Get Recordings failure

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Edmund Royds

Aug 16, 2021, 7:17:00 AM8/16/21
to Brennan Forum
Do hope someone can help me with this problem, as happened with a previous problem I had.

I have been loading CDs, LPs, and now cassette tapes onto my Brennan B2 for a considerable length of time, with complete success. Recently, however, when I press Get Recordings and get Copying, nothing happens and the whole machine freezes. When I switch it off and on again and try Get Recordings again, I get Copying -  Failed. How can I cure this please?
I am now 90 years old and obviously not at the forefront of technology! Help much appreciated.


Aug 16, 2021, 8:58:21 AM8/16/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Ted,

Some questions to help our understanding .

Is your B2 working OK otherwise, i.e. you can playback existing tracks on the B2 etc ?

As you probably know, when you first record on the B2 it saves the recordings on the SD card.
It is the 'Get Recordings' function that transfers the files to your hard disk

These SD cards can get problematic over time especially when they have been written to a large number times.

Have you made a large number of recordings on the B2 since you last made a successful 'Get Recordings' ?

I'm just wondering whether your SD card is the root of your problem.


Edmund Royds

Aug 16, 2021, 1:49:57 PM8/16/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi John,

I must say my own thought was that something was wrong with the SD card. To answer your questions, yes, the B2 seems to be working fine otherwise, It can play existing recordings         . I haven't tried to make any more recordings since the Copy function failed, because I understood that, without renaming a transfer (which I do when the transfer is on the HDD), the previous recording on the SD card would be overwritten. 
Hope that helps take it forward.
Thanks for your interest.

Daniel Taylor

Aug 16, 2021, 2:38:01 PM8/16/21
to Brennan Forum
Since you do a lot of recording with your B2, it occurs to me that, since new recordings are not written to the spot where the operating software is stored, that the card could have become corrupt on an area that has been overwritten a number of times.  If you are hoping to do quite a bit more recording, I suggest you buy one of the mircro SD cards that is rated for more wear and longevity, and flash the new card with new software.  If this solves your current problem, then we'll know what the problem was.  If not, then you'll have a more sturdy card that should last longer than might be expected otherwise.

Another possibility is that the recording you were making required more space than was available on the SD card, and it wouldn't be any great surprise if the B2 had not handled that situation gracefully, thereby corrupting the file that was being written.  So to guard against that in future, buy a larger card - 64GB might be appropriate - of course, that will depend on the length of the recordings you do.

The instructions for flashing a new SD card are located near the top of the left column on the Techy Stuff page of the Brennan website, here:  Techy Stuff
The file you download to be handed to the Etcher program must remain in its zipped format.

One last thought:  For those who do a lot of recording, there are easier, more foolproof ways of doing it.  Many swear by the Audacity program, which is a free download and has wonderful capabilities.  I think it works on both PCs and Macs (DL the right version).  Also with Audacity, you can edit the recordings in such ways as dividing album sides into separate tracks, noise reduction, volume amplification, etc.  Then you can copy the files to a USB disk (formatted as FAT32) and Import the files onto your B2.


Aug 17, 2021, 3:27:57 AM8/17/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Ted,

We would be happy to send you a new SD Card to try but you will have to fit it yourself (or get someone to do it for you).

If you would like a new card, please email us on -   thebrennanb2   @   Gmail   .   com   - no spaces, requesting a replacement card and let us have your contact details (in the email, not here).

Brennan Support.

Edmund Royds

Aug 17, 2021, 12:41:23 PM8/17/21
to Brennan Forum
Thank you Paul and John,  sorry, and Daniel,
I would like to have a new SD card, and will email as suggested, but could I ask something first. 

Would it be the larger size that John suggested? What size would it be?
I understand the SD card carries a lot of the information needed to make the B2 function. Would this replacement have all that, and is that what is meant by 'flashing'? I don't think I could do that myself, but could probably fit it myself.

Also, with Audacity, how does it actually GET the music? I can understand importing to the B2 drive from a USB source, but how does Audacity (on a computer) achieve that? 
I am currently transferring from the earphone socket of the tape player to the B2 loudspeaker sockets, via the Aux facility. 

Thanks if you could help with all that.


Aug 17, 2021, 2:34:41 PM8/17/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Ted,

It was actually Daniel who suggested a larger card so I can’t claim credit for that  :)

To answer your questions I have embedded answers John>>

Would it be the larger size that John suggested? What size would it be?

John>> A larger size would have more storage available for recordings but this something I would discuss with Paul in your email. There will likely be a higher charge for a larger card

I understand the SD card carries a lot of the information needed to make the B2 function. Would this replacement have all that, and is that what is meant by 'flashing'?

John>> yes I expect Brennan will send you one with latest software installed. Flashing is the term used for the process that writes the software to the card. You said in your original post that you are not particularly technical so I would get your card from Brennan. Flashing your own card would require installing software on a computer and downloading a file from Brennan so probably not something you would be confident with.

 I don't think I could do that myself, but could probably fit it myself.

John>> if you have one of the older B2s this is easier because the card slot is accessible without opening the case.if it’s a newer B2 then it’s still straightforward. Just a couple of screws to take out to get access and then replace them once you have fitted the card.
There are instructions on the Brennan website but one of us on here can give you more instructions if you need them.

Also, with Audacity, how does it actually GET the music? I can understand importing to the B2 drive from a USB source, but how does Audacity (on a computer) achieve that? 

John>> Audacity is software installed on your computer. 
You could still record on your B2. You would need to copy your recordings to a USB drive using a playlist. You can then connect the USB drive to your computer and use Audacity to edit the recordings.
Audacity can also be configured to record audio input in other ways on your computer.
I’m not sure whether anyone on this forum has published a guide on how to edit B2 recordings with Audacity.
Again  It’s something I would leave until you have your recordings working again an post for help if you want to have a go



Aug 18, 2021, 2:53:44 AM8/18/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Ted,

We would send you a 16GB card as this the standard size we have in stock for the B2.

The card will be programmed with the latest software and it should be a straight swap.

Brennan Support.

Edmund Royds

Aug 18, 2021, 7:15:19 AM8/18/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi John & Daniel,

I have sent off to get a new SD card, as suggested, in the hope that it will solve the 'Copy' failed problem. 
If not, I will look at the Audacity solution Daniel mentioned, but at the moment I still don't understand how that gets a recording onto a USB stick - you say, John, I can still record onto the B2, but how? Anyway, let's leave that for now until we see if the new card is the solution.
Thanks to you all for your help so far.

On Monday, 16 August 2021 at 13:58:21 UTC+1 JFBUK wrote:

Edmund Royds

Aug 22, 2021, 7:44:06 AM8/22/21
to Brennan Forum
Hello Paul,

Many thanks for the prompt supply of the replacement micro SD card I requested, which is 16Gb, as you said it would be, though the packing note says 8Gb.
Have managed to install it successfully thanks to your excellent advice, and the pictures on the Brennan website.
Just checked a transfer of music, and all seems to be working. I am so grateful to you and your colleagues for their help, once more.
Very kind regards


Aug 23, 2021, 3:28:59 AM8/23/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Ted,

That's great news, thanks for letting us know.

Brennan Support.

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