Newbie at the forum - Album covers

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Nestor Gonzalo

Apr 27, 2018, 8:52:26 AM4/27/18
to Brennan Forum
Hello everyone!
Newbie at the forum!
Love the B2!

Sorry my poor English…
My experience with the B2 is as follows:
Ripping 617 CDs.
After ripping a CD using the B2 I decided it would take too much of my time.
Researching I found that DBPowerAmp (Windows PC software) does an accurate and fast job.

This software also searches the album cover and find it in 97% of the time.
It creates a file called Folder.jpg containing every CD album cover.

Used Flac (Level 5) and used the generation of names rule according to what the B2 needs.
After rip I renamed all Folder.jpg (file containing album cover) to coverart.jpg.

The file to be imported into the B2 was 92.1 GB in size. 
I recorded everything into a 128 GB flash drive.
This flash drive was B2 formatted.
Imported into B2 using the USB port "C".

After completing the import (8 hours) I ran a "Scan Disk". 
Surprise ... the B2 showed a brief message "STARTED" and after few seconds returned 
the display to the current time.
It seems nothing is happening as none of the LEDs are lit.

Almost everything worked OK. I wrote almost ...
I can play all the imported tracks.
I can see the name of each track imported.
I can see VERY FEW ALBUMS COVERS of each album.
I read on this forum that it is possible to manually match the album cover with the album ....
I confess myself disappointed TO DO THIS MANUALLY...
Note 1: I recommend using PC software to rip a whole collection.
Note 2: Any suggestions to resolve the issue of the album cover?
Thanks in advance,

David Gardner

Apr 27, 2018, 8:55:26 PM4/27/18
to Brennan Forum
My experience is that as long as the coverart.jpg is in the album folder when you select the album or any track within it, the cover art shows in the now playing panel.
You seem to have been very thorough so I hesitate to suggest it but are you sure the coverart.jpg files are always with their respective tracks files together in a folder dedicated to the album?


Apr 30, 2018, 5:17:59 AM4/30/18
to Brennan Forum
Hi Nestor,

I've just looked at my B2's HDD on my PC (using NAS mode) and a typical (FLAC) music file with coverart is -

Artist name > Album name > Tracks - list of tracks + coverart.jpg + TOC file.

Brennan Support.
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