Loss of NAS connectivity

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Dec 4, 2019, 6:48:06 AM12/4/19
to Brennan Forum
Having been successfully set up for a year or two I have lost connection with my music library on Sonos using Android, iOS or Windows 10 . Also the Brennan b2 no longer shows up on my windows10 network although the Brennan b2 UI still functions normally using all 3 systems. All these devices are connected to the same BT Smart Hub 6A. Smart Setup is switched off and all the devices show up on the Hub's list of connected devices including the Sonos speakers. I think it's probably not the Hub that's at fault at least in that I have tried my Android phone as a 4G hotspot instead of the BT Hub and still have the same problem despite the connection working in all other ways I can think of.  The latest Brennan software is installed (repeated). I have powered down and up, have switched NAS off and on. The Sonos Play 1 speakers still connect to internet radio.
Is it possible that there is a b2 fault leading to NAS failure? How can i check if NAS is working?

Daniel Taylor

Dec 4, 2019, 8:30:40 AM12/4/19
to Brennan Forum
This sounds quite similar to problems reported by others.  And I don't know the solution.

The question arises of whether something has gone wrong with the Brennan software.  One way to try to answer that is to switch back to a previous version of software, one where everything was working as desired.  But we realize that the problem may just as well have been introduced in an update to some other piece of software, such as Windows 10.  The only thing that might be gained by switching to a previous version of Brennan software is, if things go back to working - great.  Otherwise we keep searching for solution(s).  If that does fix it, please report back here.

Leslie Brownlee

Dec 4, 2019, 8:55:39 AM12/4/19
to Brennan Forum
Did you use the Brennan web site method to originally set up your B2 NAS connectivity? This method never worked for me and I used a method described by another forum member of mapping the B2 drive. 

Wondering if this might work, if not the method you originally used.

This method worked for me when the Brennan site one didn't. Might be worth a try to get back connectivity.
Screenshot (25)_LI.jpg


Dec 4, 2019, 9:18:40 AM12/4/19
to Brennan Forum
Yes I tried this. Got a 'can't connect' whether using the name or the numbers. 


Dec 4, 2019, 9:18:47 AM12/4/19
to Brennan Forum
But my Android phone & tablet and an iPad all fail to find \\BRENNANB2\music.Doesn't seem a Windows problem to me.


Dec 4, 2019, 9:20:46 AM12/4/19
to Brennan Forum
OK but I'm not familiar with how to access the old software


Dec 4, 2019, 9:27:53 AM12/4/19
to Brennan Forum
Should have said: the file was not listed as a Network Location on my laptop or my desktop (connected to hub by ethernet)

Leslie Brownlee

Dec 4, 2019, 9:30:15 AM12/4/19
to Brennan Forum
Possibly ask Paul at Brennan if he could maybe give you a link to an earlier version. Or maybe one of the forum members could share a link. I know some have gone back to previous versions in the past. Maybe they could also describe the process.

Daniel Taylor

Dec 4, 2019, 9:31:32 AM12/4/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Doug,
When I look at the Latest Software page on the Brennan website, the only links I see to older software are to experimental versions.  Personally, I don't load experimental versions, so I would not advise that.  So if you did not save a copy of older software that worked, my only thought about that would be to ask Paul (at Brennan) to provide you a link to an appropriate older version.

I realize this may not be worth the hassle to you.  But it's the only thing I could think of.  Hopefully, someone will solve this problem and the fix will be straight forward.  Sorry I'm not of much help in this case.

Daniel Taylor

Dec 4, 2019, 9:36:12 AM12/4/19
to Brennan Forum
 If the problem began right after a Brennan update, then that would suggest that changing Brennan software could be involved.  If the problem happened and the Brennan software had not changed, then switching to earlier software will probably not be helpful.


Dec 4, 2019, 10:01:26 AM12/4/19
to Brennan Forum
Trouble is it's difficult to tell when the problem started. I began to realise that there was a new difficulty in playing Brennan files several weeks ago but radio was OK so I only started to look into it properlylast week. Nevertheless I will wait to see whether a description of using old software appears and try it. Thanks

Daniel Taylor

Dec 4, 2019, 10:06:26 AM12/4/19
to Brennan Forum
Assuming the fault is not Brennan software, I would seek help though different avenues. 

I've seen several reports about a Windows 10 update breaking things like this.  I have Windows 7, so I've not experienced that problem.  But if I did, I'd be beating on Microsoft's door.

Try Googling the problem to see what you can find regarding the hardware and operating systems that are involved.

Edwyn Corteen

Dec 4, 2019, 12:34:24 PM12/4/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Doug

I would stop and the restart NAS on the B2.

Then Open windows explorer, right click on This PC and choose Map network drive, in Folder box type \\192.168.1.xxx\music where xxx is the IP address of your B2, if you get connected and are asked for username and password use root for user name and brennan for password.


Dec 4, 2019, 1:29:40 PM12/4/19
to Brennan Forum
Sorry. Have already tried this


Dec 4, 2019, 1:46:14 PM12/4/19
to Brennan Forum
Tried what you describe again to get to the error notification. It says: The device or resource (192.168.1.etc) is not set up to accept connections on port 'The file or printer sharing (SMB)'. Thanks anyway


Dec 5, 2019, 4:11:24 AM12/5/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi DougMcC5,

Martin did reply to Harry on another post - here - might be worth trying SMB on the Windows 10 device.

Brennan Support.


Dec 5, 2019, 7:25:53 AM12/5/19
to Brennan Forum
I've now enabled SMB in Windows as described. B2 stll doesn't appear on the Network list and when I try network drive mapping I still get the report as above about device not set up to accept connections on port 'file or printer sharing (SMB)'. I've gone back into Windows Features to check that SMB is definitely enabled and it is. BTW it sticks in my mind that Android and iOS can't find the music library either.

Daniel Taylor

Dec 5, 2019, 8:48:24 AM12/5/19
to Brennan Forum
It could be that somehow your B2 operating software has become corrupted.  You can build a new SD card by following the instructions on the Techy Stuff page on the Brennan website.  See "New SD Card" at the top of the left column on this page

I will suggest that reluctantly, but it is a possibility.  I rebuilt my SD card because of some strange symptoms and it took care of it.  I've also seen multiple examples in the forum.  Might be worth a try.


Dec 6, 2019, 7:38:49 AM12/6/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Doug,

If you email us (don't post it here...) with an address for delivery and tell us whether the SD Card is the external type (protrudes from a slot on the right hand side of the case) or the internal type (no slot or card visible on RHS), we will send you as replacement to try.

Brennan Support.


Dec 6, 2019, 8:01:42 AM12/6/19
to Brennan Forum
Thanks very much for this. I've sent the email with particulars.


Dec 13, 2019, 11:42:15 AM12/13/19
to Brennan Forum
Thanks for the new SD. Definite improvement: B2 now shows up on my Windows network. ('Brennan B2: root' also shows up on the network as a media source). I can play B2 tracks through the PC. But when I try to set up my music library on Sonos, whether on PC or Android, I get 'Access to the shared folder is denied'. I don't see where any permission barrier might be. I've tried \\BRENNANB2\music + root + brennan and also IP numbers instead - all several times. The folder must be detected because when I use the wrong IP numbers I get 'computer not detected'. I've switched NAS off and on on the B2.
All this was working once upon a time!
Haven't found any inspiration via Google or Sonos Support yet.
Any further advice? I've come across mention of DNLA in this sort of context on this Forum. I don't know about this topic and I certainly not consciously switched DNLA on anywhere.


Dec 13, 2019, 4:05:41 PM12/13/19
to Brennan Forum
Have now found 'Get DLNA' in Advanced Menu. First time I've seen it - never used Advanced before. This unexpected bit of my problem looks the same as Yroule's. Any suggestions? Doug 


Dec 16, 2019, 3:13:06 AM12/16/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Doug,

From reading various other posts, I was getting the idea that having DNLA loaded stops the B2 being seen as a NAS drive - not confirmed yet. Hence asking the question about 'Did you select get DLNA?'.

Brennan Support.


Dec 16, 2019, 7:34:47 AM12/16/19
to Brennan Forum
No Paul, I haven't used 'get DLNA'. The new SD card has made the B2 on the PC network page as a computer which had previously stopped happening.

What I can't remember happening when I last had NAS connectivity several months ago was, as it now also does, appearing as 'BrennanB2: root' in the Media Devices list on the PC network page, one line below. When I left click on the icon I get a miniDLNA screen with only zeros for connectivity and right clicking, amongst other things, the model is listed as 'Windows Media Connect compatible (MiniDLNA)'. Hope that's all relevant.


Dec 17, 2019, 4:00:14 AM12/17/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Doug,

Thanks for the extra info. I will have to ask Martin about this and how to turn off DLNA if it's necessary.

Brennan Support.

Stella Blue

Dec 18, 2019, 4:42:27 AM12/18/19
to Brennan Forum
I have just moved from Windows 7 to 10 and as a result lost my connection via NAS to my B2.
I have now managed to reconnect.
Previously both NAS and Brennan were on the Z drive.
I have now left the NAS on the Z and connected to the Brennan on the Y drive
I am no computer expert whatsoever, but this is what I did
Windows Explorer>
Network, right click>
Map network drive>
Drive, call it Y>
Folder, \\192.168.1.xxx\music>

Make sure ‘reconnect at sign in ‘ box is ticked

Good luck, it worked for me


Dec 20, 2019, 5:08:23 AM12/20/19
to Brennan Forum
I could get ...\music to map to Z but couldn't get the B2 itself onto Y. Not that I really understand the setup you're describing but would it not require the PC to be on for the connection to allow B2 files to play on Sonos? I was aiming for direct connection between B2/NAS and Sonos, only using Windows to setup the connection not run it..

Daniel Taylor

Dec 20, 2019, 7:44:57 AM12/20/19
to Brennan Forum
It's my understanding that the PC does not have to be on to run Sonos, unless the PC is where you are running the control app.  Most people run the Sonos control app from thier phone or tablet, in which case the PC does not have to be on.  The Sonos system should be able to see the B2 as NAS much the same way as the PC can.


Dec 20, 2019, 9:06:26 AM12/20/19
to Brennan Forum
Yes. I understand that. I've only been using a PC to try in my minimally knowledgeable way to understand the problem since I lost the normal Sonos connectivity to B2 that I had had on my Android phone and my wife's iOS phone for a year or two. I only want to use the PC for this less frequently. The new B2 SD card that Paul kindly arranged solved the specific problem of the Brennan no longer showing up on Windows despite it having previously done so until recently. However it now reveals the final problem of the NAS denying access to reset the Sonos library both through Windows and Android which is what I'm hoping Martin may solve. I can now play the music files that are stored on the PC on my Sonos Play-Ones without difficulty and can control this on both my Android phone and the PC but I can't get the Sonos to connect to the files on the B2 whether using Windows or either of my phones. These intricasies are not easy to describe fully!


Dec 21, 2019, 1:51:11 PM12/21/19
to Brennan Forum
Advice needed.
Just ripped my CD collection in FLAC files on the B2 (about 300 CDs) and set up the B2 near the wifi router so the signal is strong (33 dBm). I have four sonos speakers set up in two adjacent rooms. When I try to play the albums from the Sonos Music Library (which reads the B2 drive as an NAS), the music is fine for a few minutes but then cuts out with the Sonos app telling me this is not enough buffer to play the song. It will play simple melodies but when you get larger files like complex orchrestras it will not work. I thought it was a signal issue at first, but the wifi signal is strong. Any advice on how to fix this problem?

john Henrick

Dec 21, 2019, 2:10:29 PM12/21/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi in the sonos app there is a compression settings which should resolve this

Daniel Taylor

Dec 21, 2019, 2:12:07 PM12/21/19
to Brennan Forum
Do you have another Sonos music source where you can copy one of the problem files and see if it works better coming from a different source?

That's my only thought at trouble shooting.  This sounds to me like it's a Sonos problem.


Dec 21, 2019, 9:26:23 PM12/21/19
to Brennan Forum
john can you tell me a bit more

Fatally Wanderer

Dec 22, 2019, 7:15:50 AM12/22/19
to Brennan Forum
Compression settings, on Sonos, apply only to line in sources (sources plugged directly into a Sonos device's physical input - not all Sonos devices have this). So compression settings would not solve your problem unfortunately.

Fatally Wanderer

Dec 22, 2019, 7:22:56 AM12/22/19
to Brennan Forum
Sorry, meant to add - I suspect your issue is with the Sonos devices rather than the Brennan - in my experience drop outs or buffering on Sonos almost always to do with WiFi connection to the Sonos. Is it possible (if not already the case) that you could hard wire one Sonos to ethernet or router directly, Sonos will then use its own SonosNet network system, which is more stable.


Dec 22, 2019, 8:05:22 AM12/22/19
to Brennan Forum
This thread seems to be going in a new direction. Please keep in mind that I'm hoping to get an answer on the possibility of an NAS/DLNA interaction to explain my particular problem (which is between the B2 and the Sonos app on three different operating systems, not apparently explained by Wifi signal matters).


Dec 22, 2019, 3:53:33 PM12/22/19
to Brennan Forum
Got it, I have my BEAM connected to router via ethernet and configured with two play 1s for surround sound. I can play music fine in one room. But when I try to group in the living room (two sonos SLs) the music cuts out. The Brennan is only 20 feet away from the router and is getting good signal via wifi (33 dBm). It works in a single room but not when groupdd. It could be a wifi problem so I will try to wire the Brennan B2 directly to the router to see if that helps the groupings.
Thanks for advice

Brennan Support

Dec 24, 2019, 4:36:26 AM12/24/19
to Brennan Forum
Hello Doug

Martin here - just to let you know I created some new software to help resolve this problem.
Take a look at latest software - its a USB upgrade - but it has a new function to disable DLNA to help determine if thats the problem.
Let us know how you get on and we'll take it from there.

Happy Christmas!


Ian Hatton

Dec 24, 2019, 6:26:40 AM12/24/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Martin,

For some reason, this update doesn't look like it's applying.

I have downloaded the file onto a USB, inserted it into USB C, ran the SW Upgrade and receive a message telling me that the software was updated. The unit restarts, but when I check which version I am running it still displays Version B2B Nov 18 2019.

Is anyone else having this issue?


Daniel Taylor

Dec 24, 2019, 8:39:51 AM12/24/19
to Brennan Forum
It's possible that the software was updated, but that they forgot to change the identifying date.  Scroll thru the Advanced menu to try and find the "Stop DLNA" command.  If it's there, then you have the new software.

Ian Hatton

Dec 24, 2019, 9:11:35 AM12/24/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Daniel, I did wonder this but I am unable to see Stop DLNA. Have you been successful with the update?


Daniel Taylor

Dec 24, 2019, 9:18:32 AM12/24/19
to Brennan Forum
I have not tried it.  Normally, I do not update to what I consider to be still experimental software.  The most recent version that seems solid to me is Oct. 1, 2019.  But I'm still running July.

john Henrick

Dec 24, 2019, 10:03:15 AM12/24/19
to Brennan Forum
Downloaded and updated ok.on both my b2's

Stop Dlna command is there

Software version Dec 24th


Dec 27, 2019, 5:52:38 AM12/27/19
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Martin. However I've tried to load this three times with 2 different USB sticks which only contain the b2.tar.gz file but there's no trace of a Stop DLNA feature on the b2. It reports that the software has been upgraded each time but the date in the Info screen is always Nov18. Admittedly the USB sticks are rather elderly but they seem to be alright otherwise. 

Edwyn Corteen

Dec 27, 2019, 6:11:37 AM12/27/19
to Brennan Forum
I agree with Doug, downloaded the file twice, still 18th November, no Stop DLNA.

john Henrick

Dec 27, 2019, 6:13:07 AM12/27/19
to Brennan Forum
Tested again on both my b2's upgrades ok need to make sure you use the other option in maintenance to upgrade sw not the web upgrade option

Ian Hatton

Dec 27, 2019, 6:48:08 AM12/27/19
to Brennan Forum
Has anyone other than John had any luck upgrading to the latest software via USB? So far there are three of us who have been unsuccessful and only one with any success!


Dec 27, 2019, 8:33:51 AM12/27/19
to Brennan Forum
Yes, SW Upgrade (from USB C) each time.


Dec 27, 2019, 8:36:04 AM12/27/19
to Brennan Forum
My last Yes maybe suggests upgrade success. No such luck. I was only referring to SW Upgrade.


Dec 28, 2019, 6:34:36 PM12/28/19
to Brennan Forum
Hard wiring the B2 with a ethernet cable solved all my problems about stopping and starting music. Thanks for all who have shared their experiences. 


Dec 29, 2019, 9:40:30 AM12/29/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Doug,

I have just tried a SW Upgrade (from 18th November) and get 24th Dec and can see 'Stop DLNA' in the Advanced menu.

I do note however that you appear to have upgraded the SD Card as you have B2B 18th Nov version - is this correct?

BTW 'B2B' is used to denote the updated Bluetooth software - only available by reprogramming the SD Card.

Brennan Support.


Dec 29, 2019, 11:53:31 AM12/29/19
to Brennan Forum
Yes that's right Paul. It's the new SD card that you sent me a couple of weeks ago. To recap: It solved my problem of the b2 not appearing at all on the PC's network - playing the b2 files on the PC is restored (not that I often want to do that) but am left with the current problem of being denied access when attempting to add the .../music file to the Sonos library.


Dec 30, 2019, 3:23:48 AM12/30/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Doug,

Is SW Upgrade using a USB stick, working for you i.e. your B2 upgrades to 24th Dec?

Brennan Support.


Dec 30, 2019, 6:44:55 AM12/30/19
to Brennan Forum
No Paul. Have tried several times with repeated downloading of the tz file. All using SW Upgrade. (See my last post).


Jan 2, 2020, 11:00:01 AM1/2/20
to Brennan Forum
Big trouble! Being stuck with 18 Nov B2B with no 'Stop DLNA' I did a web upgrade today. Had to do reset Wi-fi afterwards. Then there were 0 tracks so tried Scan Disc - no effect. I tried it a few times. Then I scrolled through the menu to see what was there. Stop DLNA was there. Then as I scrolled away it said 'Getting DLNA'. Maybe I pressed OK when I meant Down but I've never done that before. Eventually it froze at 'Brennan B2' so I powered down. Now all I get is the flashing green and red lights. I've reseated the SD card and repowered several times. Can't think what to do next. Never been stuck like this before.


Jan 3, 2020, 5:00:29 AM1/3/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Doug,

It sounds like the SD Card has been corrupted - perhaps by the multiple actions - and needs to be reprogrammed or replaced. Do you have an SD Card slot on your computer?

Brennan Support.


Jan 3, 2020, 5:36:50 AM1/3/20
to Brennan Forum
Yes I have an SD Card slot on PC.

Peter Lowham

Jan 3, 2020, 3:32:53 PM1/3/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Doug,

Having looked at the unfortunate sequence of events in this posting, I think that the situation might be as follows.

1.  First of all your system was working OK until recently, when NAS stopped functioning.  This problem was probably caused by the most recent Windows 10 automatic upgrade, where Microsoft disabled a function known as 'SMB1.0'.  (M/S did this as they now regard SMB1.0 as a security risk).  The same thing happened to me a few months ago. This can be fixed; I'll give the details below.

2.  Then, with all of the further actions taken to fix item 1 above, I think that 'DLNA' became enabled on your B2.  This would explain why your B2 did not boot up in the normal time (i.e. in seconds).  When DLNA is running, each time the B2 is rebooted, the DLNA process rebuilds its database entirely.  If you have a sizeable collection, say 20,000 tracks, the DLNA will require 30 minutes or more before it allows the B2 to continue the reboot to completion. My reason for thinking that DLNA is running is that you mentioned having a Network Media Devices location of 'BrennanB2:root' which is a DLNA Status page and is only there to tell you of the status of DLNA at any time.

Suggestions to make are:

On the B2: (to get DLNA stopped)
Firstly, power up the B2, but leave it booting for a hour or so to allow the DLNA to complete its rebuild.
Then, if that is successful, when the B2 has fully booted, get into the B2 menu option to 'Stop DLNA'.

On the Win10 PC:(to get NAS working)
Go to 'Control Panel' -> 'Programs & Features' -> 'Turn Windows Features on and off' -> Scroll down to 'SMB1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support' and expand the boxes (click on the + box.  Tick the boxes to enable 'SMB1.0/CIFS Client' and SMB1.0/CIFS Server' options.

Other points to note are:

1. If you are using Sonos, the B2 NAS access needs to be through 'Network', 'BrennanB2' and not through a mapped drive (such as Z:\Music).
2. Once you have SMB1.0 running, the B2 should appear automatically in the 'Network' location on your PC.
3. When running SMB1.0, you should keep your anti-virus up to date to give yourself maximum protection against hackers.
4. You can have NAS and DLNA running together, but in my view DLNA is not vey suitable on the B2 unless you intend to leave the B2 powered up all the time.  Otherwise you will encounter the exceeding long boot up time on your B2 during each power up.  The issue is a 'design feature' of DLNA and is not a Brennan issue. I have had DLNA and NAS running together on my units but decided that DLNA wasn't suitable in my situation. 

I have a B2 (2.5 years) and a BB1 (4 months) and both have performed flawlessly.  They are great devices so don't give up!

Hope that this helps and good luck!



Jan 4, 2020, 6:03:47 AM1/4/20
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Peter. In fact I made sure that SMB was enabled fairly early on but it didn't help. It seemed to take a new SD card from Paul to get the b2 back on the Windows network but that didn't get round the blocked access to ..\music in Sonos. My b2 then refused to SW Upgrade beyond 18 Nov perhaps due to the B2B aspect of the new SD it seems. Finally it did Web Upgrade to 31 Dec which added Stop DLNA as wanted but that was immediately followed by my final series of falls-at-hurdle resulting in a completely frozen b2 (lost WiFi only solved by powering down & up, 0 music files, failed Scan Disc, unintentional start of Get DLNA which was the last thing that I wanted to happen and then unfixably flashing green and red lights. I'm now waiting for Paul to give me details on reprogramming the new SD Card or another fix. In the meantime my Sonos is temporarily playing old iTunes Media files networked into the Sonos library from my PC - Brennan sacrilege I know! The b2 seemed perfect until NAS connectivity disappeared.


Jan 4, 2020, 6:10:55 AM1/4/20
to Brennan Forum
Peter. I meant to say, I will now try leaving the b2 to green/red flash for more than 30 minutes as I think you suggest but I don't have 20,000 files!


Jan 4, 2020, 4:20:09 PM1/4/20
to Brennan Forum
Peter & Paul. Four hours of green/red flashing later this doesn't seem to be the answer. I see others in the forum seem to be in a similar position. I'm away for a day or two. Will look forward to a solution when I get back! Can't try a SD Card rebuild until then.

Peter Lowham

Jan 5, 2020, 12:00:41 PM1/5/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Doug,

It sounds like your SD card needs to be rebuilt after all.  One advantage of doing the rebuild will be that you will have a 'clean' basis to work from and DLNA will be disabled by default.

Let us know how you get on.



Jan 6, 2020, 5:19:26 AM1/6/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Doug,

Are you able to repro' your SD Card? If not please email us with an address for delivery and we will send you a replacement.

Brennan Support.


Jan 6, 2020, 3:03:21 PM1/6/20
to Brennan Forum
I've just reprogrammed an SD Card thanks. The new card Web Upgraded to 31 Dec without difficulty. Stop DLNA is there. I haven't pressed OK to that yet but of course I started NAS and got a 'Done'.
BrennanB2:root shows in Media Devices on my PC & laptop as before but the b2 no longer shows in the network Computers section. So I still can't add the B2 files to the Sonos library.  In fact I've gone back a step - can't even get as far as the 'denied access' step that stopped me before. No success on an Android phone either but at least I still get as far as being denied access like before. I don't know what has changed since 18 Nov to lose the b2 from the PC's network computers list.

I haven't OK'd 'Stop DLNA' yet. If you think I should do it let me know but I'm not hopeful.

Still perplexed.


Jan 6, 2020, 4:12:15 PM1/6/20
to Brennan Forum
Update to 20.03 post;
About 5 hours after creating the new SD Card the b2 appeared on the PC network computer list. Full of hope I then stopped DLNA after which BrennanB2:root disappeared from network Media Devices as perhaps would be expected. However that brought me back to the 'denied access to shared folder' blockage as before, (where Android had been all along).
Still in need of advice.

Mark Long

Jan 6, 2020, 4:21:10 PM1/6/20
to Brennan Forum
OK. So I had been holding out hope for Doug and that he would find success that would lead to all of us solving this problem. Very disappointed that he is right back where he was before... Which is right where we all seem to be.

So, can we please hear something from Brennan. $680.00 was too much to spend on a "project" and not to hear anything of substance from the company.

OBVIOUSLY, this is a software problem that is affecting long time users and newbies (me). Since I just got my B2 on December 29th, it is a brand new device and I didn't even have time to mess anything up. I am being patient, but am looking to hear SOMETHING definitive. As in "we are bringing on a team of software engineers to look at the problem and look to resolve it in a week." Or something like that.

Way too much money for this much silence.

Peter Lowham

Jan 6, 2020, 5:06:12 PM1/6/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Doug,

Did you reboot the B2 after 'Stop DLNA' was run?

When 'Stop DLNA' option is run (as you have now done), the 'BrennanB2:root' icon disappeared, which is good.  This icon is only a DLNA Status Report webpage which is not required for NAS operation.

I see from a previous post that you have SMB1.0 running on your Win10 PC. Have you checked that this is still enabled?  When the 'Turn Windows features on and off' -> 'SMB1.0' box is expanded, there are 3 options available.  I enable 2 of these 3, 'SMB1.0 Client' and 'SMB1.0 Server' options.



Jan 7, 2020, 5:11:55 AM1/7/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi All,

Please be assured we are investigating this matter.

Brennan Support.


Jan 7, 2020, 5:12:39 AM1/7/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Doug,

Have you tried rebooting the B2 as Peter suggests?

Brennan Support.


Jan 7, 2020, 9:29:53 AM1/7/20
to Brennan Forum
Paul & Peter,
I've now rebooted from the menu. The only obvious difference is that BrennanB2:root has reappeared in Media Devices on the PC, having been absent immediately after doing 'Stop DLNA'. No difference in attempts to link b2 to Sonos library - still denied access.


Jan 7, 2020, 11:42:10 AM1/7/20
to Brennan Forum
A reply of mine of last night seems to have gone missing. For completeness, in it I told Peter that enabling SMB 1.0 Client and Servier made no difference to my problem.

Peter Lowham

Jan 7, 2020, 12:25:37 PM1/7/20
to Brennan Forum

It looks like DLNA is running again on your B2.  When you ran the 'Stop DLNA' option, did you save this setting by pressing and holding down the 'Play/Stop' button until a 'SAVED' message appeared in the B2 display?



Jan 7, 2020, 12:47:53 PM1/7/20
to Brennan Forum
No I didn't realise  using the Play/Stop button would save the setting for next Boot. I vaguely thought it was just for safety & data storage. I'm about to Stop DLNA again. I'll try your suggestion.

Peter Lowham

Jan 7, 2020, 12:55:14 PM1/7/20
to Brennan Forum

I hope that it saves the setting.  I'm working blind at the moment as I'm in the USA at this time and only have my BB1 with me,  My B2 is 3,500 miles away in the UK!  The BB1 doesn't have the DLNA settings in the Maintenance menu.



Jan 7, 2020, 1:12:31 PM1/7/20
to Brennan Forum
Stop DLNA doesn't seem to survive a power-down or a Reboot from menu in that BrennanB2:root reappears. I don't get a 'Saved' notification, the display merely returns to the clock while I'm still pressing 'Stop'. I held the button down for more than a minute. Should it have been longer? Maybe I need to re-read the 'manual'!

Peter Lowham

Jan 7, 2020, 1:17:05 PM1/7/20
to Brennan Forum

I'm not sure what is happening there.  Normally you press and hold 'Play/Stop' for about 7 seconds and that saves and powers down the B2 cleanly.  Perhaps Paul in Support could advise on whether or not the 'Stop DLNA' can be saved on the B2?



Jan 8, 2020, 3:06:42 AM1/8/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Doug,

We have established that there is an issue between DLNA and NAS and are working on a solution. Please check our Latest Software page - link - in the coming days for a software upgrade.

Thank you all for the feedback which has been useful.

Brennan Support.


Jan 10, 2020, 7:19:28 AM1/10/20
to Brennan Forum
Martin & Paul
Great. Normal service resumed! Did a Web Upgrade this morning. Nice to see 'NAS on' and 'DLNA off' on the Info screen. Have only played one track from the b2 on Sonos so far. Too pleased to delay reporting back! Much more music to follow now. Thanks for all the effort.

Leslie Brownlee

Jan 10, 2020, 7:44:24 AM1/10/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Doug, where does this show up "Nice to see 'NAS on' and 'DLNA off' on the Info screen"? Is this on the web UI in settings and status?


Jan 10, 2020, 7:50:32 AM1/10/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Leslie
It's on the b2's own screen. Press 'Info' on the remote and then 'Down'.

Edwyn Corteen

Jan 10, 2020, 10:10:14 AM1/10/20
to Brennan Forum
Upgraded today and very happy!

With both NAS and DLNA on all my devices can see and work with the files on the B2, also for those that have had problems previously with DLNA, it now just works, no file editing etc required.

Thank-you Martin!

Can we now have Bluetooth out on the BB1?

Mark Long

Jan 10, 2020, 11:09:56 AM1/10/20
to Brennan Forum
Thank you, Thank you Thank you.

Everything is working fine now. I was using a Mac to connect and it was successful. Iam now controlling it with a Mac, an Android phone and an Iphone and everything is perfect.

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