B2 Export Issue Following Change of SD Card

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Oct 30, 2020, 6:41:37 AM10/30/20
to Brennan Forum
Yesterday I started my first B2 backups since changing the SD card to a B2B version and updating the software. I have two 500GB HDDs, both bought from the Brennan shop and both have worked perfectly up to now since I got them some months ago.

I tried the first back up and it wasn't recognised. I stopped and saved on the B2 then switched off. I did this three or four times, then suddenly it was recognised and I made a backup without any further problem. I've checked it on my laptop this morning and it has the right number of folders and I've looked at some CDs at random.

Today I went for the second backup and this was more difficult. I must have tried six or seven times, but it wasn't recognised. I added a short USB extension and tried to format the HDD despite having wiped it on my laptop already, still no luck. The only thing that worked was rebooting the B2 using the front panel knob to access the reboot menu command.. 

The second export is running now and hopefully it will complete later today.

As ever, your thoughts and advice would be gratefully received. It may, of course, be nothing to do with the change of SD card, though it's an odd coincidence if not.


Nov 2, 2020, 3:24:13 AM11/2/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Davywhizz,

The only thing I can think is the software on the replacement card may not have the latest version and a Web Upgrade is required.

Did you try formatting the backup HDD using the B2?

Brennan Support.


Nov 2, 2020, 5:35:59 AM11/2/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul

As per my first post, I'd upgraded the software (as soon as I fitted the new card) and also tried to format the second HDD on the B2 as part of trying to get it to work, though I'd already wiped both disks on my laptop (old habits...). I didn't think formatting would work if the USB wasn't being recognised, but it seemed to go through the process (showing partitioning then formatting), though it only lasted a few seconds in total.

After asking this question, I also experienced the B2 freezing mid-track twice within a few days, with very little usage in between. I posted on this separately and Peter has picked it up as part of a wider look at freezing issues.

Peter suggested putting the old B2 SD card back in, which I did this morning, followed by a web upgrade. I then tried both my HDDs and both were recognised instantly: each time the B2 booted up, scanned the backup, then reported mass storage present on the USB socket. 

So...it seems likely the new SD card had something to do with the backup HDDs not being immediately recognised. That said, I eventually managed to complete both export processes: once they started they each ran for ten hours or so, as we'd hoped following the resolution of the past export issues earlier this year. Now I need to see if the freezing issue happens again.


Nov 3, 2020, 3:24:03 AM11/3/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Davywhizz,

Let us know how the B2 behaves over the next few days.

Did you get around to trying Spotify (I seem to remember that the the original reason for upgrading the software to B2B)?

Brennan Support.

Peter Lowham

Nov 3, 2020, 4:26:31 AM11/3/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Davywhizz & Paul,

The point that the B2 recognised the USB HDDs without any problem while on the 'B2' version of software, but had some difficulties while using the 'B2B' could have significcance as these software releases run on two different Linux O/S versions.

I can run both software versions so I will run some tests to see if I can find anything on this.  It will probably be a couple of days or so as I'm helping a friend to move house at the moment.



Nov 3, 2020, 10:16:44 AM11/3/20
to Brennan Forum
Thanks again Peter.

I'm currently thinking this may just be a rogue SD card, at least if the freezing issue I've also reported with the new card stops now I've refitted the B2 one. Hopefully not a wider OS problem.

Paul I replied separately to your question re Spotify.



Nov 7, 2020, 5:47:30 AM11/7/20
to Brennan Forum
Further update since going back to the old B2 SD card: the B2 continues to recognise attached USB devices that it struggled with in the short time I had the new B2B card fitted.

Also, (this is also the subject of another thread), I've had no more instances of the B2 freezing while playing or while left idle. It had done both (twice while playing) in the week or so I had the B2B card inside. It had never frozen previously with the old B2 and it seems fine again now I've replaced it, so I'd say there is definitely an issue with the B2B card I bought (presumably lots of others use B2B software without these problems). 

Peter Lowham

Nov 7, 2020, 7:03:02 AM11/7/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Davywhizz,

I've updated my sheet with this info; thanks.  One question; is your B2 version 'B2 Jul 21 2020' or have you updated that to a newer release?

There is potential significance in these data; 'B2 xxxxx' software means that your Operating System (at RasPi level) is GNU/Linux 3.12.28 where 'B2B xxxxxxx' runs on GNU/Linux 4.19.23 and there are many changes between these versions.



Nov 7, 2020, 7:19:18 AM11/7/20
to Brennan Forum
Hello Peter

I updated the B2 SD card as soon as I refitted it. It's dated October 29 or thereabouts.

Peter Lowham

Nov 7, 2020, 9:25:10 AM11/7/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Davywhizz,

I've updated my sheet accordingly.  Just for information, there is a bug in all B2 & B2B versions after ' B2x Jul 21 2020' up to 'B2x Oct 29 2020' where the 'Export Playlist' function stops working.  I logged that with Brennan and a new release 'B2x Nov 2 2020' has been released which fixes that problem.


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