How does one connect the B2 with an ethernet cable?

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Cynthia Gagne

Feb 12, 2022, 4:42:26 PM2/12/22
to Brennan Forum
 Because I am having problems with my WiFi connection (it  started with a power outage), I thought I would try the simple connection with an ethernet cable.  The back of my B2 has the word Ethernet, but there is no place for me to plug in the ethernet cable that I have.

I am not a mechanical or technical type of person.  I'm really hoping that the solution isn't to unscrew the screws and open the case, or to strip wires or anything like that.  I had expected to just clip in the cable I have like I do with the router.

Is there a How-To article on this topic, preferably with pictures?

Or should I work harder at getting the WiFi to work right? I've already spent a lot of time trying various things mentioned in the Brennan Forum  I feel Chris Hudson's pain, and I'm glad that the thread was shared because it has kept me busy for several days with things to try.


Daniel Taylor

Feb 12, 2022, 5:33:43 PM2/12/22
to Brennan Forum
You do have to take the back off, but there's no stripping of wires or anything complicated.  Go to the this page on the Brennan website.  The second picture from the top shows the back with the two screws removed.  Those screws are marked with little arrows pointing at them.  Then you gently pry the back and the connected electronics out a little bit, about 1.5 inches or 4 cm.  The fourth picture down shows an ethernet cable plugged into the receptacle with the flat cable bent around to exit through the back.  There is a slotted hole and a round hold for either style of cable.

Lots of folks buy a short cable to plug into the back, and then you can plug your longer cable into that, so that you can disconnect in the future without having to take the back off.  Don't be surprised if somebody comes along and posts a picture.

Feb 12, 2022, 7:09:40 PM2/12/22
to Brennan Forum
Happy to oblige

Feb 12, 2022, 7:11:05 PM2/12/22
to Brennan Forum
Also if you go this route PLEASE REMOVE the WiFi dongle while Ethernet is in use. Also you will get a NEW IP number with the Ethernet connection.

Daniel Taylor

Feb 12, 2022, 7:53:38 PM2/12/22
to Brennan Forum
Thanks, Fred.  Very important stuff there.  :o)


Feb 13, 2022, 4:41:50 AM2/13/22
to Brennan Forum
Alternatively, isn't there now a way to connect by ethernet without opening the B2?

As I understand it, it requires B2B software and you need to click "get ethernet" in the Advanced menu,  then connect a USB to ethernet adaptor to the USB A socket?

Cynthia Gagne

Feb 13, 2022, 8:43:31 AM2/13/22
to Brennan Forum
Thank you for all this information. The pictures are the BEST.  I had not found the Techy page before. Fred's picture of the patch cable is SO very helpful.

Following Davywhizz post, I see on the Techy webpage it parenthetically says     (You will need a B2B SD card - all recent B2s).   

My B2 was purchased Sept 2021. Does that mean "it is a recent B2"? Does that mean because it is 'recent' I will need a B2B SD card, or that because it is 'recent', I have a B2B SD card already in my unit?



Feb 13, 2022, 9:01:50 AM2/13/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Cynthia,

you can check your software version in the web UI
Click on the little cog wheel

Screenshot 2022-02-13 135411.jpg

If you have the B2 version you will need a new SD card to get to the B2B version
This is because the B2B version uses a more recent version of the underlying operating system software that the B2 uses, Linux.
Its not possible to run a web upgrade to move from B2 to B2B.
You can order one from Brennan or create one yourself.
If you are not technically confident with computers then the best route is to order one from Brennan
Send an email to Brennan at thebrennanb2 @ gmail . com (no spaces).



Feb 13, 2022, 10:28:27 AM2/13/22
to Brennan Forum
Cynthia replied direct via email

Thank you for this information.  Pictures really help me.


Feb 14, 2022, 4:54:52 AM2/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Cynthia,

If you don't want to dismantle the B2 you could consider a USB-Ethernet adapter - it's not something I've done yet so cannot recommend one (any other's using an adapter?) - I use a short Ethernet M-F cable as Fred suggests.

You do have to load some extra software which is done by selecting 'Get Ethernet' in the Advanced menu - only done if you intend to use an adapter.

Brennan Support.

Peter Howarth

Feb 14, 2022, 2:14:29 PM2/14/22
to Brennan Forum


according to Techy Stuff - PI & Linux new ( you can make an ethernet connection without opening up the B2.

From that page:

"You can now connect your B2 to Ethernet without opening the box. Just plug a USB Ethernet adaptor like this into a USB port on the back. (You will need a B2B SD card - all recent B2s). Some USB Ethernet adaptors feature USB hubs which can be useful"

I'm in the process of trying to get this working, and am almost there


Peter Howarth

Feb 14, 2022, 2:42:15 PM2/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hmmm, I spoke too soon.  I have the latest software (and B2B) and I followed the instructions (including 'get ethernet' from the advanced menu) but failed to connect to my ethernet network.

Thoughts, Paul?

Feb 14, 2022, 2:48:10 PM2/14/22
to Brennan Forum
If you are using USB Ethernet adapter you need to run this function from the front of the B2 first
this loads the USB ethernet driver which gets the USB adapter to work. NOTE also you will get a NEW IP number when you connect to the Router this way.
ALSO Please remove the USB WiFi dongle when using the USB Ethernet adapter

Feb 14, 2022, 5:50:53 PM2/14/22
to Brennan Forum

Hi Peter,

Got your private email to me saying that the above did not work.
Then you need to assure yourself that the USB Ethernet adapter is indeed good.

Plug it in to your laptop and then turn off your laptop's WiFi and test that it can still get to the internet using the adapter.



Feb 15, 2022, 4:32:40 AM2/15/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peter,

Try powering the router off, wait 30s and power on.

If that doesn't help, let us have details for the adapter you bought.

Brennan Support.

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