Backup/copy the SD Card

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Randy E

Feb 5, 2022, 12:00:20 AM2/5/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi- first time post.  I am looking to buy a Brennan B2 and the only negative I read about is that the micro SD cards are subject to corruption.  I read on Brennan website and this forum about creating a new SD card if it gets corrupted, but I don't see anything about a more proactive approach- that is, simple instructions for backing up the SD card immediately, so you always have a working backup.
Is there a way to backup the SD card/ operating system without opening the case?

It seems like at one time you could access the SD card from the outside of the case, but that has changed with newer models.  Thanks for any input.


Feb 5, 2022, 5:23:14 AM2/5/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Randy

You could certainly buy a spare SD card loaded with the operating system, or make one yourself using the instructions on the website, then keep it ready should you ever need it. I have one I loaded ready to go, just in case. But you'd still have to open up the B2 to switch cards if the need arose. It sounds daunting, but is very easy. Apart from losing the (two) screws, the only risk is pulling the back panel out too far, as it's connected to the internal cabling. I've only had to switch cards once, and that was to upgrade the operating system from B2 to B2B, which opens up more features and can't be done by a web upgrade. All new B2s now ship with B2B ready loaded. You would then get future upgrades free, as simple downloads. 

To enjoy a stress-free life with a B2, I think any new owner should be comfortable with changing the SD card, even though you may never need to, and willing to maintain an up to date, external backup of the stored music.  Maybe also be able to rip CDs on a laptop or PC, then load them on the B2, only because there are some discs the B2 may not recognise.  Beyond that, the B2 is a very repairable device at reasonable cost if anything unusual were to go wrong. You can't say that about many other electronics products.

Feb 5, 2022, 5:48:59 AM2/5/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Randy

Please understand that the core of the B2 is a little Raspberry Pi, single board computer rather like this one

The board's operating system is written to a little SD Card which is inserted into a slot underneath the board where I have pointed the arrow.
Here is the view of the Card slot from the underside

Feb 5, 2022, 6:15:01 AM2/5/22
to Brennan Forum

(Sorry about the break in post, my Bad!).

unfortunately with the Raspberry Pi used in the B2 it is not possible to "boot" the Pi from any other medium but the SD Card. However no damage is done in changing the SD Card as many time as you like (provided it is powered off when you do this!).
Older Pis had a larger SD Card slot.

In choosing to use a Raspberry Pi at the heart of the B2 which runs a version of the Linux operating software, Martin Brennan recognised that the Pi had a huge user community which would synergise with what he was building. Therefore if you
remove the back of the Pi to change the SD Card you are NOT invalidating the Brennan Warranty.

Indeed, the whole unit comes to bits very easily and Brennan even sell some of the spare parts (eg the front Display screen) for users to fit themselves should their screen dim with age. 

In my B2 I have replaced the Hard Drive (HDD) with a Solid Sate Drive (SSD) and indeed swapped out the Pi itself in my friends B2. This is NOT difficult to do - i am not an electrical engineer, it is the way the B2 is designed - all you need is a Philips screwdriver and a cup to put the screws in.

There are "how to" documents on the Brennan web site and in this Forum.

You do not need a backup of your B2s operating system SD Card as it is easy (and cheap) to purchase a new one (ready to use with the Operating system on it) from Brennan or you can make your own with a shop bought SD Card and the Operating 
System downloaded from the Brennan web site (for free).

Please understand that SD Cards have a finite life, they WILL fail eventually, it is in the nature of their technology also as the Pi is such a small, low (electrically) powered device, it does not have the means built in to gracefully handle power
interruptions to it, tis is the main cause of problems with a B2. Also, as the pis is just a small computer with only (in the version in the B2) 500Mb of memory, the B2 is not very good at doing too many user requests at once. 

When using your B2 only do one thing at a time, don't listen to music and Rip CDs at the same time, Don't edit playlists while listening to music.

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