Uploading via the UI - Are there limits?

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Stuart Davison

Nov 3, 2021, 6:05:54 AM11/3/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi All,

I'm trying to load my FLAC collection from an external disk attached to my laptop using the web interface to a B2 via the wifi.

I can upload individual albums ok but if for example I attempt to upload 100's of albums it stops after a random time.
I've had 3 attempts at this so far and each time it stops after a different amount of time/number of files/size.
Last attempt loaded about 30GB of data before stopping.

Any ideas why this might be happening?
Are there any error logs I can view?



Nov 3, 2021, 7:36:09 AM11/3/21
to Brennan Forum

in the Web UI if you  click on the little cog wheel and then on the little spanner/wrench you will bring up the debug window which logs upload actions.
Its best to clear the window down before you start another upload so that you have a 'clean sheet'.
Scrolling to the bottom should help identify where it stalled.
When you select the folder to upload from is the Web UI displaying the right number of tracks to upload ?



Nov 4, 2021, 4:13:09 AM11/4/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Stu.d,

There is no set limit but remember you are uploading over your WiFi network and the B2 needs a good signal for reliable operation. You can check this on the B2 - use the front control to go to the Maintenance menu and select 'WiFi Strength'. It should be around the -50dBm mark (-40dBm is  a stronger signal and -60dBm a weaker one).

Is all the music you are trying to upload arranged the same i.e. by Artist then Album then Tracks?

Brennan Support

Stuart Davison

Nov 4, 2021, 2:26:41 PM11/4/21
to Brennan Forum
Wifi strength is ok (-37)
All files are arranged the same.

Having done some more investigation I see what's happening is that it will transfer the files for an album and then randomly stop.
This could be after 2 albums or 10 albums. And can be anywhere in the album.
If I then go in and use file transfer instead of bulk upload I can load the remaining files ok.

This it what the logs look like when it stops mid album:

addUploadFileToDB path=/media/hdd1/music/Style Council, The/The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council/12-A Solid Bond In Your Heart-Style Council, The -The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council


Artist <Style Council, The>

Album <The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council>

Track <12-A Solid Bond In Your Heart-Style Council, The -The Singular Adventures Of The Style CouncilSorting artists

refreshUI () called by processStdin

writeDB ()

blacklist id = 0

Posted writeDB complete

addUploadFileToDB path=/media/hdd1/music/Style Council, The/The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council/13-Life At A Top Peoples Health Farm-Style Council, The -The Singular Adventures Of The Style


Artist <Style Council, The>

Album <The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council>

Track <13-Life At A Top Peoples Health Farm-Style Council, The -The Singular Adventures Of The Style Sorting artists

refreshUI () called by processStdin

writeDB ()

webCheckUpload () reporting false

getCurrentArtPath () current id=2003318, cached id=2003318, cached path=0

blacklist id = 0

Posted writeDB complete

refreshUI () called by isUploading

webGuest url = guest&mode=0&playlist=1&time=1636048743165

setGuestModePlaylist 0

refreshUI () called by webGuest

In this case track 13 loaded ok and plays fine but it didn't load track 14.

If I then upload the remaining individual files I see:

addUploadFileToDB path=/media/hdd1/music/Style Council, The/The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council/14-Promised Land-Style Council, The -The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council.flac


Artist <Style Council, The>

Album <The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council>

Track <14-Promised Land-Style Council, The -The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council.flac>

Sorting artists

refreshUI () called by processStdin

writeDB ()

getCurrentArtPath () current id=2003318, cached id=2003318, cached path=0

blacklist id = 0

Posted writeDB complete

refreshUI () called by isUploading

webGuest url = guest&mode=0&playlist=1&time=1636049088597

setGuestModePlaylist 0

refreshUI () called by webGuest

addUploadFileToDB path=/media/hdd1/music/Style Council, The/The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council/15-How She Threw It All Away-Style Council, The -The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council.


Artist <Style Council, The>

Album <The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council>

Track <15-How She Threw It All Away-Style Council, The -The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council.Sorting artists

refreshUI () called by processStdin

writeDB ()

blacklist id = 0

Posted writeDB complete

addUploadFileToDB path=/media/hdd1/music/Style Council, The/The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council/16-Waiting-Style Council, The -The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council.flac


Artist <Style Council, The>

Album <The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council>

Track <16-Waiting-Style Council, The -The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council.flac>

Sorting artists

refreshUI () called by processStdin

writeDB ()

Sorting artists

refreshUI () called by processStdin

writeDB ()

getCurrentArtPath () current id=2003318, cached id=2003318, cached path=0

blacklist id = 0

Posted writeDB complete

blacklist id = 0

Posted writeDB complete

refreshUI () called by isUploading

I don't see anything obvious in the above logs indicating why it's having a problem.

Any ideas?


Nov 4, 2021, 2:51:43 PM11/4/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Stu,

I noticed this entry in the log

webCheckUpload () reporting false

After uploading track 13

I suspect that what is happening is that after each track is uploaded the B2 checks to see if there are more to upload and that for some reason it is erroneously detecting an end of file for the upload stream. 
One for Brennan comment on.



Nov 4, 2021, 11:11:40 PM11/4/21
to Brennan Forum
Coming at this from another angle, I am not convinced that uploading from the Web UI (although of cause possible) is the BEST way of achieving what you want to do.

Your music is on an external disk attached to your laptop. You COULD format (on the B2 using the B2's tools for this)

 another USB disk to FAT32 and then attach this to your laptop and arrange the music you want on the B2 to be in 
a folder structure that looks like this:-


Once this is done you can then "import" all the music onto the B2 thus:-



Daniel Taylor

Nov 5, 2021, 5:44:00 AM11/5/21
to Brennan Forum
I agree with Fred.  Although I don't know of any official limit on uploading through the WebUI, there have been reports, like yours, that it works better if you do it in small chunks.  On the other hand, I have never run in to a limit on Importing from a USB stick (other than the capacity of the stick).

Stuart Davison

Nov 16, 2021, 5:42:06 AM11/16/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks for all the replies.
I continued to get random results uploading via the web UI and so I sorted out a spare HDD, formatted it FAT32 and copied all my FLACs from my NTFS disk to it and tried uploading directly with it plugged into the B2.
It worked faultlessly.



David Dinwiddie

Nov 17, 2021, 7:54:33 PM11/17/21
to Brennan Forum
I've had success starting the B2 NAS and just copying the files from my external drive connected to the computer to the NAS connected as root / brennan.  I just have to remember to run Scan Disc on the B2 after the transfer.
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