Some MP3 files downloaded from a NAS will not play

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Paul A Bristow

Jan 10, 2021, 9:56:21 AM1/10/21
to Brennan Forum
I have some MP3 files on a NAS and I have used Windows File Explorer to copy to the "\\BRENNANB2\music\Schubert_ Impromptus"  folder, for example.

All of the files play on windows and VLC, and phone and tablet, but many do not play on B2.

Some albums do not even show the folder that contains the tracks when viewed on B2 Brennan Phone app or on Brennan tablet app.

Some files are converted from MP4 using VLC and these definitely do not play.
Is this because none of the tracks are deemed playable?

Are only MP3 files ripped by B2 playable?  What other sources of MP3 are expected to work.  Purchased MP3 online downloaded?  CDs ripped by Sony MediaGo? Other rippers? VLC converted files say MP3 [VLC] as the file type.

Can anyone please suggest what is wrong here, and better still how to correct it?

Mike W

Jan 10, 2021, 10:42:59 AM1/10/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi, did you do a scan disk after uploading the files?


Jan 10, 2021, 11:52:09 AM1/10/21
to Brennan Forum
I have MP3 files from a range of sources, all play. Scan Disk should be your friend. 

Peter Lowham

Jan 10, 2021, 12:27:48 PM1/10/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul,

I also have many different sources of .MP3 files on my Brennans and they all play perfectly, so the problem is likely to be elsewhere.

If you look at the folder and file structure, your tracks should be in a folder '\\BRENNANB2\music\Schubert_ Impromptus\<AlbumName>'.

The Brennan can only 'see' music tracks with this precise format, whereas some other devices don't mind having one, two or three levels of folder.


Paul A Bristow

Jan 10, 2021, 5:25:44 PM1/10/21
to Brennan Forum
Yes I did  scan disk, after any change (and also a shutdown and cold start).

But I did not expect a requirement for exact folder structure (some files in a subfolder/misc/<AlbumName>/tracks.)

However I will try to get all files in this format and see if that gets things working.

Thanks, so far.
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Peter Lowham

Jan 10, 2021, 5:58:43 PM1/10/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul,

Some time ago I posted advice for 'Export' and 'Import' of music folders and files.  I have attached these notes below in a PDF document.  The relevant part for you is the structure of the folders and files and the associated 'rules'.  The Brennan will only list and play correctly if these rules are followed.

In particular, when you get to the <AlbumName>' folder, you can only store files here.  Subfolders cannot be used in this folder; the Brennan just cannot see them.

I hope that this helps.

Export & Import Rules for Brennan.pdf
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