Unable to resolve problems with new B2

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Dave Chick

Nov 3, 2021, 7:32:16 AM11/3/21
to Brennan Forum
My B2 arrived last week and I bought Sonos speakers to go with it. On day 1 I ripped a few CDs and I was able to play the albums from the HDD using the buttons on the Brennan. On day 2 I tried playing from the Brennan again and it showed the album tracks but when I tried playing it skipped from track to track without producing any sound. I then tried playing from the UI and I could see the artists, albums and tracks and could successfully play whole albums or individual tracks. On day 3 I tried playing from the Brennan, the UI and the app but tracks kept starting to play then cutting out and quickly going to the next track. On the UI it showed the list of artists but when I clicked on the artist it didn't bring up a list of tracks.
However, I can select and play radio stations from the preset so there is no problem connecting with the wireless speakers. (Incidentally, I bought Sonos speakers because I thought from the Brennan website they were the only supported wireless speakers, but I see from this forum that's not correct).
I have followed the troubleshooting advice on the Brennan website, i.e. downloaded the latest software, run Scan Disc, tried to disable "Enable TV UI" but can't find it, and made sure that Classical mode is turned off.
Do I have a defective B2?


Nov 3, 2021, 7:48:41 AM11/3/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Dave,

in the web UI click on the little cog wheel.
It will bring up the settings & status panel.
it should list what you have on your hard drive , something like this

Screenshot 2021-11-03 114644.JPG

Do the numbers match what you have uploaded ?


Dave Chick

Nov 3, 2021, 4:12:09 PM11/3/21
to Brennan Forum
I think that I should have hit "reply to all" and not just "reply to author".

John kindly responded to my posting and when I checked the numbers they did match. I have not uploaded much yet. I have tried using my B2 again today and the UI shows the list of artists but clicking on the artist does not produce a list of their albums. I shall be grateful for any advice.




Nov 4, 2021, 4:49:15 AM11/4/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Dave,

Usually running Scan Disk (which rebuilds the internal database the B2 uses to locate and play your music) fixes this kind of issue.

If that doesn't work I would suspect there is one or more corrupted tracks on the hard drive - did you have trouble ripping any of the CDs, incomplete rip for example? Did you have the B2 playing while ripping - it's best not to?

I suggest you start over by formatting the internal hard drive (which will clear everything off it). Here are some instructions for doing this from Peter Lowham - 

1.  From the front panel, select 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Stop NAS'

2.  Select 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Use SD'

3.  Power the B2 down, wait 30 seconds and power up.  (This step is important)

4.  Select 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Advanced' --> 'Format HDD'

5.  When the format has completed select 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Use HDD'

6.  Select 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Start NAS'

The only WiFi speakers supported by B2, that the B2 can play directly to, are Sonos. You can pull music from the B2 over WiFi using a DLNA host (media player) device or send music to Bluetooth speakers

Brennan Support.

Dave Chick

Nov 4, 2021, 11:30:18 AM11/4/21
to Brennan Forum
Thank you for your help. Unfortunately this isn't going well.

I followed your instructions and then ripped a few CDs. As with the first time, I had no trouble ripping CDs and I didn't have the B2 playing while ripping. I then left it until it had finished compressing everything.

I thought that had resolved everything because using the UI I can see all 9 albums I've ripped and when I click on them I can see the track listings. I then tried playing an album. Track 1 was fine but it cut out during track 2 and after a pause went on to track 3. That cut out. It then went on to track 4, which cut out. The display on the Brennan seems to show that it is playing through the album on track 9 as I write. The display on the UI seems to show that it's playing track 1. The display on the Brennan app also seems to showing that it's playing track 1. Nothing is coming out of the speakers.



Nov 4, 2021, 11:52:09 AM11/4/21
to Brennan Forum
Try running a Scan Disk, initiating it from the front display menu system and the round knob. After it completes, press in and hold the Stop/Play button until saving appears on the display. Once the time reappears, reboot the B2 and see if this has cured the problem

Dave Chick

Nov 4, 2021, 1:40:09 PM11/4/21
to Brennan Forum
Thank you for your help.

I did that and played the album I'd been trying to play before. It was all going well until it got to track 8, when it cut out and went to the next track, then cut out again and nothing happened for a while. It is now playing track 11 and is showing that correctly on the front of the B2, but the Brennan app says it's playing track 6 and the UI says it's playing a completely different album!


Dave Chick

Nov 4, 2021, 1:46:02 PM11/4/21
to Brennan Forum
It's got even more weird. The album I'm playing is coming out of the speakers, the Brennan app says that album is playing but a different track to the one that's actually playing, the UI says that a completely different album is playing and the front of the Brennan says that yet another different album is playing! I have no idea what's going on. Has anyone else ever experienced this?

Jeff. M.

Nov 4, 2021, 2:07:37 PM11/4/21
to Brennan Forum
Maybe there is conflict between the app and Web ui being used at the same time, and maybe sonos app open too. Try using just one, see if that helps. 


Nov 4, 2021, 2:39:47 PM11/4/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Dave,
Have you checked the strength of  your wifi connection on the B2.
From the menu


Dave Chick

Nov 4, 2021, 3:50:16 PM11/4/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks, Jeff M. I'm now just using the UI.

Thanks, John. I've done that and the result was -39dBm. I've Googled to see what that means and it looks as though it's at the upper end of the range.

I have tried again, playing a different album. It stopped during track 1 and went to track 2, skipped part of track 2 then resumed, stopped during track 3, missed out track 4 entirely and went to track 5. Should I be rejecting this machine as defective? Other people seem happy with their Brennans so perhaps mine is just duff. Now it's played track 6, missed track 7 out and was skipping parts of track 8. The front of the Brennan says it's playing track 6 (which it hasn't) and has now skipped straight to track 11, and now has gone to track 4, although the front of the Brennan still says it's playing track 6, which it still hasn't.


Nov 4, 2021, 4:23:36 PM11/4/21
to Brennan Forum
Do you have any headphones that you could plug in to the  output socket on your B2 ?
You need to turn up the B2 volume to high as it does not use the onboard main amp.
The reason for this test is that it eliminates your speakers and if playback is ok via the headphones then it gives further clues.



Nov 4, 2021, 11:00:26 PM11/4/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Dave,

From what you say it does not appear as though you machine is performing as it should. However I am concerned that you have not done what we suggested you do (or at least not confirmed that you have done these)
Please go to the front of the B2 and using the display and round knob, run this command.

Main Menu > Settings > Scan Disk


After this command completes, again from the front panel do this :-
Press in and hold the Stop/Play button until 'saving' appears on the display. then release the button and wait.  Once the time reappears on the display,  reboot the B2 by powering it off, wait 30 seconds then power it on again and see if this has cured the problem.

By the way, your WiFi strength of -39dBm is very good - this should not be causing any issues.

When you have the machine going again, try opening the Web UI from a browser page by typing the B2's IP number in the search bar.



Nov 5, 2021, 5:01:57 AM11/5/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Dave,

If Fred's suggestions don't work please email us on -   thebrennanb2   @   gmail   .   com   - no spaces, with a brief description of the problem and we will get it sorted for you.

Brennan Support.

Dave Chick

Nov 5, 2021, 7:08:51 AM11/5/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Fred and Paul

I did follow Paul's instructions (his reply timed at 08.49 on 4 November) and I confirmed that I had (my posting at 3.30pm on 4 November). However, when I have time I will try the B2 with headphones and then go through the rigmarole again to see if it finally works. 



Dave Chick

Nov 11, 2021, 6:54:36 PM11/11/21
to Brennan Forum
I tried my B2 with headphones and it worked. I then played albums using the web UI but not using the phone app at the same time and it all worked, so on Saturday I thought that everything was working correctly. On Sunday two of the CDs I'd ripped the previous day both cut out during track 1 and skipped to track 2. After a short while they cut out and came to a complete stop. I deleted them then ripped them again and they both worked. So, I thought that all was ok again. Then a CD I had ripped on Sunday cut out during track 1, skipped to track 2, then after a short while cut out and came to a complete stop. I played it on another CD player and it played properly. I played it as a CD on the B2 and it played properly so I ripped it again, played it and it cut out during track 1, skipped to track 2, then after a short while cut out and came to a complete stop. I then ripped it again and it played properly. Today I have ripped another CD. When I played it back it cut out during track 1, skipped to track 2, then after a short while cut out and came to a complete stop. It tried playing it as a CD on the B2 and it played well until tracks 5, 6 and 7, during which it kept cutting out for long periods, so I ejected it. I then played it on another CD player and it played perfectly.
I have now owned my B2 for two weeks. When it works I can see how good it could be. However, so far I have only ripped 19 CDs and have spent a huge amount of time trying to get it to work. The early problems have gone but now I have had an identical problem five times when it won't play ripped CDs properly. I have no confidence that this machine is ever going to work properly. What can I do now? I don't want to waste any more time on it.


Nov 11, 2021, 8:02:42 PM11/11/21
to Brennan Forum

Hi Dave,

This does not seem correct. I may be wrong but it is possible that Brennan have received a batch of suspect CD drive units recently, there have been a number of problems reported on the forum.
This said, if this is the case it is clear that Brennan do stand by their products and customers and our experience is that they will sort you out.
Lets see what Paul (from Brennan) says when he reviews the Forum discussion in the morning.



Nov 12, 2021, 5:58:47 AM11/12/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Dave,

Please email us on -   thebrennanb2   @   gmail   .   com   - no spaces, explaining you are Dave off the Forum having problems with your B2 and we will get it sorted for you.

Also please let us know where in the World you are (in the email).

Brennan Support.

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