Bug Report; b2db occasionally not being updated during Import

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Peter Lowham

Jun 9, 2021, 8:35:13 AM6/9/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul,

I have found the following problem during some Export - Import testing that I have been running recently.  The software verison on both B2s is B2B May 12 2021.

I run an Export from my early model B2 (referenced here as B2-1) and Import the music collection onto my later model B2 (referenced here as B2-2).

B2 -1 before Export, Settings & Status: 20273 tracks in 1496 albums 627 artists; 0 wav 6873 flac 13400 mp3 0 AAC.  Disk used 236.56GB

B2-2 after Import, Settings & Status: 20255 tracks in 1496 albums 627 artists; 0 wav 6873 flac 13382 mp3 0 AAC.  Disk used 236.86GB

Then I run Scan Disk on B2-2 and the Settings & Status shows 20273 tracks in 1496 albums 627 artists; 0 wav 6873 flac 13400 mp3 0 AAC.  Disk used 236.56GB

So the Import process is restoring correctly, but occasionally b2db is not being updated for some reason with 18 tracks across two albums not being present in b2db.  The albums are present, just with some tracks missing.

The problem is entirely reproducible on my B2s, and it is always the same two albums and the same tracks that are not updated.  However, if I take these same two albums and Export/ Import them in a reduced collection subset then they are present in b2db without any intervention.

I also note that after the Import on B2-2, there is more disk used even though 18 fewer 

I haven't been able to see a pattern as yet but I'm contining to look.

I have attached a spreadsheet (B2-1_B2-2_b2db_comparison_24052021.xls) which show the problem within b2db.

Column A is B2-1 b2db before the Export
Column B is B2-2 b2db after the Import
Column C is B2-2 b2db after the Import and after Scan Disk has been run.
Column D contains a few notes of where to find the missing entries.

I have highlighted in yellow in column B the missing entries

It should probably be viewed as a lower priopty problem as the work-around is to run Scan Disk which corrected the error, but I have logged it so that we are aware of the issue.

I have attached three other files which show the problem as follows.

S1_Export_from_B2-1.jpg - Screenshot of Settings & Status before Export
S2_Import_to_B1-2.jpg  - Screenshot of Settings & Status after Import
S3_B2-2_after_Scan_Disk - Screenshot of Settings & Status after Scan Disk




Jun 9, 2021, 12:16:48 PM6/9/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peter,

Thanks, I have also logged this.

Brennan Support.

Peter Lowham

Jun 9, 2021, 1:32:31 PM6/9/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul,

Thanks very much.

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Peter Lowham

May 2, 2022, 6:57:06 AM5/2/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul,

I originally reported this problem as a bug but recently I found out what was causing the problem.  This issue is not a bug after all, it was 'dirty data' in my music collection. 

Recently while looking at another issue in my music collection, I discovered that I had two identical artists and albums but with some of the track names slightly differently spelled.  So I had two duplicated albums by mistake.

When I deleted the two albums, leaving only the correct originals in place, then this issue no longer occurred.

I'm just updating this thread for completeness.

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