Play back problems post compression

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Geoff Tipre

Aug 4, 2019, 8:17:11 PM8/4/19
to Brennan Forum
I received my Brennan back in April and since then I have been converting my CD collection to FLAC files. It has been a long process and I am finally getting near the end.  When I have had problems or needed to understand the process better the forums have been a great help.  But I need some help with one problem I can't seem to find an answer for.

Usually when I sit down to import some disc I will do about 8-12 at a time.  Usually when I am done I will force compression rather than wait for the B2 to do it on it's on schedule.  Sometimes the B2 will hang/freeze during the compression process, this I can usually rectify by rebooting and then start compression again.  I understand that when this happens perhaps there is one disc or song that doesn't compress correctly because it froze, this is why I only do so few disc at a session, I find I get better results.

But lately I have been having a problem more often post compression.  I typically us the web UI for controlling the B2 as much as possible, for some operations the selector know is easier or the only way.  When I go back to play the albums to test that they compressed properly sometimes I will play a song and I will hear two small pops from the speakers then parts of the browse window will reset to another album but the B2 does nothing.  Sometimes the B2 will start to play a song then then get scratchy and static and stop.  Sometimes I can play the first song on an album but if I advance to the next song it pops a little then stops.  Yesterday I played the first song on an album once then went back to play it again and I got the pops then resets and nothing.  If I use the selector know for these albums/songs I get the same results.  This made me concerned for the albums that I have already tested, so I decided to start testing all the files all over again. Before I got to the "D" artists I have found 3 albums that I know were playing correctly before but now they are not.  I really do not want to redo every album all over again.

Here is what I have tried to do to correct this.  Scan disk, reboot, software upgrade, clear free space, I have tried all of these several times.  Really hope I can get some help with this.


Daniel Taylor

Aug 4, 2019, 9:22:28 PM8/4/19
to Brennan Forum
Although I don't know what the problem is, I have a suggestion that might shed some light - hopefully.

If you haven't yet set up the B2 to be accessed as NAS, it would be helpful.  Then you can bring up one of the troublesome songs and play it on your computer as you would any song on a local hard disk.  If the song also has problems playing that way, I'd think the song file was corrupted and would need to be replaced.  If the song plays fine on your computer, then I'd be suspicious that there was something else wrong with the B2, something worse than just a corrupted file.


Aug 5, 2019, 3:25:45 AM8/5/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Geoff,

Daniel's idea is a good way to check the tracks on your B2. There is some basic NAS setup info on our website. If you are using Windows 10 you may have to use the 'map drive' method to connect your B2 - check the Forum as this has been discussed quite a few times.

Brennan Support.

Geoff Tipre

Aug 5, 2019, 10:43:12 PM8/5/19
to Brennan Forum
Thank you Daniel and Paul I will try that in the next few days and check back in when I get the results, much appreciated. 

Geoff Tipre

Aug 7, 2019, 1:12:57 AM8/7/19
to Brennan Forum

Update:  I activated the B2 as a NAS, had a little trouble getting Windows 10 to cooperate, thank you forums.  I tied a lot of the files that I have been having trouble with and it seems that all the data is there correctly and the files are not corrupted as they play normally.  Still, when I try and play those files directly from the B2 I get 2 little pops then nothing, also when I try and play the files through the web interface. 

What are the next steps in finding the problem?


Dennis Lefebvre

Aug 7, 2019, 8:35:47 AM8/7/19
to Brennan Forum
How are you listening, through speakers attached directly to the B2 -or- is the B2 connected to another system via some type of cable -or- is the B2 connected directly to speakers via Bluetooth? Can you try listening with a different type of connection for diagnostic purposes?  For example, if you listen through headphones plugged into the Line Out socket on the back panel do you hear the same problems? (If you use headphones you will need to set the volume high to hear anything.)

Geoff Tipre

Aug 8, 2019, 12:25:25 AM8/8/19
to Brennan Forum
Dennis thanks for joining this thread.

SO interesting results changing how I listen.  For the past few months I had it in a simple setup on the end table next to the couch so I would be more comfortable while burning and I had one speak plug in and changed between left and right channel occasionally. 

Tonight I tried the headphone port first, and nothing some response has with a speaker.  Which reminded me I need to connect those by bluetooth as well.  Battery in headphones was dead.

Then I tried HDMI and everything seems to be fine, all the tracks that didn't play before do now.  So obviously since they also played on my computer over NAS, digitally everything is fine and this all makes since.  How don't have a SPDIF cable right now but I would assume the results would be the same as HDMI and NAS.  I'll be using HDMI anyhow.

And finally went back to couch mode and single speaker with same results as before, most tracks play just fine and others 2 quick little pops and then the web page resets and nothing.

So where does these leave us when it comes to playing through speakers directly connected to the B2.  Some songs play but others don't, is it hardware or software? Both?



Aug 8, 2019, 5:08:15 AM8/8/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Geoff,

From your description it sounds like you are only connecting one speaker to the B2 - is that correct? Not sure if the internal amplifier will like that - it may see it as an error and shut the amplifier down.

You say your B2 plays fine via HDMI so the digital side of things is working i.e. the tracks you have saved and the HDD are OK. So it could be something downstream from there.

If you could try the Line Out with headphones (plugged in type - have you got any ear buds, commonly supplied with mobile phones?) as it would let us know if there is a problem with the analogue section/s.

Brennan Support.

Geoff Tipre

Aug 9, 2019, 6:29:37 PM8/9/19
to Brennan Forum

When using headphones both bluetooth and wired through the mini jack port I have the same results as a wired speaker, the bulk of my collection plays fine but the same tracks as before won't play.  Just 2 little pops then everything seems to stop and reset.

I have also tried re-ripping the CD's with the same results.

Any other suggestions please?


Dennis Lefebvre

Aug 10, 2019, 8:48:09 AM8/10/19
to Brennan Forum

On Friday, August 9, 2019 at 5:29:37 PM UTC-5, Geoff Tipre wrote:
I have also tried re-ripping the CD's with the same results.

Can you try ripping those CDs on a computer and importing the tracks to the B2? This could allow you to see if the problem is in the original material, or in the B2's rip/compression process.


Geoff Tipre

Aug 10, 2019, 12:10:33 PM8/10/19
to Brennan Forum

I can do this. Can you recommend FLAC software to use?

Chris A

Aug 10, 2019, 12:59:12 PM8/10/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Geoff

If you have a PC with Windows 10, Windows Media Player will rip to FLAC.


Aug 11, 2019, 4:38:56 AM8/11/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Dennis,

Try deleting a troublesome album, run Scan Disk and then rip it again.

Several owners have recommended 'dbpoweramp' for ripping on a PC - I haven't tried it myself - or 'Exact Audio Copy' or NCH - ripping and compression software.

Brennan Support.
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