Teething problem 1

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John Page

Dec 20, 2021, 4:53:15 PM12/20/21
to Brennan Forum
Subject-line presupposes:

1. This actually is just a teething problem which I'm encountering because still in the very early stages of getting to know my B2, and not a more serious fault.

2.  It's the first but not the last such problem I shall post about!

Anyway, the thing is I put in a CD to play (or rip I imagine) and it does the DB look-up and comes up with a totally different artist, album and track list.  Any help gratefully received!

Daniel Taylor

Dec 20, 2021, 4:58:39 PM12/20/21
to Brennan Forum
Fairly often, there will be more than once choice of album information to choose from.  Turn the big knob on the front panel to change to the next option.  Usually, you'll find a good match for your album.

John Page

Dec 20, 2021, 5:15:50 PM12/20/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks, Daniel.  Let's hope all my problems are so easily solved!  Was there first alternative I found!


Dec 20, 2021, 5:20:45 PM12/20/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi John,

Yes the "name" of a music CD is not encoded on it the Brennan has to look at all the track lengths and use this information as the search criterion with an web based database that is supposed to know about Music CDs. The content of this database is user generated - the manufacturers do not upload their proprietary information to help. Thus you may get several possible matches or indeed "misses" on occasion.


John Page

Dec 20, 2021, 5:25:54 PM12/20/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks, Fred. Daniel very helpfully told me how to sort my problem, but I was wondering how there could be more than one option; now I know!



Dec 21, 2021, 6:43:01 AM12/21/21
to Brennan Forum

further to Fred's post some readers my find this documentation ,on how the Musicbrainz search algorithm can be used programmatically, of interest


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