HDD Read only

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Robert Bull

Feb 18, 2022, 4:57:25 AM2/18/22
to Brennan Forum
While reindexing the  files on the hard disc  it froze after about 3000 songs. I  had to unplug it, and restart.  This happened twice more.  I removed the wifi and bluetooth dongles, and this time it completed.  However I now have a " Read only " message for the hard disc.  I have followed instructions on  Brennan's website- i.e exporting the contents to a USB device, and then trying to reformat the hard disc.  BUT it won't let me re format the  hard disc,  and it displays the " read only" message each time I reboot and try.    I may post this as a new query in the forum too.  Thank  you in advance for any thoughts !


Feb 18, 2022, 4:59:34 AM2/18/22
to Brennan Forum

I just replied t your other post, make sure you have disabled NAS.



Feb 18, 2022, 5:23:31 AM2/18/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Bob,

Please see these instructions, from Peter Lowham - 

1.  From the front panel, select 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Stop NAS'

2.  Select 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Use SD'

3.  Power the B2 down, wait 30 seconds and power up.  (This step is important)

4.  Select 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Advanced' --> 'Format HDD'

5.  When the format has completed select 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Use HDD'

6.  Select 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Start NAS'

Then your B2 will be ready to do the 'Import', all being well. If you are not using NAS, skip step 6.

Brennan Support.

Peter Lowham

Feb 18, 2022, 6:54:42 AM2/18/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi All,

Robert replied in the thread above that the 'Use SD' command failed.  So I updated that thread and now this one with the following advice.

Hi Robert,

You have replied to your issue on another thread rather than on this one, which is quite confusing, so I'll update here and also on the other one.

It looks like your microSD card (where the B2 software is stored) is corrupted.  There are two ways to sort this out.

1.  Purchase a replacement microSD card from Brennan (£10) or if under warranty Brennan will replace it at no charge.

2.  Reflash the existing card using the software provided on the Brennan website (at no charge) which will take about 30 minutes to do.  Below is a link to the Brennan web page which describes how to do this.  We can also provide additional supporting instructions if you want to try this.  Scroll down to 'New SD Card'.


Robert Bull

Feb 18, 2022, 9:42:20 AM2/18/22
to Brennan Forum
As per instructions I have flashed two new SD cards, and  get  the same " failed" message for both.  Interestingly I can still find and play some of the music on the HD though clealry most of it is not visible, This all started with re indexing, and then the machine freezing during  the process and having to reboot it a couple of times.   Thank you for your help.  I really feel pretty scuppered now.

Daniel Taylor

Feb 18, 2022, 10:27:35 AM2/18/22
to Brennan Forum
You've mentioned re-indexing a couple of times now.  But I don't understand the meaning that phrase has for you.  My confusion is probably because we usually think of the Scan Disk command that refreshes the B2's internal index file.  But I think that's not what you're referring to.


Feb 18, 2022, 10:32:14 AM2/18/22
to Brennan Forum
If you now have a good SD Card with the OS installed on it. 
Do a Web Upgrade to ensure you have the latest version. Then do a new Scan Disk.
After this press Play/Stop until Saving appears and after this reboot the B2.

This may help.


Peter Lowham

Feb 18, 2022, 12:33:11 PM2/18/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Robert,

When you have followed through Daniel's and Fred's suggestions, and you still see the 'Use SD Failed' message, it would be worth disconnecting any USB device such as the Wifi and Bluetooth dongles and an other USB device and then do another power down and up.  That reduces the complexity of the analysis.

I have two B2s at home and I have used the 'Use SD' function on both of them as a test today and they both switched and rebooted without any problems. After the reboot the WebUI 'Settings & Status' showed 0 tracks, 0 albums and 0 artists, which is correct.  Then I used 'Use HDD' and the B2s automatically rebooted and went back to 20461 tracks, 1512 albums and 620 artists which is correct.

I am also unclear as to what you mean when you say 're-indexing' , so if you could provide a brief description as to what this is then that could help us to understand what might be happening.


Robert Bull

Feb 19, 2022, 5:32:06 AM2/19/22
to Brennan Forum
Hello . All, Thank you Peter, Daniel and Fred and others  for your advice and support. I am pleased to report success, though I am not entirely sure why. Having updated the OS and followed all the useful instructions, I continued to get the "failed" message after selecting "Use SD".  Then I had my supper, returned to it an hour later, and then the use SD worked !  Everything continued as instructed, except at the import from C stage to recover the copy from my external back up device. Then it just told me to "Restore USB C" which turned out to be lurking in a directory called JB7. Puzzling to me, as I also had a JB7 and I dont think it can deal  with FLAC.  I haven't used the JB7 for years. I am pleased to say that it included my latest  rips, and is in FLAC format, but I had to use  By re indexing I think I mean re tagging, so that my Blue sound node can recognise them.  That's the next thing- back to square one to try to see if I can get the Bluesound to see them as a NAS . Thank you all

Peter Lowham

Feb 19, 2022, 6:03:46 AM2/19/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Robert,

Glad that you are back up and running!

One possibility is It that you might be using 'Backup to C' which saves the data in JB7 format.  That will restore correctly on the B2 using the 'Restore USB C' function, but it is better to use 'Export to C' for backups.  If this is not the case, then an examination of the naming structure on the USB device will tell us something more.

With regard to the re-tagging, what method are you using to do this?

If the re-tagging is done correctly then your Bluesound will see them through NAS will work fine.  But it can be hard work; I spent months getting my tagging done properly but it was worth the effort to me!

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