Could a Brennan be made for DVDs?

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Millburn and Livingston Camera Photo and Video

May 25, 2021, 10:10:18 AM5/25/21
to Brennan Forum
  Could you make a version which would rip DVDs to an internal drive and/or USB drive?  A large part of our business is transferring VHS and Video8 analog video tapes to digital formats.  In many cases we first transfer to DVD using a DVD recorder and then rip the DVDs in PCs because most customers don't want DVDs anymore.  It's hugely time consuming and the direct capture devices we've tried are unreliable.

May 25, 2021, 10:24:40 AM5/25/21
to Brennan Forum
Good idea, a Brennan for DVDs, same procedure, rip the DVDs , store them and  watch them whenever you want,  at the touch of a  button ,also you could store home made videos..

Paul B.

May 25, 2021, 11:39:21 AM5/25/21
to Brennan Forum
excellent idea

Mark Fishman

May 25, 2021, 6:55:43 PM5/25/21
to Brennan Forum
If you still have to copy the analog tape, it takes just as much time. The tape has to be played and copied at normal playing speed. If you're looking to reduce the time involved I don't think it matters much what you use to rip the intermediate DVD.

May 25, 2021, 8:32:38 PM5/25/21
to Brennan Forum
look at  LibreElec  (KODI), a version of which is available  for Raspberry PI and is easy to build
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