number of tracks here.
4.  Run 'Scan Disk' again and record the results.
5.  Post the result here.

This will help us to see if the B2 is stable.


Would Be Pilot

Feb 24, 2021, 5:22:27 PM2/24/21
to Brennan Forum

Hi Peter;  thank you again for your efforts; regret I’ve inadvertently created the confusion over these 2 CD’s.  The stats are correct as the ‘first’ recording was Bach’s St Matthew Passion – 103 tracks over three CDs that I amalgamated into one file – hence the 103 additional .wav you found.  Many of the tracks are only 1 or 2 minutes, some under a minute, thus the low Mb per track!  I’ve checked the file size of the Export and my Mac reports it as 1.71Gb. Total running time 160m 32s.

The ‘second’ CD was the old BBC Radio 4 Theme, one track, 5 minutes, as an mp3; the file size on the Export shows as 4.8Mb!  So everything probably checks out correctly.

So to your requests:

 1. Run ‘Scan Disk’ and record results:

Software Version B2B Feb 14 2021 09:03:06

5646 tracks in 538 albums 187 artists

5491 WAV 26 FLAC 26 MP3 103 AAC

Capacity 1000.00G Used 273.79Gb

USB 0 tracks in 0 albums 0 artists

0 Youtubes

2/3.  Ripped Beatles Abbey Road, 16 Tracks as .wav files + coverart.jpeg + discid & toc exec files.  Mac information on Export folder shows it as 498.6 Mb

4. Re-run ‘Scan Disk’ and record results:

Software Version B2B Feb 14 2021 09:03:06

5662 tracks in 539 albums 188 artists

5507 WAV 26 FLAC 26 MP3 103 AAC

Capacity 1000.00G Used 274.28Gb

USB 0 tracks in 0 albums 0 artists

0 Youtubes

Numbers and sizes seem to tally – are we OK?

Thank you again,  best regards, Andrew

Feb 24, 2021, 8:19:04 PM2/24/21
to Brennan Forum

I really think that inserting a powered USB hub between your B2 USB (C or A) and your USB HDD unit, is something you should consider trying, they are not expensive (see here on Amazon)


Peter Lowham

Feb 24, 2021, 8:39:35 PM2/24/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the update; your explanation has covered the differences so I now think that your B2 is stable.  It also helps me by showing that my diagnostic sheet is making it much easier to spot inconsistencies, so thank you for that.

So now we only need to sort out the 'Export' problem.  Given that you have already tried the USB A port, the next step will be to look at a couple of options.

1.  Fred's suggestion of using an independently powered USB hub.
2.  Purchase a new USB HDD.

You asked about any limitations on  HDD sizes.  There is a maximum partition size of 2TB which is a FAT32 limitation, so there is no advanatage of buying a USB HDD any larger than that.



Feb 25, 2021, 3:38:02 AM2/25/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,

FAT32 formatting used by the B2 limits HDD/SSDs to 2TB maximum.

Brennan Support.

Would Be Pilot

Feb 25, 2021, 6:20:46 AM2/25/21
to Brennan Forum
My thanks to Fred, Peter and Paul; great to know there's people out there with the answers!  I've ordered Fred's suggested hub; as soon as it comes I'll try a USB HDD re-format and Export again and report back on success, or not!  2Tb limit for FAT32 noted, thank you.
Best regards to all,

Would Be Pilot

Mar 1, 2021, 4:20:15 AM3/1/21
to Brennan Forum
Good morning all;      Powered USB Hub has arrived so tried my first backup using it (overnight) with high hopes of a full Export next morning!  Set going 27 February 22.00 on USB C to really test the system!

Checked 28 February 06.30; found Export stopped (time unknown) with 68Gb transferred (of 274Gb). Disappointed, so scanned the Forum for others’ experiences and came across Peter’s “4 hour chunk” method so decided to try that.

Ran Format USB (C) but existing Export file wasn’t cleared!  Resorted to USB A for rest of trial.  Powered down B2, ran Format USB (A), started new Export using powered hub at 08.47 which stopped about 10.15 - showed “No USB Device” when dialled to USB Menu.  Restarted 10.35 and it ran till about 11.30; again “No USB Device” at USB Menu.  As powered hub didn’t seem to be helping (thus far) decided to try direct connection HBB to B2, USB A.

Export stopped (itself) and restarted by me throughout 28 February:

11.39 – 13.00      13.12 – 15.30      15.44 – 18.45      18.47 – 19.05      19.13 – 19.48      19.50 – 19.56 Export Complete          (Some times best approximation)

Starting stats (B2):        5611 tracks, 538 albums, 187 artists;  5507 wav, 26 FLAC, 26 MP3, 52 AAC; 273.98Gb

Finishing stats, Music folder only:

via Mac – 280.3Gb File size, 6961 items.

via Windows – 261Gb Size on disk, 6251 files, 762 folders.

From these 8 ‘runs’ we have an approximate  total of 10hr 2m which is close to the 27.5Gb/hour transfer rate for early B2s. 

I didn’t think to check the Debug Log to try and identify why the USB seems to be disconnecting itself; I’ll try that on another run!


Peter Lowham

Mar 1, 2021, 5:49:56 PM3/1/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andrew,

I have processed the stats from your post above, and have the following queries.

1.  Check that there is NO device plugged into USB B port (this is reserved for the B2 internal HDD ONLY).
2.  Is the WD Elements HDD a USB 3 device? (the B2 end of the USB cable should be blue in colour when you look up inside the connector)
3.  Is the WD Elements HDD plugged directly into the B2's USB port (i.e. no USB extension cables used)?

The run time of the 'Export' looks good, so the USB run rate looks good, but the message 'No USB device' suggests that there is a physical problem somewhere on the USB bus that keeps kicking in and is causing the failure.

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