I have done an update to my auto playlist generator. It now stores the year the album was released and this can be used to create playlists based on the date the album was produced (e,g, "70's albums", "2019 albums").
The spreadsheet scans the B2 and builds tables of artist, album, and track, it then reads the ID3 tag of each track and stores it in the spreadsheet along with the date the album was loaded onto the B2 and the release date of the album. Pressing a button gets the spreadsheet to auto create playlists based on genre, newness and release date of the album. By default the B2 only stores basic information (Artist and Album) but it is possible using software such as ID3Tag to automatically add additional information (Genre and Date).
What is means is that I can now segment my music by a number of different criteria which makes accessing my library much easier.
If I want reminding of what I have bought recently I use the "album-new" playlist which lists the most recent 200 albums I loaded onto the system in date order, newest on top.
If I am in a 70's mood then using "Album - 70's" will give me a list of all albums released in the seventies
If I am in the mood for opera then the "Opera" playlist will give me list of artists that have operatic works in their folder. etc. etc.
I can also create my own custom playlists at artist, album, and track level on the spreadsheet which are then uploaded to the B2. The spreadsheet preserved any customer playlists so they don't get deleted if you re-scan
If like me you have created an MP3 version of the library for use on a phone or in the car it will also generate M3U playlists.
If a playlist accidentally gets deleted or corrupted on the B2 then it takes a couple of minutes to upload a replacement set from a pen drive.
It requires Excel 2010 or later to work, the copy I have uploaded has my library on it so you can see how it works but it only takes a couple of button presses to clear the spreadsheet and load a new library into it.
There is a help section on the spreadsheet to assist with getting it working
Feel free to give it a go.