Audio tracks from lap top to Brennan b2…how ?

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Feb 3, 2022, 12:34:15 PM2/3/22
to Brennan Forum
I’ve checked various answers but I’m still in the dark with this.

I want to copy audio tracks on my lap top to my Brennan b2, mainly albums that failed in Brennan etc.
So having copied the CD onto my lap top …what’s the best way to get these tracks into the Brennan ? Does anyone know of any links etc that explains how to do this ? 

Daniel Taylor

Feb 3, 2022, 2:45:46 PM2/3/22
to Brennan Forum
You can transfer files to the B2 in three ways:
1) Copy to a USB disk and use the Import command;
2) Upload the files via the WebUI;
3) Copy the files directly to the B2 internal disk as a NAS drive.  In this case, you must run the Scan Disk command after the transfer is complete.

In each case, the music must have a folder structure where the Artist name is the name of the top level folder, which in turn contains folders named for the Album title, which then contains the track files.  In the case of the USB Import, the file structure could look like this:  music\Artist\Album\tracks.


Feb 3, 2022, 5:32:53 PM2/3/22
to Brennan Forum

Thanks for your quick reply .

I’m not too up on terms used here. 

What is a USB disc ? Is it just a flash stick ?
What and where is the import command ? I can’t see it anywhere. 

I’m afraid I’m lost with option 3…… Copying direct to B2 internal disk as NAS drive . I haven’t a clue what that means.

I’m trying to get the Brennan app Ui onto my lap top but it’s not making the task easy. 

Mark West

Feb 3, 2022, 6:02:37 PM2/3/22
to Brennan Forum
I would like to try method #1. How do I make sure the artist is listed first in the music folder that I would like to import from iTunes? Do I have to manipulate the information and do I need to do anything else before saving it on the USB stick? I did try this once before--just copying it on a USB stick that was formatted on the B2, but when trying to save, nothing happened (or recognized?).

Thanks for your help.


Daniel Taylor

Feb 3, 2022, 8:01:14 PM2/3/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mark,
All you have to do is create a music folder, then put an Artist folder in the music folder, then put all the Album folders for that artist in the Artist folder, and the Album folders contain the song files.

Hi PG,
A USB disk is a computer disk that can be connected to the computer when plugged into a USB port.  It could be a HDD (Hard Disk Drive), SSD (Solid State Drive), or a flash drive (often called a USB stick or flash drive).
NAS can be difficult.  The other two methods are fairly straight forward.
The Import command is in the USB menu.  Main menu > USB menu > Import from C (or A).

- - - - - - -

Folks, the B2 is a computer.  It's not like a stand-alone CD player or other audio component.  If you're not comfortable with the basics of moving files around on a computer, you will have a really difficult time with the B2.  Of course, all that is learnable.  But you have to start climbing the learning curve.

As far as the B2 itself is concerned, there is a wealth of information available on the Brennan website.  Before I bought my B2, I spent about two months hanging out in the forum, and reading the Brennan website.  One of the first things to do is to get the hang of working with the menu commands using the big knob on the front panel.  All the commands can be found on this page.  Most of the commands are not accessible via the WebUI.

Feb 3, 2022, 10:21:27 PM2/3/22
to Brennan Forum

"USB" refers to a connector type. 


In the B2 word, at the rear of the B2 there are two USB ports/sockets Called USB A and USB C (see above)  into which things can be plugged (like WiFi, Bluetooth dongles, Storage devices and Cd Readers) if they have a USB connecter that looks like
those shown below.


Therefore many different type of device can be plugged into a USB socket and be used.

A USB stick drive is one such device (note with large sizes there are many fakes of these on the market at the moment!)
A USB Disk drive is another such device, there may be either Solid State Drives (SSD) or spinning platter drives called (HDD)

Hope this helps


Feb 3, 2022, 10:33:03 PM2/3/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mark

For use on a Brennan, always format the USB device on the Brennan B2 first. B2s can only see FAT32 formatted disks and when you format using the B2 it will format it to FAT32 for you.
The music in the B2 has this file structure
The top level folder is "music" under which come the folders named for the "artist", under which come the folders named for the "albums" belonging to that artist. Each "album" folder then 
contains all the "tracks" for that "album" + the cover art for the album.

In this case the "Artist" is Adele, the "Album" is 19 and the "Tracks" are to the right.

Hope this helps



Feb 4, 2022, 6:38:02 AM2/4/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi PG...,

Assuming you have your B2 connected to WiFi, it will be displaying an IP Address - something like - on the scrolling line below the clock. On your laptop, open a new browser page (Chrome, Safari, etc) and enter the IP shown on your B2 into the top most address line of the browser. This will open the web UI page for the B2.

IP Address - web UI.jpg

From there you can view, search, edit and play your music stored on the B2. There's more info on our Web Interface pages - link - on the website.

For NAS, see our NAS and Sonos page - link

Brennan Support.
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