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Jeff. M.

May 20, 2021, 10:38:38 AM5/20/21
to Brennan Forum
A few things I would like to add to the wishlist:-
1. Volume control for bluetooth devices that don't have a volume control built in. This is for devices that play From the B2.
2. Random play for individual albums, rather than having to put an album into a playlist!
3. Turn off unit from front panel when playing Spotify. Particularly useful if I go out and leave B2 playing from Spotify, my wife could then turn it off. Unit will not turn off when playing Spotify!!!

I'm sure I will think of more, but these would make my listening pleasure much greater.

Les Stanley

May 20, 2021, 10:37:08 PM5/20/21
to Brennan Forum
Regarding number 2 on your list, yes it would be great but updates to the random options never seem to happen. I'm not sure why as there obviously is some kind of random algorithm. Putting the album in a playlist defeats the object really as you to know which albums you want to hear in the first place.
Anyway, I second your request (random within artist too).

Sean Inglis

May 21, 2021, 5:47:01 AM5/21/21
to Brennan Forum
Jeff, wrt 2. can I check what you mean by "random":

A - "Random Shuffled" -  the tracks on an album are shuffled and then played through in the new shuffled sequence - you will hear each track exactly once on a playthrough

B - "Random Random" - a random track is chosen from an album and played. When it ends, another is chosen at random and this process repeats until you tell it to stop. You might hear some tracks more than once, others not at all, and occasionally the same track will play multiple times in a row.

Jeff. M.

May 21, 2021, 6:03:33 AM5/21/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Sean, I did actually mean single album shuffle, that would be a good start. Obviously there is shuffle on the whole music collection just by pressing next! Also, as LJ says shuffle of an artist too!

Sean Inglis

May 21, 2021, 9:19:58 AM5/21/21
to Brennan Forum

I've added an album shuffle button to this test code:

if you enter your B2/BB1 IP address, hit "Fetch DB" then play around with search, matches at the album level will have a standard play icon and a shuffle play icon.

Hitting the shuffle play icon should shuffle up to 50 tracks from the album and then start playing them.

Note it does this by creating / recreating a playlist called "zzz_AutoShuffleAlbum" every time and then starting play, so if you already have a playlist with this name, it'll zap it.

It's an experiment so the usual at-your-own-risk caveats apply.


Jeff. M.

May 21, 2021, 9:58:38 AM5/21/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks for that Sean, Ill play later, wife currently on spotify!

The wish I would really like is volume control for Bluetooth out. I have several devices that do not have volume control! These are generally a lot more money, If I had more money, then maybe I could get Sonos devices! They seem to get an update every couple of months. I'm not bitter though. LOL.

Thamks for the album shuffle, will report soon.

Jeff. M.

May 22, 2021, 6:04:29 AM5/22/21
to Brennan Forum
works great Sean, I have combined a few of my album sets, so this works really well! Am I your official guinea pig now? I f you could sort the volume on Bluetooth as well.....

Sean Inglis

May 22, 2021, 6:27:29 AM5/22/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Jeff, good to hear, it seemed reliable enough but you can never tell until someone else tries. I'll make a few changes like relaxing the 50 track limit and some cosmetics.

That volume control is likely a trickier problem and a bit more in the guts of the device unfortunately. Most of the searching and playlist stuff you can do just by making the right kind of request externally - no changes or installation on a B2 / BB1 required. Probably not the case for volume control.

I have a bluetooth headset that operates the same way, i.e I can only control the volume on the headset itself. I'll have a poke around on the device, but I'm not optimistic it can be done in a user-friendly way without changes by Brennan themselves.

Jeff. M.

May 22, 2021, 6:40:43 AM5/22/21
to Brennan Forum
I have looked and found a few things about volume on a raberry PI, but as you say, it's gonna be deep inside. Very frustrating for me, and i reckon a lot of people  on here who may have bluetooth devices. I want to just take a speaker in the garden or put my earbuds in. I may keep posting about it, and see if i get support!
I presume you like plying around with programs etc. I build my own PCs, but never really delve too deep.
Currently, listening to Steely Dan on shuffle.😉

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