One More Dumb Question

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Arthur Good

Aug 28, 2021, 3:21:32 PM8/28/21
to Brennan Forum
This is a multi-part existential oddball question. Since ripping over 450 CD’s and listening via Bt headphones, I have not shut down my B2. I have had the unit for about 6-7 months. 

1- Is there any risk of problems, damage or shortened life of the unit if I just leave it on? 
2- Is the optimal approach to shut the B2 down after each use!? 
3- If one decides to power down, is there any particular protocol, and is there one for powering back up? 

Anthony Deighton

Aug 28, 2021, 5:01:46 PM8/28/21
to Brennan Forum
The protocol for turning off is to press the stop button on the front until Saving appears then wait until date/time reappears and switch off. To turn on just do exactly that and wait while the units connects to your wi fi. Once it shows date/time you’re ready to go. Like you I would like to know about leaving switched on. I’m old enough to remember a time when hi fi enthusiasts left everything turned on all the time!

Daniel Taylor

Aug 28, 2021, 5:12:32 PM8/28/21
to Brennan Forum
The company line is that it doesn't matter if you leave it on all the time or turn it off between uses.

If you leave it on all the time, you run the risk of wearing out the display.  There are commands for adjusting the display brightness and for setting the screensaver brightness when the unit goes into standby.  Here is a brief overview of those commands:
Settings > Brightness
      Settings for when B2 is in normal use:
        0..15 = display brightness,
                0=min, 15=max
Settings > Maintenance > Screensaver
      Settings for when B2 is in standby mode:
            0 = Screensaver is Off
        1..15 = Display Brightness when in standby
                1=min, 15=max
           16 = Display Off when in standby

I think it will depend mostly on how much you use your B2 whether you turn it off or leave it on.  It's just a personal choice.

Peter Lowham

Aug 28, 2021, 6:04:16 PM8/28/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Arthur,

These are good questions, and my responses are my opinion only, but based on being an electonics engineer in an earlier part of my career.

1.  Leaving the B2 powered up all of the time is good for the lifetime of an electronic device.  Powering a device up when it is cold causes a big power surge into the unit which can shorten the life of the product.

2.  No, leave the B2 powered up, for the reason stated above.

3.  To power down the B2, the procedure is to press and hold the 'Play/Stop' button until 'Saving' appears on the front panel display.  This ensures that the B2 is in a quiescent

As has already been stated, setting the 'Screensaver' setting to '16' will cause the front panel screen to blank out after five minutes of inactivity, thus preserving the life of the display.

On Saturday, 28 August 2021 at 20:21:32 UTC+1 wrote:

Aug 28, 2021, 7:57:33 PM8/28/21
to Brennan Forum
I have to ask! I hope you have made a backup of your B2's music! If not you need to.


On Saturday, 28 August 2021 at 20:21:32 UTC+1 wrote:


Aug 31, 2021, 5:26:03 AM8/31/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi All,

I wasn't going to reply as I didn't want to muddy the water further BUT I do power my B2 on and off each time I use it, usually daily as part of my support role.

I usually do the power down routine - press and hold the Play/Stop button, etc but if the B2 is already in Standby I just power off. If the B2 is not on the clock screen then occasionally it gets stuck on 'saving'. It is safe to power off after a say 10s or so.

If you have to do a power cycle (off and on) to reset the B2 for example, it is a good idea to wait 30s or so between power off and power on to give the internal circuitry time to discharge fully.

Brennan Support.
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