Random play for albums

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Steve L

Jun 12, 2021, 10:52:30 AM6/12/21
to Brennan Forum
Just got my B2 and it is working well - one thing I am slightly disappointed in is that random play doesn't work at album level. You have to put an album into a playlist to be have random play of just the album - which is fine if you are using the web ui but I don't see you can do that through the brennan phone app. It would be really good to have random play at album level

A minor point on your NAS instructions putting in an IP address into file manager you have the backslashes the wrong way round it should be \\192.168.x.x\music


Mark Fishman

Jun 12, 2021, 7:54:55 PM6/12/21
to Brennan Forum
When you say "at album level" I gather you mean that you want to play the tracks within ONE album, and only the tracks in that album, in a shuffled sequence. I feel compelled to say this because when *I* say "at album level" I mean that I want to play ALL of the tracks in an album in the original sequence, followed by a randomly selected different album, and so on.

We have two possible meanings for "random play at album level", in other words.


Jun 12, 2021, 8:09:26 PM6/12/21
to Brennan Forum
And so the complexity grows.

Regarding the \\ or //  I think you are correct, the Brennan web page says this
and the Windows system interface requires this
I am sure Paul will correct eh Brennan Web page.


Paul S

Jun 13, 2021, 4:13:16 PM6/13/21
to Brennan Forum
I agree with steve here,

I have the Queen platinum collection which comprises of Greatest Hits I, II, III

If I play from the Artist, it would be nice to hit shuffle and it would randomly play different tracks across all of these three albums only. 

Steve L

Jun 14, 2021, 4:08:35 AM6/14/21
to Brennan Forum

Hi Mark

 I meant to play all the tracks within one album randomly – as most cd players allow you to do.

 Then of course we could get into hierarchies of capability and have random play of an album, all the albums of an artist, playlist or whole library depending on the context when random selected – but random play for an album first, as most cd players provide.

 The level of random play could be set by a setting.


Jeff. M.

Jun 14, 2021, 8:29:03 AM6/14/21
to Brennan Forum
Steve, have you tried this from group member Sean? http://www.strateum.net/seannan/v2/  open it up and he has made a random album play page. Best to search by album name, but works very well!

Steve L

Jun 15, 2021, 5:42:30 AM6/15/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Jeff - thank you for the thought,  I'm cautious about which software I run on my PC so I will give it a miss, no offence I hope


Mark Fishman

Jun 15, 2021, 8:51:51 AM6/15/21
to Brennan Forum
It runs in the web browser. It doesn't install anything on your computer. Your browser should sandbox the process so it doesn't access your computer's disk. There's also a "single-file" version that has all the html in one file so you can run it locally without using a web server or an internet connection (obviously you still need a LAN between your computer and your Brennan device). Feel free to examine the HTML code.

Caution is good. Road signs that say "yield" mean "be cautious", not "give up".

Steve L

Jun 15, 2021, 9:32:01 AM6/15/21
to Brennan Forum
The single file version sounds the best option for me - how do I get a copy of that?


Mark Fishman

Jun 15, 2021, 9:58:05 AM6/15/21
to Brennan Forum
(IOW, just add "standalone.html" to the end of the "on-line" version URL.)

Steve L

Jun 17, 2021, 2:07:06 PM6/17/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mark - thank you, it works ish, though I'm afraid I'm still disappointed that the brennan b2 doesn't provide random play of the tracks of an album - a functionality most cd players provide.

Steve L

Jun 17, 2021, 2:32:29 PM6/17/21
to Brennan Forum
By works ish - I mean it works well, very clever doing what it does, a work around - I guess unsurprisingly not as smooth as the brennan web interface
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