Yamaha Musiccast 50 - Wireless Speaker

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John Ascough

Dec 29, 2020, 11:05:46 AM12/29/20
to Brennan Forum

I have searched the forum to see if anyone knows if the Yamaha Musiccast 50 wireless speaker is able to link to the Brenna B2 easily? I see lots of functionality and provision for the Sonos range but very little reference to the Musiccast system. 

I'd be very grateful if anyone has specific knowledge of connecting a YM 50 please. 

Thanks, John 

Daniel Taylor

Dec 29, 2020, 3:23:21 PM12/29/20
to Brennan Forum
I'd be interested to know that, as well.

I am under the impression that Yamaha's MusicCast system uses a proprietary communications protocol, so I wouldn't expect it to work with any other manufacturer.  OTOH, I've read posts that suggest that turning on DLNA on the B2 has allowed some other systems to connect and access the B2's hard disk, where I would not have expected it to work.  I'd like to hear more about DLNA success stories.


Dec 30, 2020, 6:14:19 AM12/30/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi John,

Yamaha Musiccast is a limited market and is unlikely to be supported on B2.

If your Yamaha unit supports DLNA then it may be able to pull music from the B2 - you need to turn DLNA on in the Maintenance menu - currently this turns off the new Sonos feature.

Brennan Support.


Dec 31, 2020, 1:42:35 PM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
I'm not sure if this is any help, I have no specific knowledge of connecting a Yamaha MusicCast 50, but I have a Yamaha MusicCast 20 wireless speaker and a Yamaha network receiver. Both can play music from my B2 (if it's set to DLNA on) through the Yamahas via the MusicCast app on my phone or tablet. In the app there's an option to stream from a server and when selected will give me a list of devices connected to my network that can stream audio, including the "B2 DLNA Server". When selected, it shows the B2 folder structure and from there playing anything is simply a matter of selecting what I want.
Russell H

Daniel Taylor

Dec 31, 2020, 3:07:15 PM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Russell.  That's really good to know.  At some point I imagine I'll have to replace my receiver, and now Yamaha is in the running.

Ethan Bixby

Dec 31, 2020, 4:07:09 PM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
I also have a Yamaha MusicCast receiver and both wired and wireless speakers.  The B2 shows up on the MusicCast App as the Optical 1 B2, which will control volume, etc.  But to control the B2, I have to use the B2 mobile app or the web interface.  I turned on the DLNA, but it still won't show the folders.  Good to hear you have it working, so I will try again.

Daniel Taylor

Dec 31, 2020, 5:06:30 PM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Ethan,
When you said "The B2 shows up on the MusicCast App as the Optical 1 B2" that seems like the B2 is connected to the receiver via the digital optical connection.  When Russell got his to work, he got an input named "B2 DLNA Server."To use the B2's hard disk as a music source via DLNA over the network, different settings must be made.  Do you have your Yamaha receiver connected to your network?  (either by WiFi or ethernet cable)

Russell Heath

Jan 1, 2021, 4:29:05 AM1/1/21
to Brennan Forum
Perhaps I should have made it clear that it's the Yamaha MusicCast app that controls volume, next track etc., not the B2 app. So the B2 is just acting like server. I haven't tried using the B2 app to "send" audio to the YM20 and control it from there.  

Ethan Bixby

Jan 7, 2021, 3:19:24 PM1/7/21
to Brennan Forum
Sorry for the delay, been too busy!  My B2 and the Yamaha R-N803 Receiver are hardwired with ethernet cables. And the B2 uses the optical lead to the receiver.
Using the MusicCast App, I select the source, volume etc.  So I set it on the B2, which is the optical lead.   And then I have been using the B2 Mobile app to select the aritist, etc.
With the advice give, I turned on the NAS and the DNLA, and now I can see the folders, music, etc on the MusicCast app.  But it seems the album art and other features are not displayed.  
So I might just continue on with the B2 mobile as before.  But it is nice to have the option of just using the MusicCast app.  I put both apps on my wife's phone so she can control it too.
Having the wireless speakers mobile has been really nice.
So any problem leaving the NAS and DNLA on if not using it via the MusicCast app?
Thanks for all the help,

Daniel Taylor

Jan 7, 2021, 3:31:20 PM1/7/21
to Brennan Forum
This is getting somewhat confusing.  If the B2 is connected to the Yamaha receiver via digital optical direct connection, I don't see how MusicCast is even part of that picture.  I don't think the Yamaha can control the B2 that way. 

The files seen on the MuscCast app must surely be from the ethernet connection.  In that case, I'd be interested if the Yamaha MusicCast app can control playing songs from the B2.  Also, did the B2's music library only become viewable by MusicCast *after* DLNA was turned on?

Ethan Bixby

Jan 7, 2021, 5:27:23 PM1/7/21
to Brennan Forum

Maybe it's a bit of a nomenclature issue.  MusicCast is their wireless system, and the name of their app on the phone.
Initially, I used the MusicCast app to control the receiver, but all it saw was the Optical input, but no further access.  I renamed Optical 1 to Optical B2.  So I used the Brennan mobile or UI interface via Wifi to control the B2.  I am not sure if the access is via the receiver wifi, the B2, or the LAN, but the music is via optical connection.  I had the DLNA turned on, but not the NAS.
Today I turned on the NAS also, and now it's a source showing up on the MusicCast app, listed as Server.   I renamed it to Server - B2.  When I choose it as the source, it shows a basic structure of the files and folder, and can pick songs, albums, playlists, etc.  But very basic, and the album covers don't seem to be linked to the albums.  I didn't know to try the Server source before, and the NAS was off.  
I had hoped that by having the DLNA turned on, the MusicCast app would read the Optical source B2 and list the music.  My iTouch via the USB had a pretty workable system on the older version of the receiver, the R-N602.  But not on the newer R-N803
Going forward, most likely I will use the B2 mobile to pick music, playlists, etc, and the MusicCast app to control source and volume, etc.  
If you'd like, I can send you some screenshots showing the different displays between the optical input vs the server input.
I hope this clears it up, and that my minimum understanding of this stuff is close to correct!

Daniel Taylor

Jan 7, 2021, 8:15:07 PM1/7/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks, Ethan,
I think that clears it up enough for me.

Mike Mallett

Dec 9, 2021, 4:29:19 PM12/9/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi all this is my first post after aquiring a brennan b2 I attached to music cast with no problem and i thought it might be useful to explain how . I have been using a yamaha wxad10 to provide streamed music to my classy old hi fi system. The cheap little box works a treat connect to modem with an ethernet cable . it even has a burr brown in its wiring .
The brennan is completely out of wi fi range and is wired into a tp link via an ethernet cable . My first attempt to sort the brennan in this respect did not work my short link cable would not fit . This https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00ENEQOQS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 fitted a treat without any strain . As advised i switched on DLNA and first search on music cast app found it and it plays really well so clearly as long as you enable dlna your music cast app will find it . Given the size of good quality music files i would never try to use wi fi . Properly wired this so far has worked faultlessly . Hope this helps and a hello to everyone 

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