'Stuttering' sound with all output

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Jamie Parker

Mar 19, 2022, 8:38:11 AM3/19/22
to Brennan Forum

Was wondering if anyone had come across a scenario where all output from the Brennan B2 'stutters'?

I had it for the first time this morning and it was present on CD playback, playback from HDD and Internet radio.

I put it into stand-by and rebooted which didn't clear the issue. I then did a disk scan and a clean-up and that seemed to clear it.

I was then playing a CD which worked fine for 30 mins before the 'stuttering' started again. This time it only lasted for the rest of one track, about 3 minutes, and then on starting the next track it had cleared. I replayed the track that was playing when the issue ocurred and its ok now.

I've played a few more CDs this morning, as well as music from the HDD and Internet Radio and all seems fine.

Whilst I was getting the issue I looked at 'Debug' in the Web UI and it was showing "Playback Pipe restart b" repeatedly until the track changed and then it stopped and the souns was fine. I've attached a screenshot.

Anyone seen this before or have any ideas?

Screenshot 2022-03-19 101029.png

Peter Lowham

Mar 19, 2022, 9:22:05 AM3/19/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Jamie,

I haven't seen that message before, but it seems very likely that this is a result of the problem.

What version of software is your B2 running on?  There have been some changes made around CD handling recently.

Was the stuttering found only on one CD?  If the CD is an SACD (a high resolution CD) then this could be an issue.  Also, is the CD in good condition?



Mar 19, 2022, 10:03:09 AM3/19/22
to Brennan Forum

Hi Jamie,

is your B2 software up to date ?

What version are you running ?


Jamie Parker

Mar 19, 2022, 2:02:31 PM3/19/22
to Brennan Forum

Hi Guys

Thanks for responding, sorry for delay but I’ve out at Rugby.

Stuttering was experienced not just with one CD, or with just CDs, it was present with playing from HDD and on Internet Radio. I have no SACDs.

It has happened a few times since too, but seems to be for just a few seconds now. Usually at the beginning of a new track and then it sorts itself. On each occasion the ‘Debug’ shows "Playback Pipe restart b" a few times.

Out of interest, the only thing I’ve changed on the Brennan recently is to connect an ethernet cable internally, and it’s since then that I’ve noticed this issue. This has prompted me to order a USB ethernet adapter and once that arrives tomorrow I will disconnect the internal connection and try that.


Mar 19, 2022, 2:09:33 PM3/19/22
to Brennan Forum

I suspect that when you installed the Ethernet cable you may have "PARTIALLY" dislodged the CD plug.
Please take the back off again and if you look underneath the Board which you pull out (use a little torch to see) you will see some cable going to a little PCB board (it is close to the base of the chasse) gently but firmly press this towards the front of the unit (the board has a plug on it that plugs into the back of the CD unit) to make sure it is seated.
Once you have done this, replace the back and see if the situation has improved.


Daniel Taylor

Mar 19, 2022, 2:33:39 PM3/19/22
to Brennan Forum
Since you are using an ethernet cable now, the WiFi dongle should not still be plugged in.


Mar 20, 2022, 11:43:02 PM3/20/22
to Brennan Forum
Have seen stuttering for radio using ethernet also. Just at the beginning when station loads. Actually not seeing it with WIFI so far.  


Mar 21, 2022, 4:07:47 AM3/21/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Jamie,

If you need us to take a look at your B2 please email us -  thebrennanb2  @  gmail  .  com  - no spaces.

Brennan Support.

Jamie Parker

Mar 21, 2022, 5:56:32 AM3/21/22
to Brennan Forum
Thanks for the responses. 

I was careful with the cable to the CD drive as I'm aware this can come out if you pull the 'drawer' out too far. Checked all was seated ok.

I had also removed the WiFi dongle.

I've now removed the ethernet cable from the internal port and am using an external USB/Ethernet adapter. So far, no issue.

However, I have my suspicions that it might actually be bluetooth related, as I noticed the issue occuring when my Wife connected he bluetooth headphones to her phone to listen to something. I don't really use the bluetooth functionality, so i've rremoved that as well and so far have had no issue.

Paul - thanks for the offer, I'll keeping checking and get back to you if the issue persists. But it seemed ok yesterday evening during a few hours listening.



Mar 21, 2022, 6:26:29 AM3/21/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Jamie,

Bluetooth and Wi-Fi can cross interfere as they both use the 2.4Ghz frequency.
Resetting Bluetooth may help but probably not consistently.
Bluetooth is designed to channel hop In order to get round  interference  from the physical environment like walls and to maintain signal strength.
So a lot depends on the physical location of the paired devices.
The usual advice is to choose a Wi-Fi channel of  1, 6 or 11.to avoid Bluetooth interference.


Jamie Parker

Mar 21, 2022, 7:39:29 AM3/21/22
to Brennan Forum
Thanks for the info John.

I've been playing from the HDD all morning with no repeat of the issue. However it was fairly intermittent so not 100% sure its sorted yet, but fingers crossed!

Neither WiFi or Bluetooth dongles are connected at the moment and I'll keep it that way. I'm running the Brennan optically into a Denon NCD11DAB so if I need Bluetooth functionality I can do it through that for both input (from phone etc) and output (to headphones) if required. 



Mar 21, 2022, 1:21:36 PM3/21/22
to Brennan Forum
There is a local classical station that stutters when connecting. KUHF 88 classical. Others don't. BTW All wired up now by ethernet. Had to wire my extra router since B2 doesn't respect my Linksys access point.  Still no consistent YouTube using 2 browsers (Safari, Firefox). Love the B2 though - VERY MINOR ITEMS. 
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