How to delete duplicate tracks?

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Paul Herbert

Mar 21, 2022, 5:24:36 AM3/21/22
to Brennan Forum

As previously mentioned I'm a new user and have been busy ripping CD's to my hearts content. A lot of these CD's are various artists and inevitably there are tracks which have are duplicates.

1)How do I identify any duplicates,

2)How can I delete them?

Kind regards


Mar 21, 2022, 6:12:27 AM3/21/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul

If under the B2's Artist/Album/Track structure, You are importing/ripping a new track with EXACTLY the same name a one that exists (including the Artist/Album path), then the new copy will simply overwrite what is in the B2 already.
If the path and track name are even slightly different then the new copy will be stored where that path and track name specify.

Apart form editing using the B2's Web interface to identify and edit or delete these duplicate tracks there is no "automatic" way of removing them.

However, the B2 also supports a NAS and it is therefore possible to see the B2's music content (its HDD) from your PC's file explorer interface - most of us find this the best method to edit the B2's music in bulk.



Mar 21, 2022, 6:43:13 AM3/21/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul,

the time consuming bit will be identifying the duplicates as you will not necessarily know what the duplicates are.

The delete is easy once you have identified a track to be deleted.
Using the Web UI just click on the threes dots next to the track name and the Delete dialog will be displayed

In terms of finding the duplicates this is more tricky.

One way is to use a backup of the your B2 contents on a USB drive.
You can then take a look at the contents of the USB drive on a computer using some software such as MP3Tag.
The B2 when it rips a CD does populate some metadata tags including track title.
Once you have opened the USB drive contents in MP3Tag then you can sort them on the "title tag" in order to group all the tracks with the same name together.
Identify your duplicates and make a choice of which ones you want to delete on the B2 using the Web UI
After you have done all your deletions its probably best to make a fresh backup.

If you need more detail on how to use MP3tag to help with us let us know.


Paul Herbert

Mar 24, 2022, 5:07:08 PM3/24/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi both,

I shall ponder on this, hope neither of you are planning to flee the country as I suspect I shall require more advice!

Kind regards



Mar 25, 2022, 5:06:05 AM3/25/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Andy C,

Could your program help Paul find his duplicates?

Brennan Support.

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