b2 14G vs b2 1000G

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Mikey Jay

May 14, 2018, 1:28:02 PM5/14/18
to Brennan Forum
Help!  I bought my 1TB b2 back in June 2015 and it's been working fine until recently when it would suddenly stop playing mid-random play, no audio would come out and the OLED display would randomly  display track names but not play them.  I put this down to the Raspberry Pi SD card possibly having got corrupt data (although I used to press the stop button and wait for "Saving" to be displayed before turning off the power).  To cut a long story short the new SD card arrived last week which I duly inserted but the random issue described above persisted.  I then re-formatted the HDD and restored the music from my external HDD via USB-C (the contents of which were a back-up from my JB7 which contains approximately 350 CDs.  Unfortunately I cannot get the internal HDD to engage despite re-booting and instead of the customary "b2 1000G" being displayed all I get is "b2 14G" with the words "Source: SD Card" displayed on the OLED bottom line.  Pressing HDD on the remote has no effect in changing this source to the HDD.  Am now wondering whether my actions have caused the internal HDD drive to fail completely.  I've even tried to go through the motions of loading a single CD and having chosen the album name followed by OK the words "Ripping" initially appear followed by the CD being ejected out of the drive.  Any ideas please?


May 15, 2018, 3:56:32 AM5/15/18
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mikey,

It sounds like your B2 is in SD mode i.e. it is using the SD Card as the storage/playback medium rather than the HDD. If pressing HDD on the remote isn't working try using the menu on the B2 - Settings > Maintenance > Use HDD.

Brennan Support.

Mikey Jay

May 15, 2018, 6:36:35 AM5/15/18
to Brennan Forum
Brilliant!  I'd just come back from "playing" with the various menus and somehow avoided going into the Settings/Maintenance bit because of the statement which said I shouldn't normally require this menu option and bingo! found the switch option you pointed out below.  Have now started a "Restore" from the external HDD again.  I knew I'd seen that option somewhere during my "panic searches".  Thanks for confirming something which I eventually found out and was in the process of updating the post on here when I spotted your reply also Paul.  Will let you know the eventual outcome.  From one very happy Mike!

Mikey Jay

May 15, 2018, 8:08:07 AM5/15/18
to Brennan Forum
Well the backup has reloaded and my b2 appears to be playing A-OK once more.  I can't describe the feeling of hopelessness that came over me when I was without!  Thanks for coming to the rescue there Paul - really appreciate it. 

Edwyn Corteen

May 15, 2018, 11:12:46 AM5/15/18
to Brennan Forum
I think the warning that Maintenance Menu shouldn't normally be used should go as more and more "stuff" all very useful has been added since launch.

Mikey Jay

May 15, 2018, 1:12:00 PM5/15/18
to Brennan Forum
Seems I spoke too soon!  The original problem is back again whereby the b2 plays HDD contents quite happily and then suddenly stops and the OLED displays is just scrolling randomly through track titles  but not stopping at any to play them.  Internet radio is working OK but HDD refuses to play.  Incidentally this is the 3rd Raspberry pi SD card I've tried in the unit.

Brian R

May 15, 2018, 2:06:12 PM5/15/18
to Brennan Forum
 I think the warning is generally valid but I do think there are items in there which would be better situated elsewhere if that is possible.
I'm thinking particularly of Format USBC, Format USBA and Delete Back-Up. 
New users frequently seem to have problems with backing up their new machine so putting all their needs in one place i.e.USB Menu would make things easier.



May 16, 2018, 5:51:03 AM5/16/18
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mikey,

Try running Scan Disk - Settings > Scan Disk, to rebuild the music index on the B2's HDD.

Brennan Support.

Mikey Jay

May 18, 2018, 4:00:26 AM5/18/18
to Brennan Forum
Well I think I've sorted it - it's been playing normally for 2 days now (off and on).  I ended up deleting the b2, re-formatting the HDD and then restoring from the ext. HDD once again.  Even though the restore appeared to finish, I kept on selecting restore from C, until it appeared that everything had been fully restored.  Don't ask me why this was necessary.  Also I'm wondering if there's an internal battery such as the one on a PC motherboard because each time I loaded the internet radio presets - for the past week on switch on, they'd be back to whatever the Brennan defaults are.  So possibly with all the "on" time lately the presumed internal battery has restored it's nominal voltage and the memory has been preserved.  Just a thought that's all, I might be going off on a complete tangent in the opposite direction.  So far then, so good - long may it continue.


May 18, 2018, 5:29:57 AM5/18/18
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mikey,

There is no battery in the B2, the presets are saved in non-volatile memory.

After editing the radio presets try pressing and holding the Play/Stop button until 'Saving' is displayed. Shouldn't be necessary but this will ensure the presets are saved.

Brennan Support.

Mikey Jay

May 18, 2018, 6:15:38 AM5/18/18
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Paul - I don't know what caused the memory to wipe itself out - anyway the unit is still merrily playing away so I'll just have to put it down to one of those mysterious glitches.  It's working and at least if it happens again I'll know what to do to get it back again.  Thanks to everyone who offered advice.  This forum is worth its weight in gold (or should that be B2s!).

Mikey Jay

May 21, 2018, 2:28:31 PM5/21/18
to Brennan Forum
No further issues with my B2 I'm pleased to add on here.  Just thought I'd mention it seeing as "Mr Negative's" comments in the forum berating the product.  I for one am happy with my purchase and what's more my JB7 is still going strong too.
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