B2 A WAV file that will not convert to a FLAC file

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Mar 30, 2022, 9:17:25 AM3/30/22
to Brennan Forum
I have recently ripped my Classic FM CD Collection. During this process some the CDs took ages (hours) to complete the rip process. I have just noticed one of the WAV files has not automatically been converted to a FLAC file. What's the best thing to do, leave it, or find (not sure how) the CD which contained this track and re-rip it?

Thanks for your time.


Daniel Taylor

Mar 30, 2022, 9:37:17 AM3/30/22
to Brennan Forum
In the WebUI, select tracks for the middle column, and search for WAV.  It will tell you which files are in that format, but it will also include files that have that string of letters in their name too.)  Once you have found it, you can delete it.  When you find it, play the other songs in that album to see if they are okay.  It could be that's the album that the B2 had so much trouble ripping.

Another way you can find the WAV files is to view the B2's HDD as NAS (Network Attached Storage) from your computer and do a search for "*.WAV" (without the quote marks).  I just did that on my B2 and it didn't take long to find that I have one album that is not converted (I currently have Compression set to None).

The way I'd approach this problem is to rip the CD on my computer using the dBpoweramp CD Ripper (or similar program, some are free downloads).  Then I'd transfer the files to the B2 either by USB Import, WebUI upload, or direct copy via NAS.


Mar 30, 2022, 10:56:17 AM3/30/22
to Brennan Forum
I would have one more try.
1) run a "Scan Disk"
2) run a "Compress Now"
I don't know i that will cure the problem, but if it will not then a delete and re-rip as Daniel describes is the only path forward.


Peter Lowham

Mar 30, 2022, 11:20:31 AM3/30/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Michael,

Are there any non alphanumeric characters in the title name of the track?  For example ? (question mark) is a problem as are '/' and '\'.  There are other characters that can cause problems.



Mar 31, 2022, 4:47:29 AM3/31/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Michael,

Is there any extra content on the CDs e.g. photos, videos, notes, etc?

Brennan Support.


Mar 31, 2022, 5:37:06 AM3/31/22
to Brennan Forum
Many thanks for all your advice. Via the Web UI I have selected the "Track Button" and typed WAV into the search box. This brought up several dozen tracks, but looking at the wording in the track information, it was selecting words like "away, broadway" there wasn't anything like WAV. There weren't any of the symbols/photos etc (although not sure how you would no if they were there anyway) as suggested by Paul from Support. I have had many CDs with video tracks, but fortunately the vast majority were the last track on the CD and the B2 just stopped ripping and you never ended up with that particular track. As this is just one track in over 58,000 I minded to just leave it be, unless of course this might cause some other problem in the future?

Have fun! everybody.



Mar 31, 2022, 6:30:17 AM3/31/22
to Brennan Forum

Hi search for    .wav   it should then bring back the track in error 



Mar 31, 2022, 6:47:19 AM3/31/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Michael,

Yes as John says, it needs to be "dot"wav   (.wav)     not just WAV



Mar 31, 2022, 9:31:00 AM3/31/22
to Brennan Forum
Thanks for this. Just tried it, the .WAV search brought up several dozen Tracks, but my B2's COG statistics still only shows 1 track as still being of a WAV format. The joys of IT and software.



Mar 31, 2022, 9:48:34 AM3/31/22
to Brennan Forum

I STRONGLY urge you to turn on the B2's NAS and look at the files using your PC or MAC's file manager. It will make your life much easier when dealing with your sort of issue.


Daniel Taylor

Mar 31, 2022, 9:51:15 AM3/31/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi John and Fred.
Thanks for pointing out that we need the dot before WAV.  When I did it that way, it left out all the tracks that had the WAV string in the title and displayed only the files with the .wav extension.  Computers can be so picky about the least little thing. ;o)

Peter Lowham

Mar 31, 2022, 9:59:26 AM3/31/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Michael,

First, do you know approximately how many tracks or albums there should be in your B2?

The B2 music management centres around a file in the B2 named 'b2db'. The B2 builds and maintains this file throughout all of its processes such as ripping, compression, renaming, deletion, playing, etc.  It would be very helpful if we could look at your b2db  file, as it would give us a good indication as to how the B2 'sees' your collection. In my case, I can load up your 'b2db' into one of my B2s which will then behave exactly as yours is and it will do everything except play the music as the music tracks are not present.

If you would like to do this, here are the steps involved.

1.  Insert a USB stick into the B2's USB C port (the stick only needs to be small volume as the file will only be about 1.5MB or smaller).
2.  Format the stick to FAT32 if not already done.
3.  From the B2 front panel, select and run 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'b2db to USB'   (this is a text file so can be read by any text editor).
4.  Plug the USB stick into your PC/MAC.
5.  Select and upload the file 'b2db' into this thread.

We can then examine the file and let you know something more of what is happening.


Peter Lowham

Apr 2, 2022, 5:38:27 PM4/2/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Michael,

I received your b2db file and loaded it up onto a B2.

The '.wav' file is located in the album below:

A03. Classic FM - CFM FW No.1 to 148/M&J 3143 Classic FM- Liszt - Piano Concertos No.1&2 in B minor  (Cat.No.CFM FW 143)

and the track name is:

09 Piano Sonata In B Minor -     Lento Assai - Allegro Energico.wav

From the b2db file your stats show up as shown in the attachment below.  One point to note is that quite a few of your albums have very long names and this can cause display issues in the WebUI.  The advised maximum album name length is 170 characters and I can see perhaps about 40 albums that are close to this limit.

Do these stats match to stats on your B2?  847 artists, 4406 albums and 58158 tracks 



Apr 4, 2022, 4:42:19 AM4/4/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peter

Thanks for running your checks on my B2's b2db file. Yes your Stats are the same as the ones shown on my B2. With regard to the 170 characters I have had some difficulty with this point, but especially so with Classical music CDs. You have the orchestra, conductor and differing musicians for a given Track. Unfortunately if you put to many characters in, the software tries to store them, hits the buffer and the whole track goes blank and the tracks below for the particular CD. What the software should do, is count the number of characters and allow you to modify the track details before committing to store the string of characters. I have know doubt this "Problem" is on a "to do list" held by Martin and his software development team. Having run a software development team I know from bitter experience the world of perfect software is one of life's illusions. Lovely to have, but we don't live that long, I am afraid.

Many thanks.



Apr 5, 2022, 4:23:12 AM4/5/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Michael,

If you open the b2db file using Notepad++ and highlight a line of text, the stats at the bottom of the screen show the number of characters - 'Sel: 68/1' = 68 characters.


Run 'Scan Disk' - Settings menu -  and then 'b2db to USB C' - Maintenance menu (to copy b2db to a USB stick). Copy the file to your computer and open with Notepad++.

Brennan Support.
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