My thoughts on my Brennan B2 unit and Brennan Speakers

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Keith Knight

Aug 16, 2021, 5:02:19 PM8/16/21
to Brennan Forum
I have owned my Brennan B2 for some time now.

I found ripping CDs rather tedious. If I had realised this I probably would not have bought one.  I have also got a lot of other mp3s from other sources as well and still have not filled the hard-drive, so that is a bonus.  All were ripped as FLAC format.

I also find that my Brennan Speakers do not sound as good as I would like them to be. There are no pre-settings and if I apply too much bass or treble the speakers do not like it. I adjust the equaliser then some music like Stylo by Gorillas comes on and it causes distortion and has to be adjusted.

My Alexa with bass speakers and tweeters sounds better than my main hi fi set up which is now exclusively Brennan. Alexa is in Mono of course.

Considering how much a Brennan set up costs I do hope that one day Brennon will sort out the equaliser situation and provide something better than the sound that the flat setting provides.  My old hi fi had some good setting like dolly boost, theatre and cinema mode etc.

I do not intend selling my set up, but would like some improvements with sound.  Also my MP3s come in at all levels. Low and Hight.

I do appreciate that you cannot please all of the people all of the time. Any views from other Brennan Users please?


Daniel Taylor

Aug 16, 2021, 5:15:12 PM8/16/21
to Brennan Forum
Although I have not heard the Brennan speakers, I found that I greatly preferred the sound when the signal was sent to an old audio receiver as compared with the same speakers connected directly to the B2.  Currently, I have my B2 feeding a newer A/V receiver via HDMI so that the receiver is providing a better DAC, as well as improved amplification.  From what I've read, the general consensus here in the forum is that an external DAC and amplifier are recommended.  Combination units I can suggest are made by NAD, Cambridge, Elac, PS Audio, etc.  Personally, I have my eye on the PS Audio Sprout 100 for potential downsizing my setup somewhere down the line.


Aug 17, 2021, 3:31:42 AM8/17/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Keith S,

Thank you for the user feedback. I have made a note of improvements to the EQ and possible preset sounds.

Brennan Support. 


Aug 17, 2021, 4:37:09 AM8/17/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Keith

You asked for views and I have two thoughts, based on what you've said.

Firstly, while the B2 has the capacity to act as a stand-alone music system (just add speakers) you can't expect too much of it regarding playback. It offers high quality, lossless CD ripping, cataloguing and storage, user-friendly internet radio, direct streaming with Spotify Connect and an innovative YouTube music feature. One of the benefits of ownership is that new functions are added to that list from time to time, such as Sonos connectivity, at no extra cost. But playback quality options are inevitably compromised, not least by the size of the B2 box and what can, therefore, realistically fit inside it. However, attach an optical cable to it and connect the other end to an external DAC and amp and those options are greatly expanded. It will play back CD quality files as well as a high end CD player.

Secondly, I've looked closely at the B2's graphic equaliser and can't find any problem with it; in fact I was surprised how well it works. But it does what any equaliser does when it sits within a signal chain. That is, if you're not careful, it can add gain as well as tweaking the "tone". And adding gain can cause distortion. It sounds as though you are trying to use the equaliser as a tone control: if so, that will only drive you crazy. The best way to think of an equaliser in a hifi system is as a way to compensate for the acoustics in the room or, just maybe, some generic deficiencies in the rest of the system (speakers with consistently harsh treble for example). If you can find a single setting that makes everything sound a little bit better, set it and leave it like that. If you can't find that setting, the problem probably lies elsewhere.

Jeff. M.

Aug 17, 2021, 5:25:45 AM8/17/21
to Brennan Forum
Davy, agree with you on everything here. My 1st one got replaced, but now works great, if, yo don't do 2 things at once! The equaliser is ok, and does work. However, when I bought my SMSL amp, the playback was transformed. Then wit new Whatrfedale speakers 2 weeks ago, the sound is now great, very good for my circumstances! I have a Chromecast audio connected to the amp too. So, for another £250, I have a lovely little system which even my wife comments on how good the sound is!!!  I too, think expectations from certain quarters are very high, but, the Brennan's should be sold as something you may have to fettle,. My thoughts on the subject! Listening to internet radio just now, great sound, I'm happy!


Aug 17, 2021, 8:42:54 AM8/17/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi ,

to echo the thoughts of others, in my view , one of the strengths of the B2 is that it can work for a wide spectrum of users.
It is a one box solution for some all the way up to being just a component source for a higher end hi-fi system.
As I said in a similar post the other day
'The music server/streamer market is becomingly increasingly crowded and it all comes down to the functionality and quality you want and can afford
The B2 offers good quality and functionality at a reasonable price point and the option to boost that with add ons like an external DAC and Sonos integration.'



Aug 17, 2021, 10:07:26 AM8/17/21
to Brennan Forum
Keith replied to me directly 

"Hello John

 I am investigating a separate amp, but compact for my use and have found some on Amazon.

 Best wishes Keith"

Keith Knight

Aug 17, 2021, 5:26:56 PM8/17/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks to everyone for your ideas.  I think the general consensus is to run the Brennan through an external amp - it cannot be used as a hi fi as I though it would! I wish I had kept my old speakers as large as they were!

I have taken a budget analogue solution to the problem and am reasonably pleased with the results. It has also ironed out the problem of lower volume MP3s.  My Brennan speakers are wired into the amp and give a reasonable output, which reminds me of an LP playing from a Garrard SP25 back in the day!  It probably is not true hi fi but a far more balanced sound and channel definition is good.  I am wondering if I should add a cheap DAC to analogue preamp to the output from the Brennan will that boost output? I have some in line connectors in the bedroom that may boost the sound, will try that tomorrow before DAC. I will see what my wife thinks tomorrow -she found the sound going up and down irritating.  I did get a slightly better sound from the Brennan before but not as balanced as now.    I chose this amp 1) because it has a low wattage output and will not blow the speakers 2) it was cheap and I know I can return it to Amazon if I don't like it!

I do think that the Brennan does a fine job of recording and sorting MP3s.  I will be listening to the Brennan far more now!  I can also pop a dongle into the amp and play MP3s and WMAs off that.  The radio does not work well here, but reception is poor anyway. Most radios get Radio Berkshire, this does but dreadfully!

Love Brennan Love Music - thanks forum.


Aug 17, 2021, 7:35:28 PM8/17/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Keith

I do not think I understand you here -
("The radio does not work well here, but reception is poor anyway. Most radios get Radio Berkshire, this does but dreadfully!")
 - are you referring to the Brennan? because if so the radio on the Brennan is ALL from the internet - digital! 
If the Brennan radio is not good then there must be a problem with your house internet or with the connection (WiFi?) to the Brennan.


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