copying files to BB1

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Peter Howarth

Dec 28, 2020, 10:17:38 AM12/28/20
to Brennan Forum
I succeeded in ripping cd's onto my B2 in WAV form without any problems.  Having backed them up in this format on an external hard disc, I have been trying to convert the files on the B2 to MP3 so that I can copy them onto my BB1.
I have set the compression to MP3-256 and have tried, and retried on a number of occasions, to compress the files - however some files remain as WAV format.  What can I do?

In addition, I have tried to link the B2 with my laptop using NAS, as described on the web site - again without success.  I don't know if DNLA is required to be on, but no matter what i do this remains "off" on my B2.  Is this a glitch?


Dec 28, 2020, 1:43:03 PM12/28/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peter

Regarding the B2 NAS part of your question.
DLNA does NOT need to be on for NAS, but you must specifically turn NAS on for he B2 using the front panel controls to do this. I assure you that the B2 DOES deliver a stable, working NAS when this is ON.
The difficulties come when with a Windows or Mac PC you try and connect to the NAS (due to "features" in the PCs not the B2).
Assuming you are using a Windows Laptop
Go to "Control Panel -> Programs"
Select "Turn Windows features on or off" (requires admin rights)
There you will find "SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support". Enable it!  
and see if that helps.
if not there is more to be done!
Also there are on this forum instruction on how to gt access to the NAS from a Mac.

Chris Jones

Dec 28, 2020, 4:30:24 PM12/28/20
to Brennan Forum
Regarding NAS connection, contrary to what has been said before,  SMB does NOT need to be enabled in windows for NAS to work you can use a "NET USE" command instead

For example  "net use B: \\192.168.*.***\music /Persistent:no /user:root brennan" (use the switch  /Persistent:no  if you don't want this to be a permanent mapping) this will map the B2 to B:\

If the B2 is powered on all the time create a small BAT and place this in the Windows start-up folder so when windows boots the drive will map automatically

Any issues with using the B2 as a NAS is down to the raspberry Pi, the Pi never designed to be used as a NAS (as they have very slow I/O)  I made a custom NAS using Pi a few years back  it worked and was stable but as we find with the B2 it was really slow when transferring files, however I use it all the time on my B2 as its more convenient then using a USB stick to transfer files. (I use an app called FreeFileSync to keep my B2 in sync with my PC and vice versa )

On another note, Do we know if a B3 is on the cards?

Happy new year everyone


Dec 29, 2020, 4:18:51 AM12/29/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peter,

Now that you have selected MP3 256k all of the music on the B2 will be converted to MP3 - just checking that was your intention.

It's possible that one or more of the WAV files has some corruption and the B2 cannot compress them. Unfortunately there isn't a straight forward to identify which file/s are to blame.

NAS mode will help you identify which tracks are MP3 and which are WAV, so lets try to help you get that working. Are you using a Windows computer or a MAC?

Brennan Support.

Peter Howarth

Dec 29, 2020, 6:51:08 AM12/29/20
to Brennan Forum
Good morning, Paul.
Hope you had a good Christmas.
I can't currently access the B2 using NAS, but (as I assumed they had all been converted)  I downloaded all of the files from the B2 onto an external hard drive.

I think there are quite a few that have not been converted (I've only checked the first few, and only one of those was MP3 - the rest were all WAV).  One cd that did work was The Killers, but this had two tracks unconverted whilst the rest had been changed.

An additional symptom that might help is that after the B2 stops the conversions, and I've copied the files to the external disc, the B2 starts up again saying it's converting files.  

As you know, I've been working on this for ten days, or so, now and I've not just made a single attempt.  On one occasion, once the conversion appeared to have stopped I left the B2 on for over 24 hours in case it was still converting in the background.   
An additional issue with my B2 is that I cannot turn on DNLA (whatever that is.  I tried this in case it made a difference to my access by NAS).



Peter Howarth

Dec 29, 2020, 6:53:15 AM12/29/20
to Brennan Forum
p.s.  Windows, and yes my intention was to convert all of the files to MP3  and to then load them onto my BB1.  I will then restore the WAV files on the B2 using the backup copy I made once i'd ripped my cd's.

On Tuesday, 29 December 2020 at 09:18:51 UTC PMB wrote:


Dec 30, 2020, 5:19:26 AM12/30/20
to Brennan Forum
HI Peter,

If you have your music on the backup drive you could convert them on your computer using one of the free to download programs - NCH, dbpoweramp (30 day trial), etc. The conversion will run faster on your computer.

Here are some instructions for getting NAS working on a Windows computer -

On the B2:

  • Make sure the B2 is connected to WiFi - displaying an IP Address - something like

  • Using the front control go to the Maintenance menu and select Start NAS - the display will return to the clock and then show 'done' after a couple of seconds.

On your Win10 computer:

  • In the 'Type here to search' box type - Turn Windows features on and off (you don't have to type all of this as you will be prompted by the computer).

  • Click on 'Turn Windows features on and off'

  • Scroll down to 'SMB1.0/CIFS File sharing support' and expand the section - click on the '+' box

  • Select the second item - SMB1.0/CIFS Client - it may already be selected so no need to select again

  • Click on OK.

On the Win10 computer:

  • In the 'Type here to search' box type View network computers and devices

  • Click on 'View network computers and Devices'

  • BRENNANB2 should be displayed on the 'computer' line - if not wait a while (it can take a while to show the first time) and try refreshing the 'View network....' page.

  • Double click on BRENNANB2 - a pop up panel will open

  • Enter user name = root

  • Enter password = brennan and click on OK

  • The B2's 'music' folder will be shown - double click to open it - this can take a while as the computer needs to load all of the files on the B2's HDD.

  • Once loaded a list of Artist folders will be shown

  • Double clicking on an Artist folder will show the Album folder/s associated with the Artist

  • Double clicking any Album folder will show the Tracks and Album Artworks

You can then edit these folders and files as you would any folders/files on your computer e.g. create new folders, copy and paste, cut and paste, rename, delete, etc.

You can also copy music from your computer (iTunes, etc) to the B2 whilst in NAS mode - make sure you maintain the correct Artist - Album - Track folder format so the music is correctly displayed on the B2.

Please note - any changes you make on the computer are local to the computer and must be transferred to the B2 by running Scan Disk - Settings menu - on the B2. If you leave the computer session without running Scan Disk, any changes will be lost.


Brennan Support.
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