NAS and Sonos

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Billy Hargan

Oct 17, 2020, 3:48:36 PM10/17/20
to Brennan Forum
I have seen there are a few threads on Sonos on here, but I could not find my problem mentioned.
The B2 is connected to WiFi, nut when I try to update the software, I get the message "Download Failed".
I'm not sure if the above is at all related to the fact that when I go to SETTINGS > MAINTENANCE, there is no NAS option available.
Help please!!

Daniel Taylor

Oct 17, 2020, 4:09:09 PM10/17/20
to Brennan Forum
NAS and Sonos should have nothing to do with the success/failure of the Web Upgrade process.  My first thought about you not being able to get the Web Upgrade to work is that your WiFi signal strength may be too weak.

Check your WiFi signal strength using Settings > Maintenance > WiFi Strength.  (I got that from the Brennan website on the Menu page.)
Your signal strength should be at least -60 (-50 being better, -70 being worse) and not fluctuate wildly.
To improve your signal strength, try the following:
Move your B2 closer to your router.
Switch the WiFi dongle to USB C.
Move your WiFi dongle to the end of a USB extension cable.
If none of that helps, you could try plugging a network cable between the inside back of the B2 and your router (and remove the WiFi dongle).

Peter Lowham

Oct 17, 2020, 4:43:54 PM10/17/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Billy,

At a more basic level, can you let us know what version of software your B2 is running on?

On the B2 remote, press the 'Info' button twice and look for 'Version .....' on the B2 display panel.


Billy Hargan

Oct 18, 2020, 8:09:38 AM10/18/20
to Brennan Forum
Thanks for the messages. I tried Daniel's suggestions (all apart from the network cable) and there's no change.
The software is a 2016 version



Peter Lowham

Oct 18, 2020, 8:53:34 AM10/18/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Billy,

The problem that your are experiencing is down to the B2 software version.  It is so out of date that the 'SW Upgrade' and the 'Web Upgrade' functions will not work in your case.  You have two options to fix this issue.

1.  Purchase an updated SDcard from Brennan; the card arrives with the updated B2 software already installed.  I think that the price is around £10.


2.  Reflash your existing SDcard with the latest software that can be downloaded from the Brennan website (free of charge).

Below are instructions if you want to try option 2.

I have posted this for other 'non-techy' users who have found it useful, so hopefully it will useful to you.

The SD card rebuild process is reasonably straight-forward to do, although it looks a bit scary when you look at the instructions.  Below is a link to those instructions. Look in the left hand panel of the webpage and scroll down to 'New SD Card'.

There are two download links in that webpage; one for 'balenaEtcher' and the other for '' file.  These are all you need to rebuild your SD card.

The 'balenaEtcher' is the software program that is required to flash the SDcard.

I have boiled the instructions down into a series of summary steps below, which might be of help to you.

You will need a 'USB - SDcard adapter' if your PC/Mac doesn't have an SD card slot fitted.

1. Download & install 'balenaEtcher' onto your PC/Mac (from the webpage in the link shown above).
2. Download '' to your PC/Mac (from the webpage in the link shown above).
3. Power down your B2. 
4. Remove the SD card which is protruding out of the side of the B2.
5. Plug the SD card into PC/Mac
6. Start up 'balenaEtcher' application on PC/Mac.
7. Point 'balenaEtcher' to the file.  (DON'T unzip the file)
8. Click on balenaEtcher 'Start' button. Answer 'Yes' or 'OK' where appropriate to a couple of confirmation messages that will pop up.

It will take 'balenaEtcher a few minutes to flash and verify the SDcard.

9. On your B2, plug in the newly flashed SDcard.
10. Power up the B2.
11. Check the software version which should show as 'B2B Nov 06 2019' (or possibly 'B2B Mar 17 2020' - either date is fine).
12. Run a 'Web Upgrade' to further update to the latest software from the Brennan website.
13. Reboot the B2
14. Run a software version check - should now show 'B2B Oct 06 2020' (or very similar)

So from a bare SD card to full upgrade should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Let us know how you get on.


Billy Hargan

Oct 18, 2020, 12:28:45 PM10/18/20
to Brennan Forum
Dear Peter,

Thanks very much. I have downloaded both balenaEtcher and the B2BNov as you mentioned. Please bear with me, because I am a tech moron!
How do I "point" balenaEtcher to the zip file?




Oct 18, 2020, 12:35:37 PM10/18/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Billy,

Click on 'Select Image' on the Etcher panel - this opens a new panel > navigate to 'b2bNov2019' (zip file) > Open.

If you downloaded the b2b file it will be located in Downloads.

Brennan Support.

Billy Hargan

Oct 18, 2020, 1:25:31 PM10/18/20
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Paul and Peter - I have now got the NAS working. All I need now if to get Sonos to pick it up!
I really appreciate the help


Peter Lowham

Oct 18, 2020, 1:46:10 PM10/18/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Billy,

That's great news!  Now that NAS is working, you are nearly there!  And in the future you now know how to re-flash the SDcard if you need to.

Good luck and regards,

Billy Hargan

Oct 19, 2020, 3:31:22 AM10/19/20
to Brennan Forum
All set up and working a treat.
Many thanks for helping a non-tech user get this sorted - I'm very grateful




Oct 20, 2020, 3:48:31 AM10/20/20
to Brennan Forum
HI Billy,

That's great, thanks for letting us know.

Did you have to use forward slashes i.e. //BRENNANB2/music when adding to the Sonos?

Brennan Support.

Billy Hargan

Oct 21, 2020, 6:07:56 AM10/21/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul,

Yes, I did. I also had to use capital letters as written in your mail.

Thanks again for the help.


Billy Hargan

Dec 5, 2020, 6:02:39 PM12/5/20
to Brennan Forum
I made the error of getting a new WiFi router and now I cannot play the music for the B2 through Sonos. I was quite happy using NAS.
Can someone help me please?
How do I check NAS is still active?
If it is active, how do I get Sonos to be able to play it?
I get asked for a user name and password when I try to add the music library from NAS and I can't remember it - any idea how I can reset.
Rookie stuff, I know, but I am not technical


Daniel Taylor

Dec 5, 2020, 8:14:15 PM12/5/20
to Brennan Forum
If you're gotten to the point where it asks for username/password, you're almost done.   username/password = root/brennan

Billy Hargan

Dec 6, 2020, 6:09:40 AM12/6/20
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Daniel - all sorted. Appreciate the help.



Dec 7, 2020, 4:02:43 AM12/7/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Billy,

In case you haven't seen this already - the latest software allows you play directly from the B2 to Sonos units.

Brennan Support.

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