Artwork for track now playing on BB1

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Apr 25, 2021, 2:40:12 PM4/25/21
to Brennan Forum
Firstly I'm not sure how to add labels to a post - otherwise I would have used Album-art and BB1 for this post.

Anyway, my BB1 lost all my mp3 tracks on Friday - about 1600+ of them. Not sure why, but it did keep the 3 YouTube downloads I had loaded!

But that's not the reason for this post.

I had a fairly recent backup so I tidyed up as best I could, did a Scan and reloaded all my files.

However, now when I play a track on the BB1 in Randon on mode, I do not see the cover art - I just get the song title. 

I can see the art on the WebUI interface, both in the box on the right that is labelled ALBUM, and in the 'what's playing' area on the top left.

I can see the artwork if I use the BB1 to list albums - then they are all there, but not when i am in play mode.

I was getting the Cover Art display before I had the problems on Friday so I think I should expect to see it.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Apr 25, 2021, 6:57:29 PM4/25/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi chos

The labels are added to posts by the forum moderator (Paul from Brennan).

When you say the BB1 lost all your mp3 tracks - did you try running a "Scan Disk". Had you been adding, deleting or rearranging thing before this happened.


Apr 26, 2021, 5:40:12 AM4/26/21
to Brennan Forum

I had been deleting and adding some track using the Web interface

I did two or three, then I noticed that the track I had just added did not show up in the middle display - is it the Search Panel?

I then went to the BB1 and pressed play. Instead of playing a track, the display showed a track name, then changed to a second track name, and then a third, but nothing playing.

I think I did this two or three times.

I ran a scan disc which showed 0 tracks - 0 artists - 0 albums - just 3 YouTube clips.

So I ran a reformat from the BB1 menu and reloaded from by backup.

Although it would be nice to understand what went wrong (for next time) the BB1 is now working again.

However, the outstanding problem is with the display on the BB1. Insetead of having a display like the top picture on the BB1 Home Page on the internet (the picture with the cup of coffee next to the BB1), I just have the track name across the display. Sometimes I do not even get the WiFi icon, the IP address and the Volume level on the bottom of the screen.

Is this normal?

I am running Software Version BB1 Mar 22 2021 08:43:09.




Apr 26, 2021, 8:13:59 AM4/26/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Chos,

When you say 'you tidied up as best you could' - did you delete all of the music before loading your backup or just load the backup?

Also you say you are playing in Random mode - do artwork show if you select a track to play?

I would do a Web Upgrade and run Scan Disk again.

Brennan Support.

Apr 27, 2021, 3:30:01 AM4/27/21
to Brennan Forum
Well the good news is that it is now working again!

A bit of background - I keep my BB1 in the kitchen and use it on random play when cooking etc. I listen through my Sonos system. So yesterday afternoon I was listening while preparing dinner. No ALBUM artwork as described above. As I listen via Sonos I have to press NEXT every so often to cue up the next batch of tracks. So when the batch that was playing ended I went to press NEXT nothing happened and I noticed that the SHUFFLE icon was not showing. So I checked the MAIN MENU and the randon choice said TURN RANDOM ON. So I set it on and when I started playing the artwork was now showing.

I seem to have one or two silly problems which I think are related to the fact that I play via my Sonos system.  For instance, if I select an album or artist and play those tracks in order (i.e. not on random), the BB1 (or Sonos) seems to get 'stuck' with that selection of music and in order to get it to go back to playing everything in shuffle mode, I have to turn off my Sonos speaker and then turn it back on again.

Anyone else have problems with Sonos?




Apr 27, 2021, 5:36:32 AM4/27/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Chris,

The BB1 (and B2) simply sends a list of 20 randomised tracks to the Sonos 'queue' which then plays them. Sonos however stores this list and will try to play them through to the end of the list unless you open the Sonos app and clear the 'queue' or as you have found, power the Sonos off and on.

If you select to play a radio station to play on Sonos, from the BB1, Sonos will continue playing the radio even with the BB1 turned off.

The display doesn't show the usual info when playing to Sonos.

Make sure you keep that backup up to date.

Brennan Support.

Apr 27, 2021, 11:45:53 AM4/27/21
to Brennan Forum

Thanks for your comments.

I'm interested in what you have to say re Sonos.

'The BB1 (and B2) simply sends a list of 20 randomised tracks to the Sonos 'queue' which then plays them'.
I'm happy with that although I don't quite understand how I can still control what the Sonos is playing via the BB1.  I can stop and restart using the PLAY button, and can skip a track using the NEXT button. Is this as you would expect?

If you select to play a radio station to play on Sonos, from the BB1, Sonos will continue playing the radio even with the BB1 turned off.
On a couple of occassions I've even managed to have one track playing on the BB1 and a different track playing on the Sonos!


Apr 27, 2021, 10:11:48 PM4/27/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Chris

When using Sonos with a Brennan and "driving" the speakers from the Brennan, the Brennan plays a single stream of music to a "named" (ie single, stereo paired or grouped) Sonos speaker. If you have several named Sonos speakers,
It can play different music to each simultaneously (but not the SAME music to ALL simultaneously). The internal Brenan BB1 (and B2) outputs are also there and are treated in the same manner.  You can build quite a cacophony of sounds if that is your proclivity!



Apr 28, 2021, 5:14:35 AM4/28/21
to Brennan Forum
HI Chris,

The B2 and BB1 can continue to control the selected Sonos speaker when playing the 20 randomised tracks. As far as I know NEXT and BACK only affect the tracks in the 20 queue.

Brennan Support.

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