Connecting to Windows 10 laptop using NAS

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Nigel White

Jan 24, 2022, 11:03:30 AM1/24/22
to Brennan Forum
I've had a Brennan B2 for a week now and have so far ripped about 60 albums (70 discs) without too many problems. (A couple failed to rip, but I could rip them on my old laptop and transfer files, which seem to play OK).

Today I've tried to link to my PC using NAS.  Have gone via settings to turn NAS on and have had confirmatory message 'done'.  But the Brennan doesn't show as a device in Windows Explorer - Network.  (I have no trouble with connecting  via the Web UI, so presumably the B2 is connected to the network OK?)

I've tried logging off and on the PC to get it to rescan, but still no sign of the B2. 

Since I started writing this query - I've done a search of past forum postings, which suggest that I turn on the SMB1.0 Client setting.  But there are many articles on-line saying that SMB1.0 not secure and has been used as an entry point for trojan attacks.  That is not worth the risk in my view.  Is turning on a known security risk the only solution?

Jan 24, 2022, 11:29:21 AM1/24/22
to Brennan Forum
The EASIEST way to get this working is to turn on SMB - look for and follow Paul's (PMB) how to document which is "somewhere in the forum several times" :-))
However one forum user did come up with a suggested alternative method which did not require the SMB. Sorry I cant remember the post thread but here are a few that you may find of interest



Jan 25, 2022, 4:24:45 AM1/25/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Nigel,

It's very low risk and your antivirus software should be sufficient to stop any Trojan attacks.

Fred was referring to this post by Mark Fishman (I haven't tried it) -

Here's another fun way to connect to your B2 in Windows 10 without enabling SMB 1.0, and this time without mapping a drive letter. You will have to know your B2's IP address, and it will be a good idea to assign a fixed IP address for the B2 in your network router.

Make sure that you have started NAS on the Brennan device – it may not be on if you have repro’d the SD Card.

Open the Windows Explorer (sometimes called the File Manager)..

Click on "This PC".

At the top of the window, click on “Computer” and select "Add a network location".

You''ll see "Welcome to the Add Network Location Wizard" -- click Next.

Click on "Choose a custom network location" (see 2nd attached picture) and click Next

Now it wants the usual UNC for a network shared: type in \\[your Brennan IP here]\music

 where instead of [your Brennan IP here] you type the actual IP address of your Brennan.

You'll be prompted (eventually -- the B2 seems quite slow compared to, say, a desktop or laptop computer) for the username and password. This is the tricky part: for username, you should type [your Brennan IP here]\root -- that way the connection knows that you are trying to authenticate using the remote credentials, not some non-existent local root account.

for password, you should probably type brennan unless you have recently changed it in which case you're on your own here.

You do get to give the shortcut that will get created a human-friendly name sometime around now.

Eventually (again) not only will the music directory from the B2 display on your Windows computer, you'll also have a shortcut in the "This PC" section of  Windows Explorer (see last attached picture).

The next time you want to connect, if your Brennan has a stable IP and is running, just click on the shortcut.

Brennan Support.

Nigel White

Jan 25, 2022, 8:58:49 AM1/25/22
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Paul.  When I get chance, I will try the alternative solution you have mentioned and let you know how I get on.

Nigel White

Jan 25, 2022, 11:54:27 AM1/25/22
to Brennan Forum
I've now tried the alternative solution (which doesn't involve enabling SMB1.0) and I'm pleased to say that it seems to work fine.

Jan 25, 2022, 12:23:59 PM1/25/22
to Brennan Forum
Glad you got it to work - I am glad Paul had kept track of the post - I looked but could not find it.


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