couple more glitches with bb1 and its UI

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Nov 8, 2019, 8:54:43 AM11/8/19
to Brennan Forum
Some drag and stutter with YouTube streaming continues to be an issue. Here is a link where I got it badly and the recording was spoiled - 
Anyone else?

When I deleted the recording using the UI, the video kept playing with other tracks from my library playing over it. Had to switch BB1 off and on to clear it. Any other way?

I am also still having problems with the search screen in the UI. For example, in VTuner search mode, the drill-down search screen usually gives me a starter list running from Africa to Middle East, stopping short of North America. And if North America does show at the bottom of the list, and I manage to click it and select USA, the list of states goes only from Alabama to California. I know there is a scrolling button, which I can use ok in the almost identical UI for the B2, on my desktop PC. But on the BB1 interface on my tablet-size PC, I just cannot get hold of it except occasionally accidentally. Is there a way of scrolling using keyboard or something?


Nov 8, 2019, 10:17:03 AM11/8/19
to Brennan Forum
I can only scroll 20 of my 80 you tube videos too . 

Ian Voce

Nov 8, 2019, 10:29:53 AM11/8/19
to Brennan Forum
I found using the Vtuner on the UI on my iPad for my BB1 very difficult. At first I could not assign any stations to presets so gave up. I tried again last night and after a few hits and misses, I managed. To me it seems very sluggish and you expect it to respond to what you’ve selected but it doesn’t seem to, so I go back and try again, only to find it has done it and put things in the wrong place in the list.

Perhaps the response time could be improved. Until then it’s trial and error and patience.

Hope this helps


Dennis Lefebvre

Nov 8, 2019, 10:58:36 AM11/8/19
to Brennan Forum

On Friday, November 8, 2019 at 10:29:53 AM UTC-5, Ian Voce wrote:
.... sluggish and you expect it to respond to what you’ve selected but it doesn’t seem to, so I go back and try again, only to find it has done it

I speculate that this because the BB1 stores everything on an SD card, versus the B2 which uses the SD card for the system software, but keeps music, playlists etc on the hard drive or SSD. There are SD cards with faster read and write times, but it sounds as if the BB1 may have some trouble partitioning and formatting some of those.



Nov 8, 2019, 11:13:20 AM11/8/19
to Brennan Forum
Yes Ian, I think a lot of my problems are down to just not giving it all time to connect appropriately. Trying to learn some patience about it because I could love this machine if I could get it working. Ref the scrolling down, eventually learned just to tap bottom left, which is probably basics in touch-screen controls but I just couldn't work out.


Nov 8, 2019, 11:14:48 AM11/8/19
to Brennan Forum
bottom right

Dennis Lefebvre

Nov 8, 2019, 11:53:07 AM11/8/19
to Brennan Forum

On Friday, November 8, 2019 at 11:13:20 AM UTC-5, bennyb wrote:
....not giving it all time to connect appropriately.

Have you tried performing any of these functions using the BB1's own screen and buttons rather than the Web UI? 


Nov 8, 2019, 12:22:43 PM11/8/19
to Brennan Forum
Fair question. A bit to start with but not much. Will give it a go, though the Web UI has got to work in the long run.

Dennis Lefebvre

Nov 8, 2019, 12:27:33 PM11/8/19
to Brennan Forum
I am just curious if the same lag occurs when using the screen, because that would remove network latency from the list of suspects.


Nov 8, 2019, 12:50:19 PM11/8/19
to Brennan Forum
OK - good thinking.


Nov 9, 2019, 8:59:08 AM11/9/19
to Brennan Forum
Don't think I can make a YouTube connection just with the switches can I? However, if nobody else is complaining, maybe it is my wifi. One thing occurs to me. I have been working with UI in same room as the big B2 and certainly I have accidentally made Bluetooth connection. I wonder if I have set up some confusing kind of hub. Will try with hifi off.
On the radio database, been looking for two stations seen recommended - Belgian Country Radio and Red Dirt 106.1 of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Any chance they could be added in and/or is there any way of adding to the list Brennan is using?
Still wanting to try podcasts I suppose the answer is to download them to the interface device and then Bluetooth them? It would be good if we could link up to any download same way as to YouTube?


Nov 9, 2019, 11:46:16 AM11/9/19
to Brennan Forum
NO , you tube is very limited at the moment and has a lot of bugs .

You cannot delete any from the machine menu ,
You can only access the first 20 from the web interface so are limited to what you can delete from there .
You cannot get the menu up when a video is playing by pressing the master knob, it does nothing 
You cannot add a video to a play list 
You cannot rename a video without putting the sc card in the PC and looking at the  operating system files .
You cannot search on the BB1 like the B2 , you have to get the web interface connected ...

This is a fabulous option but  needs further development .
All you can do is add a you tube video and play them in the order you downloaded them on the BB1 and you can only access 
 the first 20 on the web interface that's about it .


Nov 9, 2019, 12:25:56 PM11/9/19
to Brennan Forum
The interface needs some work I think. However, had a much happier time with it today, playing YouTube MP3s through my new smartphone (Brennan has to deal with late arrivers) with a Bluetooth link to the BB1. Download when I want, to the phone, and I expect the interface would allow recording on the BB1 from that input? Presumably could do MP4s the same way. And the sound is very good,considering size and price of box.


Nov 10, 2019, 10:39:18 AM11/10/19
to Brennan Forum
PS to all previous, I discovered I did have the BB1 in some kind of hotspot mode, which I think there are warnings about.


Nov 11, 2019, 6:58:58 AM11/11/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi bennyb,

I have tried the Massive Attack link and it played OK. My broadband here is still on copper wire and typically 5-6Mbps, so a good test bed for 'not so fast internet connection'.

I tried deleting it from the History list whilst it was playing and as you say it does continue playing - this is probably because it is in the buffer memory.

I run the web UI on a Windows 7 PC and it appears to respond fast enough using a mouse to scroll and select. I can see all options navigating the vTuner menu - might be a slow or busy WiFi issue.

Hotspot ON is indicated by a red WiFi symbol on the BB1's display and the displayed IP Address is

Are your problems related to a touch screen device?

Brennan Support.


Nov 11, 2019, 7:02:19 AM11/11/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Clan,

Martin says he restricted History to 20 or so results because loading the thumbnails causes a time delay updating the display.

You can access all of your YouTubes on the UI by selecting the 'Search' view for the centre column and then click on the 'Video camera' icon.

Brennan Support.


Nov 11, 2019, 8:25:43 AM11/11/19
to Brennan Forum
OK Paul. Thanks for checking that one out.
I am sure I can get there. Meanwhile, some streaming working nicely and it's great when it does. Yes, I think most of my problems are to do with the touch-screen interface on a tablet screen (Yogabook). Can't scroll is the main problem at the moment. Also, sometimes, there is a disjunct between what I last selected and the right-hand screen listings. Give it time and it will catch up but it's quite a long wait sometimes.  Here I'm talking about organising my B2 transfer, which I did from the buttons on the box no problem. 
I'll try the interface on a bigger screen this week. Seems to me it's the B2 interface squeezed just a little much, so the sidebars for scrolling become invisible? 
As for the hotspot mode, I'm still not entirely clear about it when I want it?


Nov 11, 2019, 8:40:27 AM11/11/19
to Brennan Forum
PS: just called up the UI on my desktop screen and all is wonderful. 


Nov 11, 2019, 9:37:43 AM11/11/19
to Brennan Forum
OK - I apologise. Moved BB1 and Yogabook into the same room as the router and all now works apparently perfectly, from wired desktop screen and from wireless device. So previous problems were all down to wifi in a granite house.


Nov 11, 2019, 3:25:57 PM11/11/19
to Brennan Forum
Hello Paul , I have just discovered the video camera  which answers most of my questions , 
I cant seem to play video or audio play lists  from  the BB1  though , is that how it was designed ?
Thanks  Clan


Nov 11, 2019, 4:18:14 PM11/11/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Clan,

You are right there appears to be no way to select Playlists via the menus on the BB1. I'll ask Martin Brennan if there is a way to do this.

Brennan Support.

Edwyn Corteen

Nov 13, 2019, 9:24:39 AM11/13/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi all, and Paul;

To play playlists on the BB1, using the WebUI go to playlists tab, click on the three dots to the right and select assign to preset, once assigned the play list will be on the Presets and Playlists menu on the BB1 screen, select the preset you want and off you go.


Nov 14, 2019, 4:30:45 AM11/14/19
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Edwyn.

Brennan Support.
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