New update 11th March 2019

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Mar 11, 2019, 7:54:15 PM3/11/19
to Brennan Forum
11th March 2019
Playlist selection now scrolls on mobile UI. Classical mode made more conspicuous.
Added an experimental Settings->Maintenance->Get DLNA. For the moment this is only for tech savvy owners who would like to experiment with DLNA. This function installs minidlna - Google for documentation. You will at least need to modify the configuration file /etc/minidlna.conf. Share your findings on the forum and I'll incorporate anything useful into a future release for general use.  

Hi Martin,the playlist scrolls fine now. Checked on the new mobile UI on Samsung Android phone and on a Windows 10 laptop.
Not sure what you mean by "Classical mode made more conspicuous"?
No interest in DLNA at present, so some of those who are may give you feedback on that.
The artwork in browse for All Artists, still only loads up and scrolls to a maximum of 60,  and sometimes no more than 20. Does look well though. Again tried on the new mobile UI on a Samsung android phone and Win. 10 laptop.
Prefer the new EQ to the old tone controls. Some presets for different music styles and possibly some save able ones for our own settings would be a nice addition for the future. 

Let There Be Music - Orleans - 1975

Quantum Mechanic

Mar 12, 2019, 5:19:08 PM3/12/19
to Brennan Forum
But still no EQ on mobile UI? 😔

Jasper Warwick

Mar 13, 2019, 9:21:59 AM3/13/19
to Brennan Forum
Almost there, just need to be able to have the ability to jump to the navigation pane when I tap on an artist or album.


Mar 15, 2019, 5:37:40 AM3/15/19
to Brennan Forum
Hello Leslie

Martin here - I'm having trouble recreating your symptoms - I modified a B2 to pretend it has infinite artists and they all appear on the mobile UI - they update in groups of 20.

Can you describe what you do and see in case I am missing something. Ask Paul to forward your post so I see it. Anybody else experienced this?



Mar 15, 2019, 5:42:13 AM3/15/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Quantum Mechanic the problem with Mobile is that the sliders mess up the left right swipe thing. I imagine its solvable but so called Range Inputs are not uniformly supported across browsers. If you know of a website that supports them nicely on mobile - let me know. Martin


Mar 15, 2019, 5:49:49 AM3/15/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Jasper

Can you elaborate - I just tried a couple of places - oh I just realised - you mean from within the playlist.

I'll add it to my list...


Dick Cooper

Mar 15, 2019, 12:04:56 PM3/15/19
to Brennan Forum

The playlist scroll seems <almost> fine - if the cursor is on the scrollbar in the playlist area the list will <almost> scroll to the bottom with the taskbar on the right, or <not quite> with the taskbar at the bottom; if the cursor is in the playlist list, when the scroll gets to the bottom the screen contents move up a tiny bit (with the taskbar on the right) or quite a big bit with the taskbar at the bottom. Same symptoms with Firefox ESR v52.9 (Windows XP), Firefox Quantum 65.0.2 (Windows 10), Opera 36.0 (Windows XP), Edge (unknown version - WIndows 10). Soooo close.

Also, it's nice that the display in the artist area (top right) is now a random artist when opening the web interface, except when there is an album already playing, when it's as nonsensical as having the first-loaded artist displayed. It would make so much more sense to display the current artist when there's something playing.


Daniel Taylor

Mar 15, 2019, 3:34:14 PM3/15/19
to Brennan Forum
Have you tried resizing the browser window?  I like mine at 90% for the WebUI, even though that's something that I don't have to do for any other website.

Dick Cooper

Mar 16, 2019, 7:50:40 AM3/16/19
to Brennan Forum

That's a good workaround. Needs 80% on my machines with the taskbar on the right. Weird bug.

Shouldn't need to do that to make the UI work properly should we?


Dick Cooper

Mar 16, 2019, 8:29:38 AM3/16/19
to Brennan Forum
The latest bug which causes a randomly chosen artist to appear in the artist pane when the page is refreshed is driving me nuts - how difficult can it be to load the artist for the currently playing track?

Mar 17, 2019, 8:26:20 AM3/17/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul, Martin has requested my reply to be passed on to him. Would you be so kind to make sure he gets it. Thanks.

After 11th March 2019 update new mobile UI checks.

Checked WiFi strength in case it is related.  Getting around -65 dBm steady. Not the strongest signal, but pretty stable. Main UI on Windows 10 using Chrome - everything working fine and rarely gives any problems. Also use NAS with the B2 mapped following Spike Haward's directions. Had a problem recently after bad weather, but after trying everything else, a router reboot  sorted it. So with above Wifi strength that has not been problematic either.

Have 302 different Artists on B2

Samsung android Galaxy A5 2017 model using Chrome.

Open new mobile UI, Opens at Now Playing window if closed down properly. Move to Browse and select All Artists. First 20 load every time. Sometimes when I scroll slowly to make sure all the art is populated, it will allow me to proceed to the next 20 and then very occasionally another 20, but not allowing me to proceed past a total of 60 artists with all art present. More often than not I can't get any further than 20 Artists.

Mar 17, 2019, 8:58:33 AM3/17/19
to Brennan Forum
Sorry Paul, posted before I had finished. Can you make sure Martin gets this also.

Part 2.

Trying New Mobile UI on Windows 10 Laptop using Chrome.

Open New Mobile UI. Opens at Now Playing window. Move to Browse and select All Artists. First 20 load. All art populated, but won't go any further whatever. Have just tried it again and realised that on the laptop the very bottom of the new mobile UI was slightly off the screen. Zoomed out to ensure the whole UI was on screen and I managed to get to 160 artists by making sure all the art for each artist had loaded before scrolling further. Slow, but the furthest I have managed to get so far. Tried again and only got to 120. Another try and 120 again. Not moving past an artist till it's art is populated and although I've managed to move further, it's slow and erratic. Looks well though.

Hope this is helpful Martin. I'll play around a bit more to see if I can make any further progress.

Mar 17, 2019, 10:04:42 AM3/17/19
to Brennan Forum
Paul. Part 3 for Martin.

Just realised that when checking some of the New Mobile UI functions that I had the UI open on both the phone and on the laptop. I may have also had the main UI open on the laptop to on a different tab. Was on laptop so closed Main UI, and ensured that the New Mobile UI was properly closed on my phone and not running in the background and not visible on the screen.

Opened New Mobile UI on laptop. Moved to browse and selected all Artists. First 20 populated the art and I slowly proceeded to scroll ensuring the art was there for each artist before scrolling further. Managed to get to the end of all my artists (302), albeit quite slowly, but it did it. Progress.

Now to try the same on the Samsung A5.

Followed same procedure. Made sure the New Mobile or Main UI were closed elsewhere. The results were less reproduce able here. Sometimes I could get further than others. Furthest I got was 80 artists with their art populated. Other times it was just the first 20 again.

Hope this is helpful Martin.

I have the long antenna dongle you recommended. It had improved my WiFi strength to sort out the UI problems I had when I first purchase my B2. Has been stable since for both the Main UI and my NAS use. Have just hunted out a short USB extension and will try it to see if it can help maybe improve the signal any more. If so I will run things through again and see if it improves things further.

All this has been done whilst listening to some Yes albums on the B2, so has been very enjoyable.


Mar 17, 2019, 6:01:11 PM3/17/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Leslie,

Have sent Martin a link to your posts. Thanks for the feedback.

Brennan Support.

Mar 17, 2019, 6:07:28 PM3/17/19
to Brennan Forum
Cheers Paul.

Edwyn Corteen

Mar 19, 2019, 9:46:47 AM3/19/19
to Brennan Forum
The problem with the mobile view when scrolling through All Artists is definitely a screen size issue, on my mobile I can only scroll to 40 artists as I cannot "see" the bottom of the screen due to the address bar at the top being too large. ?enable full screen mode???, on my Fire HD I can see the whole screen and can (eventually!) scroll through the entire list, however there is a problem with this as when I go into one of the artist's album list and then come out I am back to seeing 20 artists and have to scroll (slowly) through the list to get them all back so is it possible to cache this view?
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