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Oct 28, 2019, 2:59:44 AM10/28/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi all

Firstly I must say the latest update greatly improves the experience of using both versions of the new WEB Ui.
However there is one fundamental issue affecting both in my case.
On neither, using an IPad Air 2 and a Motorola g6 Android phone, is the volume slider operational!! It just refuses to move. In fact on the V3m mobile version, apart from a “speaker symbol” in the top left of the screen there seems to be no slider at all!!

Surely I can’t be the only one with these issues..?



Leslie Brownlee

Oct 28, 2019, 5:41:25 AM10/28/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Chris, same here with the v3m on my Samsung A40. Seems to be no way to control the volume. The speaker symbol doesn't seem to do anything. Also with my phone, if you go to the search function there is a list of all the artists. However, I assumed if you clicked on the artist's name all their albums would show up. Nothing happens. If you click on the arrow/triangle beside their name the first track of the first album by that artist will play. If you swipe to the all artists list with the artwork, selecting the artist takes you to a list all their albums. 

The volume slider on the v3 works on my Windows 10 with Chrome system, although there is no little marker to drag along the volume scale. A sort of <--> appears when you place the cursor over the scale which can be dragged in either direction. Not ideal, but works.


Oct 28, 2019, 6:21:18 AM10/28/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Leslie

Yes the slider works ok on PC running Windows 10 using Chrome ... but really do need it to run ok on my IPad.. to be honest the original web UI occasionally has its problems with the volume slider but does eventually respond... but I can’t get a peep out of this new one!!



Tobias Brunner

Oct 28, 2019, 11:00:36 AM10/28/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Brennan team,

I haven't seen the new UI (but will try tonight) but wanted to say, please do bring back the volume slider on mobile UI which was absent from V2. Much easier to be able to adapt and the jumps on the +/- buttons on V2 were too big. In my view removing the slider from V2 was a step backward.
Thank you!!

Keith Houghton

Oct 28, 2019, 3:02:37 PM10/28/19
to Brennan Forum
Couldn't move it on my HP Chromebook either


Nov 1, 2019, 6:31:56 AM11/1/19
to Brennan Forum
To Brennan support

My post hasn’t really had a satisfactory reply. It is in “danger” of falling off page one of the forum without an answer so I have put this post on to move it up the hit parade (showing my age there!!)




Nov 1, 2019, 7:08:12 AM11/1/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Chris

As my phone is a Moto G6 I thought I'd try it now &  pop a note on here as I hadn't really used the new mobile UI in action.
It seems to work for me - but only in Landscape mode. In Portrait I can only see artist playing screen, and not move from there to other screens - such as playlist. The volume slider works fine - I've just accidently had a burst of Blondie at full blast -  aahh being 16 once more !! -  However when I first tried to run the UI on the G6 I only got half a screen and nothing would move. Ended up de-installing the app and reinstalling and also updated to the last Brennan software update pre October 20th - forget where we're up to now.  In any case that seemed to do the trick for me - hope it's of some help for you. Cheers Russ


Nov 1, 2019, 10:37:42 AM11/1/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Russ

Thanks for your reply.
It’s left me confused. On my android phone which is the same model as you I haven’t even got a volume slider let alone adjust it. All I have is a speaker symbol in the top left of the screen (portrait or landscape). If you have the time/inclination could you send me a screenshot of the home page for the new web UI. I must be missing something.




Nov 1, 2019, 11:10:08 AM11/1/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Chris - no worries.

Just to be sure we're talking same thing - the Mobile UI that is now automatically loaded from Google Play as Brennan App is what I'm looking at. If that is same as you I will try and get you the photo - do you know if there's an easy way to take and send screen shots from the G6 itself - it's not something I ever do - I very rarely use the camera at all. If not I have an old iPhone somewhere that I can use.

Cheers Russ

Dennis Lefebvre

Nov 1, 2019, 11:32:30 AM11/1/19
to Brennan Forum
To capture a screenshot, simultaneously press and hold the Power and Volume Down buttons.
Note To view the screenshot you've taken, navigate:Photos Photos icon > Albums > Screenshot.


Nov 1, 2019, 11:35:33 AM11/1/19
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Dennis - I've just bothered to look it up - but again thanks for taking the time to let me know how. Cheers Russ


Nov 1, 2019, 11:39:17 AM11/1/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Chris

I've sent you those screenshots direct, hope you don't mind but it was easier for me. If we are talking same mobile version - which is the only App I load from Google Play that's what I see. Like I say needs to be used in Landscape and I have just noticed the search function etc at top of the Artist list do not seem to work for me. Cheers Russ


Nov 1, 2019, 2:21:51 PM11/1/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Russ

Thanks for all your efforts but we are talking about 2 different things. The web UI I am referring to is version 3 which is accessed by android by typing in your browser (chrome in my case) 192.168.1.xxx/V3m.html where xxx is your unique wifi address .

I thought it a bit odd that your Motorola g6 worked and mine didn’t. We were talking of two different web Uis.

thanks again




Nov 2, 2019, 5:18:00 AM11/2/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Chris

No probs - It was just the last time I looked I thought that version of the UI really in desktop mode only  - I think the Brennan site says that,  but I have had my B2 out of action for a little while so maybe v3 mobile UI is meant to be working fine - maybe Paul can confirm that - Cheers Russ


Nov 2, 2019, 7:40:17 AM11/2/19
to Brennan Forum

Hi Chris 

I looked for that s/w update off the Brennan site - see below - about only the desktop view really working - so maybe it's not quite there yet for mobile use - at lease as of 11th October - still frustrating though mate. Cheers Russ

11th October 2019

bb1 added support for Roksan DAC. Corrected "success" message if wifi password was wrong.
b2 - added a new web UI for you to look at - type (using your IP address) to see it. Its somewhere between concept car and work in progress - let me know your thoughts and any problems on the forum. Only the desktop view is really working.


Nov 2, 2019, 12:39:49 PM11/2/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Russ

Thanks for the info.

The mobile variant was released on 24th October as I described to you earlier. To connect on an android type 192.168.1.xxx/V3m.html into your browser substituting xxx with the last 2/3 digits of your Wi-fi address.



Nov 2, 2019, 1:24:45 PM11/2/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Chris 

I've had a play around with that UI - see if you can toggle the tick box for Mobile on and off in settings. When you do that does it take you to the artist / track playing screen with a slider control for volume. My G6 does - BUT it really locks up the rest of the function on the app. You can select stop and next and back I think,  but not much else,  so it's not really good for use as far as I can tell. It does still look like more debugging is needed. Cheers Russ


Nov 3, 2019, 4:28:52 AM11/3/19
to Brennan Forum

Here's a screenshot of what I see on the V3 mobile UI. Is that similar to what you have??




Nov 3, 2019, 4:38:05 AM11/3/19
to Brennan Forum
Sorry Russ I hit post before I had finished!!

The volume slider has mysteriously appeared but it’s overlaid on top of the control buttons and when I attempt to adjust the volume the next play or ply/pause button operate and vice verse.

Just thought I’d let you know - infi may be of some use to someone else.

I have previously had nothing but great support from Martin & Paul At Brennan but on this occasion I feel the new software has been rushed out with very little consideration. How can we be expected to pass on an opinion/feedback when the initial release is so full of bugs?.
That’s my moan of the day!!




Nov 3, 2019, 5:32:05 AM11/3/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Chris

Yep - that's pretty much exactly what I see - like I say I only noticed after toggling Mobile display on/off - perhaps people on the Forum using other Android mobile devices than Motorola can provide a feedback just to eliminate other possibilities - but it would be strange for the issue just to be focused on one make alone. My mobile s/w is up to date and I am running latest B2 s/w. This has more Bugs that VW (groan !!!)  All feedback appreciated. Cheers Russ

Daniel Taylor

Nov 3, 2019, 5:51:58 AM11/3/19
to Brennan Forum
It's my understanding that the new V3 version of the WebUI is still in the experimental stages, and as such, bugs should not be surprising.  If folks (like me) are not willing to be beta testers, they should stick with the earlier versions.


Nov 3, 2019, 6:20:06 AM11/3/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Daniel

I discussed this with Chris - Is the Date on the site , relating to s/w issues, of October 24th referring to V3 of the mobile UI, or is it actually earlier versions that I know did have some issues - such as only half screen showing - to be honest I'm not sure now. Cheers Russ

Leslie Brownlee

Nov 3, 2019, 6:45:05 AM11/3/19
to Brennan Forum

As Daniel says, the new V3 Web UI versions are experimental and Brennan are looking for feedback from those who want to try it. I think some people respond to mentions of updates on the forum without checking with the Brennan web site for the info that goes with it, and hence they possibly assume it's the finished article.

Maybe Brennan should also announce on the forum updates and their associated info. I have been guilty of posting that new updates of software are available and my response to them, and people may go and update from that and not check what Brennan has said with that update. Best check with the website first, and as Daniel says (If folks are not willing to be beta testers, they should stick with the earlier versions.)

11th October 2019

bb1 added support for Roksan DAC. Corrected "success" message if wifi password was wrong.
b2 - added a new web UI for you to look at - type (using your IP address) to see it. Its somewhere between concept car and work in progress - let me know your thoughts and any problems on the forum. Only the desktop view is really working.

24th October 2019

bb1 & b2 further work on V3 web UI. There is now a mobile variant called v3m.html.
bb1 added MAC address to stats - for fixing IPaddress in router


Nov 3, 2019, 7:00:26 AM11/3/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Leslie

Yep I was referring to those points on the site. Maybe it's just me but I do find the statement a little ambiguous - As in "further work" - is it completed further work from the previous date or still ongoing "further work" -  I think that's what caused the initial confusion between myself and Chris. Still it's no big deal but like I say we were initially talking about 2 different things when it came to the V3 Mobile UI. Cheers Russ


Nov 3, 2019, 7:01:24 AM11/3/19
to Brennan Forum
I think as far as I’m concerned the relevant remarks by Brennan are:
1. 11th October - only the desktop view is really working.
2. 24th October - There is now a mobile variant called V3m.html
I have no issue with anyone especially Martin and Paul who have been nothing short of brilliant with any non forum issues I have had but surely both software releases should have had a little more work done on them before being released. That’s just my opinion.

Regards to everyone


Leslie Brownlee

Nov 3, 2019, 7:22:23 AM11/3/19
to Brennan Forum
Chrissy and Russell, I just think there needs to be more clarity with the new software update release info, so people can make their mind up to whether to update or leave it a while. There are now quite a few UI versions out there which can cause confusion. Having said that I quite like to tinker with the new stuff and give feedback, but some people will just want the most stable version that works. So it needs to be made clear whats what. 

Daniel Taylor

Nov 3, 2019, 8:45:11 AM11/3/19
to Brennan Forum
On Sunday, November 3, 2019 at 7:00:26 AM UTC-5, Russell...@hotmail.com wrote:
Maybe it's just me but I do find the statement a little ambiguous - As in "further work" - is it completed further work from the previous date or still ongoing "further work"
Hi Russ,
I think that's a good point.  I wonder if Paul and Martin are even sure themselves.  Certainly progress has been made, but they may not know for sure if there will be still more work needed or not.  I can appreciate that it is incredibly difficult to test the software with all brands and models of phones that are out there.  For that, they rely on feedback from the forum.  But again, that should only be from people who are willing and understand that they are testers.

Personally, I wait quite a long time before updating to a newer version of software.  I'm still fairly happy with a version from July.  From what I can tell, it looks like the Oct.1 release is quite solid.  I suspect that will be my next update.


Nov 3, 2019, 10:14:05 AM11/3/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi All

The new interfaces are work in progress and I mentioned them so that anybody interested could take a look and comment - and help steer the development.

They are not integral to the function of the b2/bb1 so any souls unsettled by a half finished canvas need not trouble themselves.

The main thing I was interested to hear about was the overall presentation and I think the feedback has been generally positive.

When the software is finished you will be able to select which view you prefer on a device by device basis - this includes all the old variants and the new views.

(v3 isn't intended to work on a mobile so certain choices will be blocked).

I did consider releasing this work in progress as an USB upgrade but I decided that would just make things difficult for enthusiasts (and the new material is entirely parenthetical).

We have some adventurous ideas for the year ahead and I anticipate releasing them in much the same way


David Tellett

Nov 3, 2019, 11:47:57 AM11/3/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Martin, this approach of incremental improvement, releasing new things and asking us to feed back, is one of the things I love most about the B2 and Brennan as a company. It gives us a real say in how the products develop.
More power to your elbow!! 💪

john Henrick

Nov 3, 2019, 11:52:36 AM11/3/19
to Brennan Forum
Totally agree it's great to see new developments


Nov 4, 2019, 4:01:50 AM11/4/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Martin & All

Thanks for the clarity on where the V3 Mobile UI is up to - and it's always great to have the options to use / look at the new development or not. 
If there is new s/w being BETA tested would it be possible to flag on the Forum that this is the case, simply by colour coding against a bullet point. Like I mentioned earlier I think there was a little confusion over where the s/w was up to. Aside from that which is quite a small point - I did actually quite like the look of the v3 UI - so it will be good to see it once rolled out. Cheers Everyone - Russ
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