Incremental backups after initial backup

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Edgar Torbert

Apr 8, 2022, 7:29:50 PM4/8/22
to Brennan Forum
Using 1TB USB 3.0 thumb drive for backup of B2. Initial "Export to C" works correctly. Attempts to "Export to C" thereafter abort during backup of first FLAC added after initial "Export to C". Any suggestions or tips?

Apr 8, 2022, 8:10:29 PM4/8/22
to Brennan Forum
First thoughts are that your Thumb drive is likely a fake.
We here on the Forum have found that most large size drives have been fake units and it has been causing a great deal of trouble for us.

If you got your drive off aBay or Amazon it is almost certainly fake.
There are tools mentioned on the forum to check a drive if you have a search.


Apr 8, 2022, 8:21:24 PM4/8/22
to Brennan Forum
The utility is called "H2testw", search the forum for this string to find out about it.

Edgar Torbert

Apr 8, 2022, 9:02:17 PM4/8/22
to Brennan Forum
Fred, thank you for your insights on this issue. The drive is in fact a cheap one bought from Amazon. I am running "H2testw", but will not have results for many hours if the clock on the process is right. In my first week of ownership of the B2 I have not had time to explore this forum as much as I would like. Thank you for the courtesy of your tip.

Apr 8, 2022, 10:06:55 PM4/8/22
to Brennan Forum
Hmm, Amazon!
I expect you will find it is fake but at least you can send it back.
Many of us actually now use a little USB HDD (or SSD) for backup as these seem to be what they are sold as.

{ PLEASE NOTE, the above are for example only, they are not Personal recommendations - the USB SSD device I use was bought some time ago and is no longer sold - other Forum members may have more up to date purchases they can recommend}

here is the "Forum Summary Thread" on fake devices.


Apr 11, 2022, 3:51:14 AM4/11/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi etor...,

I use a Toshiba Canvio Basics USB3.0 1TB HDD and others use the 2TB version, both work well with the B2.

Others have mentioned the LeCie HDD.

Basically any (most) portable type USB HDD or SSD drives will be OK.

Brennan Support.

Edgar Torbert

Apr 11, 2022, 7:56:33 PM4/11/22
to Brennan Forum
Thank you for your suggestions. I wanted a thumb drive in order to use the backup storage secondarily as an audio source in my car. Since beginning this thread, I purchased a SanDisk thumb drive that works perfectly for these dual purposes. My test of the 1TB thumb drive from Amazon found only 56.3GB usable. Again thank you for all of your responses.

Apr 11, 2022, 8:24:26 PM4/11/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi etor,

Sorry about your 1Tb thumb drive. Please send it back to Amazon, do not keep it as a 56.3 Gb drive. With what has been done to it to make it appear to be a 1Tb drive, means you can never trust it.
You can get kosher 1Tb thumb drives from proper high street shops but these are going to be expensive. 


Edgar Torbert

Apr 12, 2022, 12:06:14 PM4/12/22
to Brennan Forum
Yes, returned to Amazon. SanDisk 512GB meets my needs for now.
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