Can't re-load onto Sonos

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Keith Kirby

Mar 14, 2022, 6:45:16 AM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum
After a considerable time of successfully playing music from my B2 through my Sonos speakers I encountered 'music not available' two days ago, which never rectified itself. Accordingly I decided to re-load the Brennan onto Sonos following their process but have not been able to do so . Yesterday the Sonos was 'updating the music library' for the whole day without success. 
Sonos do not seem to know what the issue is and have suggested that Brennan might be a better source of a remedy. Can anyone help , please ?



Mar 14, 2022, 7:17:25 AM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Keith,

It sounds like you are adding the B2 as a library source to Sonos using their app - is that correct?

Has the IP address, displayed on the B2, changed?

Try turning NAS off and on again - use the front control to go to Settings >> Maintenance >> Stop NAS >> wait 30s >> Start NAS.

Brennan Support.

Mar 14, 2022, 7:20:44 AM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Keith.

From what you are saying yo are playing the B2 music "through" your Sonos using the B2's NAS feature.
From what you are saying it would appear that the Sonos can no longer see the B2's NAS.
To fire fight this we first need to ensure that the B2 itself is OK. I don't know if you have any speakers directly connected to your B2 but if you have (or if you have some wired headphones) please could you 1) Check that the B2 has an IP number and that this IP number is still the same as it was. 2) Check that the B2 can play music from its HDD.  3) Check that it can play from the internet radio. 4) Check that the B2 NAS is "on".
If all the above is OK then I would next suggest rebooting your Router (turn the B2 off First). Once it reboots after a bit turn the B2 back on.
Next go to your PC or Mac and make sure you can see the B2's NAS from this device. If you can then the problem is not with the B2 but with the Sonos App. 


Keith Kirby

Mar 14, 2022, 9:41:37 AM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul et al,

Yes , want the facility to play the Brennan as a library source to Sonos so that I can use the Sonos playlist facility among other things. Can still play Brennan through the Sonos speakers using the IP address route , but would like the additional capability so that I can play the same music simultaneously in different rooms .

I'm not aware that the IP address has changed , but does the connection identified above show that it is OK ? How can I check what it may have been ?

Have just tried the NAS tip -let's see if it works .

From Fred's mail :

B2 plays its library very well through wired speakers and Sonos equivalents using the IP route. Radio works well.

Have made sure that NAS is on . Bizzarely , I have two laptops and the old one can 'see' the B2 on the network, but the new one cannot -why ? Using the old one to try to reload 

Just re-booted the router .

Here's hoping !!



Mar 14, 2022, 9:59:42 AM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Keith, is it the new laptop that you are using the Sonos App on?


Mar 14, 2022, 10:00:45 AM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum
If so has there been a Windows update on it?

Keith Kirby

Mar 14, 2022, 2:01:30 PM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum

Yes , I use the new for Sonos as well as my ipad . Have added Windows 11 in the last week or so .


Mar 14, 2022, 2:14:11 PM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Ok then if that PC cant see the B2's NAS then an application (sonos) running on top will not be able to either as it uses the OS to do this.
I think you need to get the NEW pc connected to the NAS.
I am not a Windows 11 user yet, so here is a shout out to the Forum for help!



Mar 15, 2022, 4:11:42 AM3/15/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Keith,

Mark Fishman posted these instructions a while ago (as an alternative to enabling SMB1.0) - 

Here's another fun way to connect to your B2 in Windows 10 without enabling SMB 1.0, and this time without mapping a drive letter. You will have to know your B2's IP address, and it will be a good idea to assign a fixed IP address for the B2 in your network router.

Make sure that you have started NAS on the Brennan device – it may not be on if you have repro’d the SD Card.

Open the Windows Explorer (sometimes called the File Manager)..

Click on "This PC".

At the top of the window, click on “Computer” and select "Add a network location".

You''ll see "Welcome to the Add Network Location Wizard" -- click Next.

Click on "Choose a custom network location" (see 2nd attached picture) and click Next

Now it wants the usual UNC for a network shared: type in \\[your Brennan IP here]\music

 where instead of [your Brennan IP here] you type the actual IP address of your Brennan.

You'll be prompted (eventually -- the B2 seems quite slow compared to, say, a desktop or laptop computer) for the username and password. This is the tricky part: for username, you should type [your Brennan IP here]\root -- that way the connection knows that you are trying to authenticate using the remote credentials, not some non-existent local root account.

for password, you should probably type brennan unless you have recently changed it in which case you're on your own here.

You do get to give the shortcut that will get created a human-friendly name sometime around now.

Eventually (again) not only will the music directory from the B2 display on your Windows computer, you'll also have a shortcut in the "This PC" section of  Windows Explorer (see last attached picture).

The next time you want to connect, if your Brennan has a stable IP and is running, just click on the shortcut.

I know it's for Win 10 but may work with Win 11 too.

Brennan Support.

Keith Kirby

Mar 15, 2022, 6:47:52 AM3/15/22
to Brennan Forum
Thanks to you all for your expert advice which has solved the issue and I am now back up and running . The Mark Frishman process that Paul identified was the 'crowning glory' of the remedy.

Best regards



Mar 16, 2022, 4:44:48 AM3/16/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Keith,

Did you use Mark's instructions on the Win 11 computer?

Brennan Support.

Mar 16, 2022, 5:28:43 AM3/16/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul

I think you missed this bit Keith's reply above
" The Mark Frishman process that Paul identified was the 'crowning glory' of the remedy."

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