Downloading B2 music Flac files to One Drive on Windows 10,

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Clive Brewer

Feb 20, 2018, 1:47:38 PM2/20/18
to Brennan Forum
Unable to detect the B2 under networks even though the B2 is connected to my desktop windows 10 computer & successfully operates my music files.
The B2 being connected to the computer should enable me to see the B2 listed as connected to the network I could then copy & paste  the B2 music files to One Drive as a back up in the Cloud.
Any suggestions

Brennan Support

Feb 21, 2018, 4:13:36 AM2/21/18
to Brennan Forum
Hi Clive

Martin here - just want to make sure you have turned on NAS

Settings->Maintenance->Start NAS.

I find that W10 can be very slow to find a new network device - but once it has it seems to be quite responsive.


Spike Haward

Feb 21, 2018, 8:28:02 AM2/21/18
to Brennan Forum

I have created a simple command batch file to automate backup to a Win10 PC.
You will need to map the Brennan as a network drive, rather than use the 'network' connection (file explorer/map network drive/choose drive letter and add the IP address as the path)
I mapped my Brennan as a B: drive, as this is a drive letter that is rarely used these days when connecting external data sources.

Create a cmd file in notepad using the xcopy command Mine is 
xcopy "b:\" "%USERPROFILE%\OneDrive\Brennan\music" /e /s /i /d /y

Save to the desktop as whatever (mine is b2backup.cmd)
Run as required, or as I have done, run on a daily schedule - it will only copy new tracks, so after the initial lengthy run to initially create the folders, it will be quick.

(The switches ensure that new directories are created when necessary, and only copy new or updated files - do a search for xcopy commends if you need to look at their usage)

I still have a external drive 'official' backup from the B2 (belt & braces!) but this ensures I have a copy 'in the cloud' and I can stream my music via an iPad from anywhere I have an internet connection.

Hope that's useful 

Spike Haward

Feb 21, 2018, 8:58:09 AM2/21/18
to Brennan Forum
...Correction to my last - you can use the network connection to the B2 without needing to map the drive, use 

xcopy "\\BrennanB2\music" "%USERPROFILE%\OneDrive\Brennan\music" /e /s /i /d /y


(you might also wish to add a /c switch to the command line, which has the effect of allowing the file to continue to run should it encounter a file error)

Clive Brewer

Mar 1, 2018, 10:52:22 AM3/1/18
to Brennan Forum
I have got start NAS on display, but still no joy,are you supposed to click on it.
Spike thank you for your suggestion but got as far as  network drive, & then got lost but thanks anyway


Mar 2, 2018, 5:15:30 AM3/2/18
to Brennan Forum
Hi Clive,

When 'Start NAS' is displayed press and release the control knob. You should get a 'Done' message shortly after.

Brennan Support


Apr 14, 2018, 4:07:40 PM4/14/18
to Brennan Forum
Windows 10 cannot find the Brennan although I have started NAS multiple times on the Brennan.  What is disappointing is that I have connected via Network previously.  The Brennan won't maintain the connection or perhaps it's Windows updates but whatever...this feature doesn't work and is very disappointing!  I dig the homegrown/open source nature of this thing but let's not forget it is simply a Raspberry Pi with an SSD...I probably could've assembled the hardware myself for less than 100 bucks....the software leaves a heckuva lot to be desired.  My wife gave me this as a gift but it is more of a headache than it is worth.  We paid a premium for what the homepage references as a "...piece of kit"  ...I think the pun is intended!  "I can't praise this kit too highly" either.
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Apr 16, 2018, 4:33:55 AM4/16/18
to Brennan Forum

As the B2 has connected on previous occasions suggests that the settings are OK and it sounds like a network problem. Has anything changed, have you added a WiFi repeater for example, changed the hub/router, moved the B2?

Generally the B2 doesn't work well with mains wired repeaters as these are prone to interference.

Have you checked your WiFi signal strength - Settings > Maintenance > WiFi Strength. Here's a guide to signal strength -

You could try connecting the B2 to the hub/router using an Ethernet cable, this will at least take WiFi out of the loop, if the signal is poor.

Brennan Support.
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