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P. M. Adamson

Aug 28, 2021, 10:51:45 AM8/28/21
to Brennan Forum
I'm into my 3rd Day with The B2 and so far have been pleased with the ripping process. My problem is getting on the Internet. We have a total new Fibre Optic System  installed and everything in the house connected with no issues. However, the Brennan wont. I read the posts on the forum and ordered the suggested Dongle for Dual systems. The new Dongle picked up the whole street including ours but still wouldn't connect. I moved it next to the Router, a BT Fibre Optic but still wouldn't connect. The Dongle then collapsed so have had to send it back. The Idea of taking the back off and struggling with an Ethernet Cable doesn't appeal to me as I am not the most technical person and the thought of damaging the Unit is a cause for concern . Can anyone out there reassure me whether The Ethernet idea is easy or suggest another dongle or even have suggestions for a Fibre optic set up ?
I'm not keen on messing about with the Hub settings either as the rest of the rest of the House is totally working. I did manage to connect the Brennan to a Bose via Bluetooth which was easy so no issues with that connectivity.
Thanks in anticipation.

Daniel Taylor

Aug 28, 2021, 10:55:58 AM8/28/21
to Brennan Forum
There should have been a WiFi dongle that was included with your new B2.  With that installed, you need to run the WiFi Setup command.  It should prompt you to select which network to attach to, and then it should prompt you to enter the password (system key) for your router, which usually can be found on a sticker on the bottom of the router.

Please tell us at what point the process failed.

Peter Lowham

Aug 28, 2021, 11:41:32 AM8/28/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peter,

The problem might be within the BT router.  On the previous release of router software, BT inadvertently introduced a bug that prevented devices on the 2.4Ghz wireless band from talking to devices on the 5GHz band.  This caused many Brennan users to have problems as the B2 operates on 2.4GHz band.

My BT SmartHub 2 is now running on firmaware v0.27.06.04290-BT dated 19-Jul-2021 which fixed the problem.  If you are on the previous version, then you can contact BT and ask then to download this version.

Connecting a Cat5 network cable is fairly straight forward.  The best way of doing this is to install a short Cat5 'Tail' which is Cat5 male at one end and Cat5 female at the other end and is about 0.5 metres long.  That way means that once you have this tail installed, you can connect and disconnect the nework cable without opening the B2 again.

When opening the B2 (the two top cross head screws on back panel) slide the back panel out by no more than 3 cms (1.5 inches) so that the B2's Cat5 connector can be seen.  Connect the tail into the Cat5 socket and press until you hear a 'click'.  Then loop the tail cable out through the cutout in the back panel and slide the assembly back in and put the screw back in.  The link below will show you what to do; scroll down to the heading 'Ethernet'.


David L Raines

Aug 28, 2021, 11:43:06 AM8/28/21
to Brennan Forum
Opening up the unit for Ethernet is the way to go if you can. I'm a big fan of ethernet if you are going to use the B2 as a NAS.  You do need to be very careful though.  Only take out the two screws with the chevron symbol and only pull it out enough to expose the ethernet port. If you pull it out too much you may unplug the CD reader or OLED screen cable.   Its a little scary for the first time (I have several B2s).   If you can score a flat ethernet cable even better.  But Daniel is correct, the B2 comes with a WiFi dongle.  It works well but not as fast as ethernet.  

Daniel Taylor

Aug 28, 2021, 2:52:11 PM8/28/21
to Brennan Forum
peterm... replied to me privately as follows:
"Yes I have done all that but when it gets to the connection stage ii just comes up as Failed.
That is when I bought the 2nd dongle as recommended on the Forum. That picked up several routers including ours but again after putting the password in it failed to connect."
I passed that along just so our information is complete. 

So it seems that Peter Lowham is probably right about the BT router needing a software update.

Mark Fishman

Aug 28, 2021, 5:32:43 PM8/28/21
to Brennan Forum
Wait a sec: as usual, I'm getting confused. There are several steps here:
(1) connecting the B2 to your router so it is given an IP address by the router.
(2) being able to communicate between the B2 and, say, a computer ALSO ON YOUR HOME NETWORK so you can control the B2 using a web browser.
(3) being able to communicate between the B2 and the outside Internet so you can receive Internet Radio stations or download software updates.

From your (somewhat sketchy) description, it sounds like you are stuck at step 1: your B2 refuses to connect to your router so it never gets an IP address (if it gets one, that will scroll on the B2's front display).

Do you ever see an IP address on the B2 display?

Mark Fishman

Aug 28, 2021, 7:12:15 PM8/28/21
to Brennan Forum
received privately:
On Sat, Aug 28, 2021 at 5:36 PM P. M. Adamson <...> wrote:
Hi Mark, No the Brennan is not connecting to the router.or giving me an ip address. It says connecting but after three attempts failed came up.
Hope that clarifies.

OK, then. So PeterL's point about the bug in some versions of BT router firmware isn't the issue (yet, maybe). That bug would only apply to communications between devices that DO have IP addresses.
May I ask if there's a space in the password that you are entering? (betwen two words, for example) That can cause a problem for some software or devices, as they assume that the space separates two strings instead of being part of the string. Also, passwords are case-sensitive, as you probably already know.
Since you've already tried moving the B2 fairly close to the router, let's assume for the moment that signal strength isn't the porblem, and that you are picking the correct router name from the list presented.

-- m.

Mark Fishman

Aug 28, 2021, 8:28:10 PM8/28/21
to Brennan Forum
received privately:
On Sat, Aug 28, 2021 at 8:19 PM P. M. Adamson <...> wrote:
Thanks. I take your points but the router was only installed last week and we have the password on the back along with the routers network name. 
I did think I may have made a typo on the password and re entered it again after three fails.
I am at a loose end to be honest. Everything in the house has connected , and we have a full smart home with Alexas in every room and more. The Wi-fi signal is boosted by both deco and the BT discs and the speed is around !50 whatever it's measured in.
Do you know if you can Ethernet via a USB adaptor into the Brennan as it would be worth paying out for an adaptor to save me opening the back.
Can't understand why Brennan didn't have an normal Ethernet in the back of the Unit with easy access.I've also checked the BT Firmware and it is upto date

Peter Lowham

Aug 29, 2021, 7:29:06 AM8/29/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peter,

Yes, you can use a USB to Ethernet adaptor provided your B2 is running on software version B2B 12th May 2021 or later.  Below is the software release note from the Brennan web site 'Latest Software' page.  Just check that the device you have selected lists 'Linux' in the compatiblity list.

I have attached a screenshot of my BT Smart Hub 2 Home page and I have pointed to the Wireless status section.  Check that the 2.4GHz channels are 'On'.  If this status is 'Off' then that is most likely the problem.

B2B Software Release
12th May 2021

This release is for BB1 and B2B - B2 will follow
  • Export / Import problem caused by mirror files fixed
  • B2B can now install a driver for USB Ethernet adaptors - so you can plug a B2 into Ethernet without opening the box. Settings->Maintenance->Advanced->Get Ethernet will install the driver. Turn the B2 off and plug in the USB Ethernet adaptor and the B2 will use Ethernet and/or Wifi

Peter Lowham

Aug 29, 2021, 12:39:16 PM8/29/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi All,

Got this in my PM from Peter; he is having some problems with replying on the forum.

Thanks Peter. 
That is really helpful. The Brennan B2 is only 3 days old so hopefully it will have the updated software. I would be much happier using Ethernet via USB and buying an adaptor than opening the unit .
The Router 2  and 5 are both on and checked that. 
Hopefully I will know in a couple of days if the Ethernet works. If that fails I will probably decide it is not right for me. I have no doubt the B2 is a wonderful invention but with many options and issues it may be one for very clever technology people not those who like to switch and and it all works. We have a very smart home with Alexa's in every room. A fibre optic broadband and a range of Bluetooth gadgets all working with the greatest of ease.
I really appreciate your help.
One other thing. People keep telling me to use the forum but All I'm doing is replying to e mails as they come in. I seem to be getting everyone's e mails to my inbox. Is that normal or have inadvertently got something wrong in the system?. Very strange I must say.
I'll order the Ethernet USB adaptor today on Amazon Prime.
Thanks again

Peter Lowham

Aug 29, 2021, 12:49:58 PM8/29/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peter (M),

First suggestion is to check the B2's software date; the B2's are built in a factory and the build process can mean that the factory is still using a version that can be some months behind.

To check this do the following, 

Using the B2's remote control, and with the B2 showing the clock on the display, press the remote control 'Info' button twice.  The top display line should read 'Version B2B xxx yy zzzz' The 'xxx yy zzzz' must be at least 'May 12 2021'.

If the software version is older that this, let us know.  Without a web connection working, we can advise you as to how to do the necessary upgrade using a USB stick.


Daniel Taylor

Aug 29, 2021, 12:55:31 PM8/29/21
to Brennan Forum
To reply in the forum...
At the bottom of the thread, right underneath the last post, click on the button that says "Reply all" and a text box will open where you can type your message.  Then under that box, click on the blue button that says "Post message."

P. M. Adamson

Aug 30, 2021, 12:54:00 PM8/30/21
to Brennan Forum
The USB adaptor arrived today and Ive connected it to the Internet.
Something worked as I got the clock on and an ip adress but when I tapped it into the address bar it was not having it.
I need tried web update in maintenance but to no avail. The Wifi still didnt work so will have to see if I can upload the latest software via Ethernet cable. Unfortuantely Grandad duties have just been thrown in so I will to put on hold and dismantle evrything until the little one has gone.
Thanks to everyone for getting me this far. Not sure what happened to plug and play LOL.

Mark Fishman

Aug 30, 2021, 1:41:47 PM8/30/21
to Brennan Forum
If you have an ethernet cable attached to the B2 you MUST remove the wifi dongle. Having both connected at the same time confuses the poor wee beastie.

Peter Lowham

Aug 30, 2021, 2:35:58 PM8/30/21
to Brennan Forum
Peter (M),

The software upgrade from the Web is done from 'Settings' --> 'Web Upgrade'. 

I think that you are in 'Settings' --> Maintenance' --> 'SW Upgrade' which is for upgrading via a USB stick.


Daniel Taylor

Aug 30, 2021, 5:09:33 PM8/30/21
to Brennan Forum
When using a USB ethernet adapter, you need to run a command to install the driver for it.  I remember reading that here in the forum recently.  I think it was posted by Paul (from Brennan support).  But I can't find the command on the Menu page.  Does anyone remember what the command it?

Daniel Taylor

Aug 30, 2021, 5:11:24 PM8/30/21
to Brennan Forum
I found it in my notes.  The command is Settings->Maintenance->Advanced->Get Ethernet
That was added in the software release for 12 May 2021.  So if your software is older than that, you must do an update.

Peter Lowham

Aug 30, 2021, 5:16:04 PM8/30/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi All,

The command is 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Advanced' --> 'Get Ethernet'.  You need to be on at least version 'B2B May 12 2021' or later to see this function.


P. M. Adamson

Sep 4, 2021, 6:05:55 AM9/4/21
to Brennan Forum
Now an owner for over a week and at the stage where it is suggested I change the Sd Card. having read the instructions it is beyond my comprehension. That said I'll battle on with what seems the most complex of machines. I purchased this based on the excellent reviews none of which mentioned buying a different dongle, wi- fi connectivity issues and now it seems I have to buy a USB card reader. Can anyone confoirm if that is necessary if my PC already has one built in or does it require an extra one. Could Brennan supply a ready done card with the necessary software pre-loaded. Is there any reason why the one supplied cant be reformatted and software uploaded via Ethernet.? 
Brennan seem to have me over a barrel. having uploaded 165 albums the option of taking the 30 day money back guarantee would not really be an option. as I would be back to square one and wasted over a week already with the excellent ripping aspect of this machine. If the SD card needs replaceing at this point surely that is a manufacturing issue under warranty. As always the Forum seems to be the best place to get help but I am getting distraught with this techy required unit. User friendly it is not. I am no desighner but surely taking the back of a machine to get at the Ethernet(solved with a USB ethernet adaptor) and an SD card without an obvious slot does not make for user friendliness. I don't get it.

Jeff. M.

Sep 4, 2021, 7:25:23 AM9/4/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peter in a previous post, you said, the router 2 and 5 both on. What did you mean by these 2 numbers? Do you mean you have  2.4 and 5 GHz WiFi turned on. I believe B2 only works on 2.4 GHz. So your machine may be trying to connect to the wrong bandwidth WiFi.

Mark Fishman

Sep 4, 2021, 7:30:59 AM9/4/21
to Brennan Forum
First of all, IF YOU MAKE A BACKUP of the music you've already ripped you would NOT be back at square one. You'd have everything you have ripped on an external drive that you own. Your computer can play that music. Should you decide to get another device like the B2 you can import that music. So your time isn't wasted.

Second, the reviews didn't mention buying a different wifi dongle, or connectivity issues, or having to buy a USB-toSDcard adapter because most people do not have to do those things. I think that PMB (Paul Bird, who works for Brennan) wrote her a couple of times that the number of people on this forum is about or under 10% of those who hav bought B2 units, and even here on the forum a very small percentage have had the kind of problems you have run into. In at least some (if not many) of those cases the problem, and its resolution, turned out to be external to the B2, i.e., something else in the home network.

As to the SDcard replacement: You should need this only if the software version thatv is already there is too old to support your use of the USB-ethernet adapter that you have, or if (for some bizarre reason) the software on the existing card is corrupted -- which would probably cause much bigger problems, so is unlikely to be the case at present. But yes, Brennan can supply one ready-programmed. You'd still need to take out two screws from the case to swap it in, though -- about as techy and difficult as using a can opener.

You have a chicken-and-egg problem, though, as your B2 seems to have problems communicating with your home network, even though you say that your USB-ethernet adapter got an IP address. Let's try to troubleshoot this logically, please, instead of scattershot.

 - When you use the USB-ethernet adapter, WHAT IS THE IP ADDRESS that shows up on the front display of the B2? Remember that the wifi dongle must be REMOVED from the B2 if you are using a wired connection.
 - You have written, "I tapped it into the address bar it was not having it." Too many pronouns, not enough antecedents: you typed the IP address seen on the B2 front display into the address bar -- of what? What software, what device? Can you compare the IP address OF THAT DEVICE to the IP address seen on the B2 display? (Hint: the first three number fields -- separated by dots -- should be the same.)
 - You have a BT-supplied router. Peter L. has pointed out that if the router *firmware* (the software that runs the router, not the physical router) is older than July, it might have BT's bug that prevents some devices within your home network from communicating to other devices within the same network. That's a router problem that BT can fix remotely.
 - Can the B2 communicate with the outside world (the actual Internet, not your home network)? If it has a reasonable-looking IP address, can you (for example) play any of the Internet Radio stations by using the remote control to pick one? If the B2 connects to one of those -- any of them -- then it is properly connected to your network and all the other problems are somewhere else.

No one but you can troubleshoot this problem because it appears to be an interaction (or lack thereof) between the B2 and your home network. We don't have your router or wifi extenders or other devices.

I sincerely hope this is of some help; that's my intent, anyway. -- m.


Sep 6, 2021, 4:35:31 AM9/6/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peter,

It sounds like the USB Ethernet adaptor works if you are seeing an IP Address (shows the B2 is connected to WiFi) and the clock (shows it can see the internet). So no need to do any more on that front. Have you unplugged the WiFi dongle - not required with the Ethernet adaptor?

So is the problem now that you cannot do a Web Upgrade on the B2 or is there another problem?

It also sounds like you cannot open the web UI - what computer and software are you using? Are you inputting the number part of the IP only e.g.

Brennan Support.

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