Aux recording.

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Mark Smith

May 7, 2021, 9:23:03 AM5/7/21
to Brennan Forum
I have bought a b2, sole purpose of being able to record cassette and minidisc to the unit. I know I could use audacity, however i thought this would remove a process. Eventually got the recordings onto the hdd, however during recording and playback the sound quality is poor, patchy and stuttering. This issue is spoiling the purchase.
I have tried different aux leads. Any pointers would be appreciated.


May 7, 2021, 10:47:15 AM5/7/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mark,

I assume you have a PC given that you mention Audacity ?
Have you tried recording directly on your PC using Audacity and comparing the results ?
You would need to connect the outputs on your cassette deck /mini disc player to line-in on your PC.
If you are using a laptop it may not have a line-in but there are ways to make your mic jack do the job.
When you record on the B2 or your PC you will just get one audio file per recording so you if you want to break that up into individual tracks you will still need something like Audacity to edit it for splitting and naming.


Mark Smith

May 7, 2021, 11:35:03 AM5/7/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks for the input, I have used Audacity on my computer with reasonable results, I have split tracks and labelled satisfactory. When I read up on the b2 it says you can do the same and index as you go. I have done this and the sound quality is dreadful, whereas on the computer it is as the recordings analog out. The sound is poor even without recording, stuttering and stalling when playing, the same recordings through a computer is fine.
As I said was looking to cut out a step, if I can not get better results it maybe a return. 
Shame the support is only through a forum.

Daniel Taylor

May 7, 2021, 1:18:49 PM5/7/21
to Brennan Forum
Anyone looking for better sound quality when converting analog recordings to digital files should consider the quality of the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC).  Given the low cost (by audiophile standards) of the B2, and the fact that analog recording is not a primary function, I would not expect much of the ADC on the B2.  Also, the ADC on most computers is not all that great either.  Of course, the quality of the original analog recording can be the weak link as well.  For best results at a reasonable price, get an external sound card for your computer and use Audacity or similar to record on your computer.

Mark Smith

May 7, 2021, 2:32:44 PM5/7/21
to Brennan Forum
There is nothing I disagree with what you are saying, however this unit is advertised as being able to play external music through its auxiliary input, that is not the case, it s distorted, garbled and stuttering, the same music is not, through my computer, so therefore I was wondering if there is something wrong in what I am doing or is the unit faulty? Now this company has directed me to look at resolving my issue through this forum. I notice that on occasions someone steps in from Brennan, however I don’t know if it is me or a faulty unit. I  have had it three days trying to resolve this issue.

Daniel Taylor

May 7, 2021, 3:12:34 PM5/7/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mark,
I'm sorry that somehow nobody has zeroed in on your specific problem.  Personally, I have never tried the Aux input.  I have heard of people having a problem with their music breaking up.  Sometimes that is the result of a corrupted SD card (wherein is the operating software, but not the music).  There are instructions on the website for re-flashing your SD card here:  Techy Stuff near the top of the left hand column.

Sometimes the problem is because the WiFi signal is so weak that the B2 keeps trying to reconnect, which takes enough time that the music drops out before the unit can switch tasks.  What is your WiFi Strength (Maintenance menu)?

Mark Smith

May 7, 2021, 3:22:15 PM5/7/21
to Brennan Forum

-11 to -21 dam ? Whatever that means. Web ui is intermittent useable?

Mark Smith

May 7, 2021, 3:28:02 PM5/7/21
to Brennan Forum
Sorry that’s should be dbm.

Daniel Taylor

May 7, 2021, 4:44:57 PM5/7/21
to Brennan Forum
That's a great WiFi reading.  The closer to zero (attenuation) the better.

If it was me, I'd reflash the SD card.  Other ideas are welcome.

Daniel Taylor

May 7, 2021, 4:46:55 PM5/7/21
to Brennan Forum
I just re-read your first message.  Since your unit is brand new and still under warranty, send an e-mail to Breanna at thebrennanb2 @ gmail . com (no spaces) and ask for a replacement SD card.

Daniel Taylor

May 7, 2021, 4:55:19 PM5/7/21
to Brennan Forum
Breanna is supposed to be Brennan.  ;o)

Mark Smith

May 7, 2021, 5:05:51 PM5/7/21
to Brennan Forum
Thank you for endeavouring to assist me, I’ll do that, seems like a good product in most peoples eyes, I’ve had other products that try to do all like this and have failed. I will stick with it if I can get a new SD card.

Graham Smout

May 8, 2021, 12:04:29 PM5/8/21
to Brennan Forum
I have tried what you suggest
This is what I did on the B2
Unplug the Bluetooth dongle - it can cause some interference when recordig from an analogue input .

To Record direct from an analogue audio output such as TV, casstte or record player,   record the individual tracks via the audio input . These recordings  will be saved on the B2 SD card as WAV files  but in order to play them the B2 will transfer them to the internal Hard Drive and then convert them from WAV to FLAC if you choose that setting.  

* (recording vinyl won't work if  you plug in a turntable output into the B2 , you will need to use a vinyl pick preamp palced in line first, such as you would find built in to an older analogue Hi_fi amp. A vinyl preamp boosts the level of the pcik up and applies the correct audio EQ to the signal so that it sounds normal. However you shouldn't need  a preamp for a cassette or TV analogue radio output. )
If  you have already used Audacity to chop up your tracks into digital WAV  files then WHY are you then transfering them via analogie using the B2's audio input? You can save  Audacity project files as WAV files on the PC  then import them digitally onto the B2 > the sound quality should be identical to the WAV files on the PC.
*** Remember, when you record to the B2 the recording is first  saved on the SD Card.Therefore you can only reocord one track at a time awhwich is a long and tedious process .

Mark Smith

May 8, 2021, 12:13:52 PM5/8/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks for taking the time, 
I’ll try that, removing the Bluetooth whilst I try aux recording. The reason for doing it direct to the b2 is to cut out using a computer and then to transfer it too the b2. It has been suggested that the SD card could be the issue. I’ve been using the b2 in other ways and I’m enjoying all other features.
Thanks again, 

Graham Smout

May 8, 2021, 12:32:54 PM5/8/21
to Brennan Forum
If the SD card is corrupted it might be an issue, but this is quite simple to fix. There are extensive instructions on line - see - on  how to repair a corrupted SD card by reloading the B2's Pi operating system using a computer to downlaod the OS file and then reflashing the card. I am no expert and I found it simple. If the SD card is at fault then there will be other B2 features not  working as well.
I'd think that it would be much easier and quicker to copy with Audacity the tracks you want to record using your PC  as you can quickly chop up and name the files individually at the same time and precisely edit the length.

Mark Smith

May 8, 2021, 12:37:24 PM5/8/21
to Brennan Forum
Daniel was the one who said it might be a corrupt SD card, as I have only had the unit 3 days and therefore I have requested a new one from Brennan. The amount of music I have in other formats would mean easier through the b2. This being the main reason to buy the b2.
Thanks for your suggestions.

Graham Smout

May 9, 2021, 11:41:04 AM5/9/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mark - another point that occured to me is what is the type of output from the analogue playback decive you are using to connect to the B2? Is it a "line level" output? That  is to say NOT a loudspeaker  level or even  a (powered / amplified)  headphone level output?  Line level and headphone level are not the same but usually headphone level presents no issues, but not always.

If you were to overload the B2 Aux input with speaker level output, or a line level output ( possibly at a maximum setting greater than 3.4V rms)   then you can expect to encounter distortion and may be permananet damage at both source and destination  . Also you may need to check out earthing arrangements for the B2 . due to it being powered by an external power supply there is no electrical connection to earth on the B2  so you could potentially be introducing a high level chassis voltage to the b2 circuitry if the equipment you are connected to is also unearthed or  has an earth fault. I'm no expert but I would have thought this is an area worth investigating .

Have  you checked & listened to the line out signal  you are using  to feed the B2 when amplified via another deivice such as a Hi Fi ? I don't mean just using headphones . Is it nice and clean then? Connecting  a line out to some low impedence devices such as headphones or loudspeakers can damage the line out circuity as this is essentially is a short circuit .

I would be inclined to test the B2's Aux-in by feeding it with a known good line out signal such as that from a decent Hi Fi amplifier .

Good luck

Mark Smith

May 9, 2021, 2:35:31 PM5/9/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks for going to the trouble of continuing to think about my issue.
I have spent today playing and recording through the aux in. This was done after I remove the bt usb as suggested by yourself, this seems to have cure the issue of the sound being unusable .
I see your point of creating to much power for the input, the units I use for input are minidisc portable items, I have used the through audacity with good results on my computer, now I will be able to record strait to the b2 without a step., the main reason. I have a lot of minidisc music and I wanted to be able to listen on on other music units, hence I will be using the b2 as a control centre with he web ui. 
So thanks again for the Bluetooth dongle solution.


May 10, 2021, 4:26:31 AM5/10/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mark,

Is the B2 working satisfactorily now, apart from having to remove the BT dongle?

Brennan Support.

Mark Smith

May 15, 2021, 8:05:59 PM5/15/21
to Brennan Forum

Hi Paul thanks again for your support, all things seem to have been sorted now, removing the BT dongle gave satisfactory results through the aux.
Thanks again all.
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