New B2 user/system, not on network

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Jul 7, 2021, 1:13:25 PM7/7/21
to Brennan Forum
Fired up B2. Unit assigned an IP. Did the Settings/Maintenece/NAS. Rebooted B2 and PC. B2 does not show up in the Network.


2nd question. Once I see the B2 in the network can I then just copy my music folder from the PC to the B2?

Daniel Taylor

Jul 7, 2021, 1:43:54 PM7/7/21
to Brennan Forum
It takes a long time for the B2 to come up in NAS.  Did it prompt you for username and password the first time?

Once you have NAS access, yes you can copy your music over to the B2.  But it must be arranged in the folder structure of Artist\Album\tracks.  After copying music to the B2 over NAS, you must run the Scan Disk command, so that the B2 can update it's internal index.

Jul 7, 2021, 2:01:51 PM7/7/21
to Brennan Forum
The B2 DOES serve its music folder as a NAS.

The problem is with your PC see this how to form Paul at Brennan 
Please see the following notes on setting up NAS on a Windows PC -

NAS mode using a Windows 10 computer:

On the B2:

  • Make sure the B2 is connected to WiFi - displaying an IP Address - something like

  • Using the front control go to the Maintenance menu and select Start NAS - the display will return to the clock and then show 'done' after a couple of seconds.

On your Win10 computer: 

This stage only required if the B2 doesn't show in 'View network computers and devices' (see the next stage)

  • In the 'Type here to search' box type - Turn Windows features on and off (you don't have to type all of this as you will be prompted by the computer).

  • Click on 'Turn Windows features on and off'

  • Scroll down to 'SMB1.0/CIFS File sharing support' and expand the section - click on the '+' box

  • Select the second item - SMB1.0/CIFS Client - it may already be selected so no need to select again

  • Click on OK.

On the Win10 computer:

  • In the 'Type here to search' box type View network computers and devices

  • Click on 'View network computers and Devices'

  • BRENNANB2 should be displayed on the 'computer' line - if not wait a while (it can take a while to show the first time) and try refreshing the 'View network....' page.

  • Double click on BRENNANB2 - a pop up panel will open

  • Enter user name = root

  • Enter password = brennan and click on OK

  • The B2's 'music' folder will be shown - double click to open it - this can take a while as the computer needs to load all of the files on the B2's HDD.

  • Once loaded a list of Artist folders will be shown

  • Double clicking on an Artist folder will show the Album folder/s associated with the Artist

  • Double clicking any Album folder will show the Tracks and Album Artworks

You can then edit these folders and files as you would any folders/files on your computer e.g. create new folders, copy and paste, cut and paste, rename, delete, etc.

You can also copy music from your computer (iTunes, etc) to the B2 whilst in NAS mode - make sure you maintain the correct Artist - Album - Track folder format so the music is correctly displayed on the B2.

Please note - any changes you make on the computer are local to the computer and must be transferred to the B2 by running Scan Disk - Settings menu - on the B2. If you leave the computer session without running Scan Disk, any changes will be lost.

Brennan Support.


Jul 7, 2021, 3:57:04 PM7/7/21
to Brennan Forum
Can folder on B2 be   Music\Artist\Album\tracks ?

Do the Artist folders have to be in the root of the B2?


Jul 7, 2021, 4:01:22 PM7/7/21
to Brennan Forum
Just saw there already is a music folder on the B2. Question answered.

Daniel Taylor

Jul 7, 2021, 4:16:22 PM7/7/21
to Brennan Forum
The structure I gave was for the USB disk used to Import music onto the B2.  Artist\Album\tracks is the highest level the B2 can handle.  It's happy when there are up to five more levels above it.  The destination on the B2 is the music folder.  There is no problem with having a higher level music folder on the USB Import disk: music\Artist\Album\tracks.  When the B2 exports files, it adds another level: b2Exort\music\Artist\Album\tracks.  That'll work too.


Jul 7, 2021, 7:27:54 PM7/7/21
to Brennan Forum
OK, B2 found in network. Mapped it to drive Z. Tried to copy 2 folders from PC to Z. Strange thing happened. Some error occurred.

After clearing the errors the 2 folders showed on the B2 but they were empty. I tried to delete them through Windows and nothing happened. Since I had nothing invested I reset the B2. Now it does not show those 2 folders. But if I try to copy the folder again I get an error saying the destination folder exists. 

The folders do not show in Windows. They don’t show in the web interface of the B2.

Now, these 2 folder names start with numbers. I have successfully copied a folder that starts with letters.

Are my folder names a problem? One is the artist 10CC. I don’t want to have to rename it to TenCC. 😊

Jul 7, 2021, 7:44:19 PM7/7/21
to Brennan Forum
It is important to run a "Scan Disk" whenever you make changes to the B2's content - or the interface loses track with reality.

When using the B2 as a NAS you should be able to use the B2' music folder just like a normal folder on your PC. 

How are you attempting to move stuff to the B"?

no problem with 10CC 



Jul 7, 2021, 7:49:57 PM7/7/21
to Brennan Forum
I have used Windows copy function and a very popular program called ZTree.


Jul 7, 2021, 10:25:39 PM7/7/21
to Brennan Forum
Tried the Upload Bulk in the Web View. When I try to select a folder the panel only lets me select 1 folder.  

My current music is in music\artist\album\track. The B2 already has a music folder.

If I Upload Bulk the music folder from the PC will it end up in music\music\artist\album\track


Jul 8, 2021, 3:51:34 AM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi IBMJ...,

Bulk upload can be a bit fickle if you try to copy too many files in one session. So try breaking the copy into chunks rather than trying to do your entire music collection in one go.

What happens if you 'Bulk Upload' a single Artist - does it appear to work OK i.e. you get all Albums and all Tracks?

When using NAS any changes you make on your computer are local to the computer and you need to run Scan Disk on the B2 to update it's Hard Drive (otherwise the changes will be lost).

Brennan Support.


Jul 8, 2021, 10:01:42 AM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum

Bulk Upload of a single artist does upload all the albums in the folder.

My problem is Bulk Upload only allows me to select one artist.  I have 360 artist folders. Doing 1 at a time will take hours.

Daniel Taylor

Jul 8, 2021, 10:31:24 AM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum
These are your options:
1) Rip on the B2 and let it do compression later when idle;
OR Rip on your computer and do one of these:
2) Upload via the WebUI;
3) Import files that have been copied onto a USB disk;
4) Copy files over NAS, and be sure to run Scan Disk after every installment;

None of those options are fast. 


Jul 8, 2021, 10:37:32 AM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum

not sure why you think Bulk Upload  is limited to one artist ?

I keep all my ripped tracks in a folder called 'Ripped Music' as one of my back ups.

I set up a bulk upload of that folder in the Web UI but did not pull the trigger on it for obvious reasons but you can see per the screenshots that 
the file counts including folders match 

ripped music.jpg



Jul 8, 2021, 10:49:12 AM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum

What is the organization under Ripped Tracks? Just individual tracks or are they under artist\album? If individual tracks how do they get organized on the B2? If you Bulk Upload Ripped Tracks do you get a folder on the B2 called Ripped Tracks with the same structure as the source?


Jul 8, 2021, 11:07:57 AM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum



Ripped Music\<ARTIST>\<ALBUM>\< TRACKS>

as I stated, I have never done it for that folder.

The B2 puts all its music in  /media/hdd1/music/<artist>/<album>/<tracks> on its HDD

Others on here have more experience with the upload function but I think the B2 will ignore any folder structure above <ARTIST>

And I seems to recall that the <ARTIST> level can be up to 4 levels down from the top level folder given to the B2.


Peter Lowham

Jul 8, 2021, 11:33:52 AM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi IBMJunkman,

The structure needs to be \Artist\Album\Tracks.

Artist folders must only contain Album folders, you must not put any tracks, jpgs, or other files in here otherwise the Import will fail.
Album folders must only contain files such as tracks, jpgs, etc. 
If you have folders in the Album folder then these will not be imported.

What size, volume, # tracks, # albums is your collection?  The 'Bulk Upload' might be very slow if the co



Jul 8, 2021, 12:14:49 PM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum

1. I am not ripping 1000 CDs again. They are ripped and on PC drive D: in the structure artist\album
2. Trying to Bulk Upload via WebUI but I can only do one artist at a time.
3. Just doubles the time to get files onto B2
4. When I try to use Windows copy to copy a few artist folders from the PC to the B2 mapped as Drive Z: I get an error that appears to be SSL related. Not sure why. I end up with the Artist folder on the B2 but nothing below it. And Windows cannot delete it. Says owned by someone else. I can delete it via the WebUI.

These are your options:
1) Rip on the B2 and let it do compression later when idle;
OR Rip on your computer and do one of these:
2) Upload via the WebUI;
3) Import files that have been copied onto a USB disk;
4) Copy files over NAS, and be sure to run Scan Disk after every installment;

None of those options are fast.  


Jul 8, 2021, 12:21:37 PM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum
My music is on the PC on the D: drive. It is in artist\album\track format.

It is about 1000 CDs. All MP3 files. About 360 artists and 16000 tracks totaling 152GB.

Peter Lowham

Jul 8, 2021, 1:45:33 PM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi IBMJunkman,

If you music collection was on an external USB device, the 'Import' (restore) would complete in about 6 hours (transfer rate is about 25GB per hour).
If your B2 and PC are using wired connections to your router, using NAS the copy of the collection to the B2 would take about 10 hours (transfer rate is about 15GB per hour on a good wired network). 
If you are using wireless connections then the upload/copy is likely to take something like 36 hours but I have not thoroughly tested this as wireless is so slow (transfer rate is in the order of 4GB per hour).

Your music is in a format that the B2 can upload.


Mark Fishman

Jul 8, 2021, 4:48:30 PM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum
This is the second time you have mentioned an error but not provided the exact and complete error text. If you do that then perhaps we can help analyze the problem.


Jul 8, 2021, 4:59:57 PM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum
I started a Bulk Upload and just selected D: as the source. It started up and when I left it about 40 minutes ago it was running fine. Had done over 1000 files. I should be back to it in an hour or so.


Jul 8, 2021, 9:54:02 PM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum
The error when using copy to get files on the B2.


Jul 8, 2021, 10:10:00 PM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum
Bulk upload ended at the Eagles, 2730 tracks in 213 folders. New problems.
The Brennan app on the iPad shows strange things. When browsing I see the artist folders listed with a human shape icon. Following them are album titles with a circle with a diagonal line icon. Following them are tracks with a musical note icon.  Android app shows same thing.
The WebUI has 3 columns. Left one shows what is playing. Right one shows Artist and Album sections. The middle one shows Artist. through the Eagles. When I sort the column all entries disappear except the 2nd one. 16 Most Requested Songs. 10CC before it and all after it are gone.
If I close the browser and re-open the list is back.

Just discovered this is an artifact of Firefox.  Chrome works fine.
Message has been deleted

Mark Fishman

Jul 9, 2021, 6:37:10 AM7/9/21
to Brennan Forum
After extensive searching for this error occuring in similar circumstances, it does not appear to be an SSL error, it seems to be a bug in the way that Windows Explorer can interact with Samba (which is what provides the Windiws networking support on your B2). It happens rarely, but when it does it always seems to be on the same folder(s). The error occurs when you try to drag-and-drop to copy the folder using the graphical interface.

It should not occur if you use the command-line tools XCOPY or ROBOCOPY, both of which are part of Windows, to copy the folder and all its subdirectories.

No one seems to know why it happens -- there's a hint that it might have something to do with the existence of a "thumbs.db" file in the directory tree, which sems odd and unlikely, even for Microsoft -- but if you copy the directory locally -- copy, not move -- and then try to transfer the copy, you might get different results. Making a copy will clean up any ownership or permissions issues that might exist, as the copy will have its ownership and permissions newly established.

On Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 9:54:02 PM UTC-4 IBMJunkman wrote:
The error when using copy to get files on the B2. 0x80070032 The request is not supported

Peter Lowham

Jul 9, 2021, 8:24:06 AM7/9/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi All,

I have been using 'robocopy' over NAS for backing up and restoring my B2s and BB1s for over 4 years now and it works perfectly for me (I'm on Windows 10 mainly, but it also works fine on my Windows 7 server).  It is particularly suitable for me because I use 'mirror' mp3 folders which 'Export' does not back up but 'robocopy' does.

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