Import to B2 from USB - directory question

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Dec 29, 2020, 5:46:06 AM12/29/20
to Brennan Forum

I have another large number of CD's to load on to the B2 so I thought I would rip them to FLAC on my Linux computer and install them via USB - using the correct directory hierarchy of course. Ripping them is no problem and I am familiar with the method of uploading them to the B2.

My question is this.. If I rip a CD - lets say Scott Joplin, The best of.. - and I already have a directory on the B2 called "Scott Joplin" will the new rip merge into the existing "Scott Joplin" directory or will the B2 create a new "Scott Joplin" directory?

If the latter is the case, is there any way I can get the new music to merge into the existing directory rather than create  a new one of the same name?

Any and all help appreciated.. thank you.

Daniel Taylor

Dec 29, 2020, 6:01:11 AM12/29/20
to Brennan Forum
If the Artist directory you create on the USB stick is EXACTLY the same as that on the B2, the new album will be put where you want it.  But if there is as little as one character different, then a new Artist directory will be created.  If a new directory is created, all you have to do is rename one or the other of the Artist names on the B2 and if the new name exactly matches the directory your want, then the merger will take place as you desire.

You sound like you're quite computer literate, so my emphasis on exact may not be needed in your case.  But we've seen cases where a novice will swear the two names are the same, when in fact, the computer (B2) sees a difference.

Dec 29, 2020, 7:08:06 AM12/29/20
to Brennan Forum
Thank you Daniel.. that's what I needed to know.  The "computer" side of it doesn't faze me - I am well versed in Linux systems - and I understand what you mean regarding the exactness of the directory name.  I appreciate your help.


Dec 30, 2020, 5:27:16 AM12/30/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi pm,

Watch out for 'spaces' in the titles - these have caught some owners out - especially leading ones!

Brennan Support.


Dec 31, 2020, 6:19:29 AM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi All,

pm replied by email -

Thanks Paul.. I tried ripping a CD into an existing folder this morning. I uploaded it to the B2 from a USB stick and all went well.. The music appeared on the B2 where I hoped it would.

Thanks to yourself and Daniel.

Brennan Support.

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