Unable to delete corrupted backup folder (windows 10)

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Mike Lance

Jan 14, 2022, 6:22:15 AM1/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hello .......
Backup to C stopped (track noted)
B2 new contents are ok
Backup is on WD 2tb
Attached WD drive to laptop ... all Albums in the offending folder 'corrupted'
Main artist folder is readable .. can't delete contents or whole artist folder
My software (on B2) was updated a few days ago
B2 was scanned before Backup to C
Have googled and tried the CMD Del ...... accepted command but didn't do anything.
Help please!


Jan 14, 2022, 7:51:10 AM1/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mike

Just to be sure we are on the same page, are these statements correct.

1) You have a B2 with music on it and you are trying to make a security backup of this music to a USB device. [It would help if you told us the statistics regarding ho much music is on the B2]
2) Your USB backup device is a Western Digital(WD) 2Tb HDD
3) You formatter the WD to FAT32 using the B2 to do this?
4) You used the B2's "Export to USB a or C" to make the backup to the WD? [THIS IS IMPORTANT - You DID use the B" "EXPORT" function and NOT the "BACKUP" function?]
5) The "Export" failed to complete. You have made a note of the track on which it failed (Wow !!).
6) When you plug the WD into your PC all the content that managed to backup is is OK - EXCEPT when you come to the artist where the failed track is located AND the ALL the Albums under that Artist are corrupt?
7) You can not delete the Artist or the Albums under that artist (as a matter of interest can you delete any other folder on the WD?)

My first thoughts are to try and identify where the problem is happening - with the B2 or the WD

So some questions

If you go to the B2, will it play the track in (5) above? If you can then it looks as though the WD may be playing up - So:

Please can you look at the PC's permissions that are associated with the WD when it is plugged in to the PC (ie. is it Read only?)
This is quite a lot to answer - so lets wait for your reply before suggesting remedies - that is of cause unless anyone else has some bright idea :-))


Peter Lowham

Jan 14, 2022, 8:31:16 AM1/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mike,

When I had two corrupted tracks in my collection, neither the artist or album folders would delete.  However, when I used the command line  'cd Abba' then 'cd Gold' I was able to 'del' individually each of the corrupted tracks.

Once the two corrupt tracks were deleted, the folders were deleted at Explorer level and I was able to restore the albums from an Export backup.


Mike Lance

Jan 14, 2022, 1:33:22 PM1/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Thank you Fred & Peter - for your replies .. here's the requested background ...

My B2 (2tb) has over 16,500 tracks on it.
I've been loading to it for sometime, some direct rips via the unit itself, but mainly (after I've organised my music into the Artist/Album/tracks format) via NAS - over my wifi.
The B2 is directly attached to the wifi.
I've been doing Export to C (after a Scan Disk) after every bulk upload ... this time about 7 artists and 30 albums.
I believe I've been doing an 'accumulative backup' .... (I will have to read up on what an Export is now!)
Yes I used the B2 to format the WD b/u device.
When I plug the WD direct to my laptop ... is complains that it need 'repairing' I always ignore that ... and examine it easily it with File Explorer.
Yes, the failing track is in the first folder of my upload.
 6) exactly that (except it was the first Artist that it stalled on)- yes... There are 9 folders under that Artist ... 6 loaded - but I can't see the tracks .... : corrupted message from Windows appears for every folder.
7) Yes, I did delete another Folder on the WD (ctrl-Z and restored it).
Peter .. I'm only tried the CMD del ....... (after looking it up) i don't know about the 'cd Abba' cmd
Yes Fred - the track it stalled on plays on the B2. It does look like backup problem .. which I would just rerun ... it doesn't work, does nothing, just counts to end total.
Bit rambling . sorry ... I will try be more concise.


Jan 14, 2022, 7:28:18 PM1/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mike thanks for your reply

1) You have a B2 with music on it and you are trying to make a security backup of this music to a USB device. [It would help if you told us the statistics regarding ho much music is on the B2]
2) Your USB backup device is a Western Digital(WD) 2Tb HDD
3) You formatter the WD to FAT32 using the B2 to do this?
4) You used the B2's "Export to USB a or C" to make the backup to the WD? [THIS IS IMPORTANT - You DID use the B" "EXPORT" function and NOT the "BACKUP" function?]
5) The "Export" failed to complete. You have made a note of the track on which it failed (Wow !!).
6) When you plug the WD into your PC all the content that managed to backup is is OK - EXCEPT when you come to the artist where the failed track is located AND the ALL the Albums under that Artist are corrupt?
7) You can not delete the Artist or the Albums under that artist (as a matter of interest can you delete any other folder on the WD?)

Analysing your reply

My B2 (2tb) has over 16,500 tracks on it.
I've been loading to it for sometime, some direct rips via the unit itself, but mainly (after I've organised my music into the Artist/Album/tracks format) via NAS - over my wifi.
The B2 is directly attached to the wifi.
I've been doing Export to C (after a Scan Disk) after every bulk upload ... this time about 7 artists and 30 albums.
I believe I've been doing an 'accumulative backup' .... (I will have to read up on what an Export is now!)
OK "Export to C" is an incremental backup, you ARE using the correct B2 function.
Supplemental question are you asking the B2 to compress at all and if so do you allow the compression to complete after every 30 albums before doing the "export"?
Yes I used the B2 to format the WD b/u device.
When I plug the WD direct to my laptop ... is complains that it need 'repairing' I always ignore that ... and examine it easily it with File Explorer.
Good, Windows ALWAYS complains and you should ignore it (certainly letting Windows repair the devise is a NO NO!)
Yes, the failing track is in the first folder of my upload.
Don't understand I thought we were talking about a backup that is failing to work properly - yet here your mention "upload".
 6) exactly that (except it was the first Artist that it stalled on)- yes... There are 9 folders under that Artist ... 6 loaded - but I can't see the tracks .... : corrupted message from Windows appears for every folder.
So I assume you are saying that you have an "Artist" folder on the B2 with 9 albums in it BUT that on the WD you only see 6 folder names under that "Artist" and Windows reports that all those folders are corrupt.
7) Yes, I did delete another Folder on the WD (ctrl-Z and restored it).
Yes Fred - the track it stalled on plays on the B2. It does look like backup problem .. which I would just rerun ... it doesn't work, does nothing, just counts to end total.
The results of steps 6 and 7 do indeed seem to point to a problem with the WD!!

OK just so we are on the same page this WD device is not a "thumb drive" is it - it is a USB disk in a square type box with spinning platters. If it is the former (a USB stick) then your symptoms would indicate you have a "fake" device with less storage 
than advertised,

If it is an HDD then I think it has a hardware problem!.

As you can't get the B2 to write to it any further, you are going to (I think - others help please if you can se any other solution) have to destroy the data on it to sort it out (if it is possible to sort it) by using a Windows utility to check it for errors, bad sectors etc. Of cause you would not want to destroy the good bit of the backup you have incuse you B2 is damaged in the interim. So-
I would advise you to get a new USB HDD and create a new "Export" to that BEFORE trying to fix the current one.


Mike Lance

Jan 16, 2022, 6:53:48 AM1/16/22
to Brennan Forum
Hello Fred....
No compression was taking place.  Add files were either flac or mp3.
Yes, you are right - that was confusing .... the upload finished successfully .. the Export (which I've been calling backup) stalled and hung during the first Artist folder (6 of 9 albums).
Yes, it's WD 2tb external drive (with spinning disk)
So ........ now ..
1) I'll investigate further, online about deleting corrupted folders - on the WD ... any help appreciated.
2) Good point Fred about making another Export to a fresh drive - just in case)
2a) I've just read that external hard drives last 3-5 years! ... So I'm considering a SSD for my next external b/u device.
3) is there a way to validate the B2 contents? ... I think the Scan just updates its table of contents.
99) apropos of nothing ..  when i listened to the B2, to check my upload, a track started to splutter and jump ... found it I thought ... but no ... all tracks then started to do the same .... so i played tracks that were loaded before the last batch ...... all ok ... then went back to the offending tracks and many others .... all now were playing fine!!! ............ I'm ignoring that ... because it's now fine ... but maybe B2 just got itself in a twist ... not hard to do that is it?


Jan 16, 2022, 8:33:11 AM1/16/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mike

Thanks for the response,

Using a USB SSD as a backup device is fine - that is what I do!

Regarding " is there a way to validate the B2 contents? ... I think the Scan just updates its table of contents.
You are correct the Scan does build a table of contents which is a file the Brennan system uses. But I think that the "information" that you see on the front screen when you press the remote "info" twice or click on the "cog" in the Web UI is generated 
by the underlying Linux OS.
The Forum expert in this area is a chap called Peter - (I think it is the same Peter who contributed above) - and I know he has contributed an explanation somewhere in the Forum (I find it so difficult to find old, seminal, posts) - perhaps if he reads this
thread, he will link to the information for us.

Regarding your last point (99), How is your B2 connected to your router and how are your speakers connected to your B2? 


Mike Lance

Jan 16, 2022, 8:48:00 AM1/16/22
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Fred ... 
B2 is directly connected to the router
B2 is connected to my HiFi amplifer
Speakers are connected to the same HiFi amp.


Jan 16, 2022, 11:29:25 AM1/16/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mike,

Your B2 is connected well!

I therefore find the 'stuttering' you experienced odd and do not have an explanation!


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