Speeding up NAS Function - possible?

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David L Raines

Jun 21, 2021, 8:59:02 PM6/21/21
to Brennan Forum
I get roughly 1 MB/s or less when copying files to the B2 or copying files FROM the B2 to another location.   It's not the network because I have enterprise ethernet switches and I get 90 MB/s transfer speed from my Mac Pro (running Windows).  I've tried the B2 on Wi-Fi and Ethernet with no speed differences.    The main thing I see is this hesitation during a copy.  It's one thing if I'm getting slow speeds but it's 1 MB/s down to kilobits to even the NAS function stopping completely and I need to power cycle the unit.  

Any help is appreciated.  


Jun 21, 2021, 9:34:43 PM6/21/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi David

The computer at the heart of the Brennan B2 is a Raspberry Pi - credit card sized single board computer running a Linux operating system.
The NAS speed is somewhat limited by what the Pi can deliver especially if the Pi is being asked to play music while also trying to do a heavy NAS service. B2's are best doing just one thing at a time!!
Your BEST performance will be Ethernet but when using this it is important to remove the WiFi dongle.

My experience is that the NAS is slow but rock solid - I have used it to make an entire copy of the B2's music to my PC (650GB). It took a day or so to complete.

David L Raines

Jun 21, 2021, 11:02:34 PM6/21/21
to Brennan Forum
That must be why.  I unplugged the USB Dongle and just have ethernet in now, although I was getting two IPs previous because of both adaptors.  I didn't think it would interfere.   Let's see how it goes.   If 1 MB/s is what it is, then I'll have to live with it. Thanks

Peter Lowham

Jun 22, 2021, 8:53:13 AM6/22/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi David,

I use wired NAS from my B2s to a Dell C1100 server for backup.  I get a transfer rate of about 15GBytes per hour which I think works out at about 4MBytes per second.  A resonable wireless connection will work at about one quarter of that rate, so it sounds like your connection was running over wireless rather than the wired connection.

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