No sound from AirpodMax

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Norris Battin

Nov 20, 2021, 7:47:32 PM11/20/21
to Brennan Forum
Bluetooth is showing active sound icon, a check in the output box, and listed as paired.

Headphones shown in the list of Macbook Pro's sound outputs. Volume up.

Still no sound. Ideas? Suggestions?


Norris Battin

Nov 21, 2021, 4:53:34 AM11/21/21
to Brennan Forum
First please could you tell us which Brennan unit you are using BB1 or B2 and second if it is a B2 then the version of the Operating software that is installed B2 or B2B



Rob Harriman

Nov 25, 2021, 3:31:52 AM11/25/21
to Brennan Forum
I have AirpodPro headphones and am on the latest S/W - B2B 22nd October 2021.
Unlike Norris my Airpods will not pair with the B2, though my iMac and iPhone have paired ok. I tried again today, but still no joy.
I assumed this was down to an Apple / Linux incompatibility, as per the Bluetooth out section of the B2 website, but am now not so sure since it seems AirpodMax headphones do pair. 
Has anyone got airpods to pair and work with B2/BB1?  

Norris - Did you have to do anything other than scan bluetooth to get your airpods seen by the Brennan to pair?  If I can get my airpods paired I may be able to help diagnose your specific issue, although as the web site says there are no guarantees with Bluetooth out.


Norris Battin

Nov 25, 2021, 3:57:38 PM11/25/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks, Rob. No, nothing special except what you describe. I'm using Sonos wireless speakers and wondering if that's causing the problem.


Rob Harriman

Nov 26, 2021, 7:57:13 AM11/26/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Norris,
Unfortunately, I've tried resetting bluetooth and still no joy.  My airpods are not seen by the B2 even though they're placed right next to the dongle. So why your Airpods are seen remains a mystery to me.  Bluetooth in and my iPhone and iMac works fine.  There are a few Apple users on here but as no-one has jumped in I guess that they're not pairing Airpods to Bluetooth out on the B2.
I am not clear on exactly what you're trying to do as you say the headphones show in the Macbook's sound outputs but that is nothing to do with playing music from your B2 to the airpods as far as I am aware. 
I'm afraid that I don't have Sonos in my setup so I cannot help on that score, though there is a reasonably comprehensive guide on what to do to set things up correctly on the B2 web site and there are quite a lot of Sonos users who might be able to guide you further in debugging your issue.
If you can clarify what you're trying to do, further help may be available, though I doubt Brennan will ever update Bluetooth out if you draw a blank.
Good luck -  Sorry I can't help more.

Nov 26, 2021, 8:03:46 AM11/26/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Norris

Sonos works with WiFi/Ethernet and is completely separate form Bluetooth so this can not be part of your issue.
I note that you have not yet told us which version of the B2 software your B2 is running. 
if you are not on "B2B 22nd October 2021" then you may indeed have Bluetooth connectivity issues. 
You can check your version by looking at the from screen and pressing the remote handset "info" button (each press will change the screen - there are several).
or by clicking on the "cog" icon in the Web UI.


On Thursday, 25 November 2021 at 20:57:38 UTC wrote:


Nov 26, 2021, 8:24:11 AM11/26/21
to Brennan Forum
Hello Norris
Martin here. I am not sure if others have got B2 working with Airpods but one thing that looked suspicious is that you say the Macbook shows the headphones. If the Macbook has a connection to the Airpods then that might be blocking the B2 connection.
I have some earphones and they preferentially connected to a phone and prevented me connecting from a laptop.

On Sunday, 21 November 2021 at 00:47:32 UTC wrote:

Norris Battin

Nov 26, 2021, 3:57:55 PM11/26/21
to Brennan Forum
I thought I posted earlier that I was using Software Version B2B Oct 22 2021 12:29:15 but I repeat that here to be sure. Thanks for all the feedback. I will digest the latest info and report any improvements.


Nov 26, 2021, 4:22:25 PM11/26/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Norris,

Sorry if you did, (but I can not see it in this Thread). 
As you confirm you do have the B2B software version, I suspect that Martin Brennan's answer (above) is the definitive explanation - you could try decoupling them from your Apple kit and seeing if that then allows them to pair with the B2 properly.

Nov 26, 2021, 8:08:14 PM11/26/21
to Brennan Forum
This interchange went on in my private mail.

Some progress, Fred. 

I decoupled the earphones from the Macbook, checked the Airpods output box in Brennan, and was able to hear a track through them. But another track from another album was also playing through one of my Sonos speakers and I couldn't locate that track on on the original UI. When I switched to the new UI, I found the second album, but there is no sound through the earphones even though the output box remains checked. If I restart Brennan on the new UI, a third album is shown and plays through the earphones when I check the output box again and a fourth album is playing through my Sonos speaker at the same time. 

This time, I turned the Sonos speaker off manually. When the first track finishes, Sonos plays a different album without my help and I can't identify it on the UI. When that track finishes, Brennan begins to play the third album again through the headphones while Sonos continues in the background. I click on another track in the third album and it plays through the earphones but will not automatically play a subsequent track (Sonos still playing in the background) without an additional click of the arrow on the next track.

I'm not technically sophisticated and think I'm doing something basically wrong!

Thanks for all your help and time on this.

Hi Norris,

In terms of Sonos, the B2 is NOT playing direct to the Sonos speakers themselves but to the Sonos "system". Once you have queued music to a Sonos speaker the process continues independently (the B2 can communicate with the Sonos system to stop it etc. But it is still the Sonos system that controls the Sonos speakers).
Thus the Brennan can send different music streams to different Sonos speakers simultaneously or the same music to a Sonos grouped set of speakers.
It can also send a music stream to its connected speakers and others to Sonos speakers at once.

While you are testing your ear pods turn off the Sonos connection to speakers (forget Sonos command) until you are happy with things and understand what the Brennan is doing and how it works.
Once you have sussed this then bring the Sonos online.


Nov 26, 2021, 8:12:23 PM11/26/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Norris

When using the Forum, please use the forum (rather then your email system) to answer the responses you get to your Forum queries. 
This is so that there is a history of the problem and solutions for other members to follow and to allow other forum members to jump in with ideas to help you.
That means you have to log into the Forum and find your original Thread then go to the base of the last response in the history and use the "reply all" button .... your post will then go to all members who have contributed to that thread.




Nov 30, 2021, 7:07:15 AM11/30/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Norris,

When a track is sent from the B2 to Sonos, it (Sonos) adds it to it's internal 'queue' and will continue to play all tracks in the 'queue' unless stopped (by pressing 'stop' button on the Sonos or the B2) - you can also 'clear the queue' via the Sonos app.

You can select a Sonos Zone via the B2's front panel, web UI or the app but these do not communicate so don't know what's been set on the others. So you should only use one method to select a Zone (to avoid expected results and/or confusion).

Brennan Support.

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