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Brennan, Sonos, and Alexa

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May 12, 2018, 5:52:33 AM5/12/18
to Brennan Forum

Probably a very inept question but my IT skills are deficient. I have a Sonos 5 speaker and a Sonos 1 (with Alexa). At present I give commands to the Sonos I Alexa to play whatever I want to hear and get the music from Amazon Music through both speakers. It works well but there are 2 issues:
a) I cant play any of the many CDs I have. This is what I would like to get Brennan for
b) I want to separate the Sonos speakers I have into different rooms.

Is it possible to have the following set up in my kitchen:
Sonos 5 and Brennan and an Echo dot - thus allowing me access to Amazon Music, Radio, and CD collection. I do realise I cannot ask Alexa to play music stored on Brennan. The Sonos 5 would just be a speaker for the Brennan system.


Sonos 1 (with Alexa) in another room which would have access to Amazon Music. I am not trying to get Brennan to play stored CDs  from another room.

Is this set up reasonably obtained and what extra lead(s) if any would be required. If replying please imagine you are talking to a 5 year old!

David Tellett

May 14, 2018, 9:02:07 AM5/14/18
to Brennan Forum
Sonos speakers will stream music from your B2 as long as within your home WIFI range. I stream mine all over the house on various Sonos speakers.

You need to enable NAS on the B2 in order that Sonos can see the B2 hard disk.

The Sonos system will then use the B2 as a 'source' of music (the B2 does not control this, Sonos does)
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