Naming recordings

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Feb 21, 2022, 11:21:59 AM2/21/22
to Brennan Forum
Recorded 6 tracks off an album.  Got them. Renamed Artist, album and tracks.  Then recorded 5 more tracks.  Got them.  Renamed, but this has created two albums with the same name, one of which will not let me rename the Artist, leaving it at Unknown.  How can I add the new tracks to the same album?  Can I copy tracks from one album to another?


Feb 22, 2022, 6:22:11 AM2/22/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi colin...,

I don't think the B2 likes having two Albums with the same name, as you have found. Can you rename the one that allows you too?

The best way in incorporate Tracks into one Album is to use NAS mode. This allows you to view and edit the contents of the B2's hard drive on your computer. You can cut and paste the Tracks from there. Have a look at our NAS & Sonos page - link - on the website. Let us know if you need an further help.

You do need to run Scan Disk on the B2 after making any changes via NAS otherwise the changes will be lost.

Brennan Support.

Daniel Taylor

Feb 22, 2022, 6:27:32 AM2/22/22
to Brennan Forum
Maybe I've had a misconception.  I thought it went like this:
When you rename an album to a name that does not yet exist, the Album folder gets the new name.
When you rename an album to a name that DOES exist, the tracks in the folder get moved to the Album folder with that name.
Similar happens for the Artist folder.
Is that not true?  If not, then what is supposed to happen in those scenarios?  It would be helpful if we knew what we should expect.


Feb 22, 2022, 6:57:43 AM2/22/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Daniel,

I think you are correct in what you say but cannot currently check this as I have no internet (the storms damaged our telephone lines) and my router doesn't want to play ball without a telephone line connection.

Is it something you could try and confirm for us?

Brennan Support.


Feb 22, 2022, 8:58:15 AM2/22/22
to Brennan Forum

I tested the following for the same artist on my B2 :

1. Rename album 1 - successful
2. Rename album 2 - Web UI shows two albums with the same name but the album named second will not play. First named plays OK
3. Checked folders on B2. The second rename had failed
4. Ran a Scan Disk. The Web UI shows that only the first rename has worked. Both albums play OK

After renames and before Scan Disk

Screenshot 2022-02-22 133531.jpg
Screenshot 2022-02-22 133618.jpg

I suspect that the second rename fails at the Linux OS level but the B2 still updates its copy of the B2DB file held in memory so the Web UI see two albums of the same name ?
The Scan Disk refreshes the copy in memory and thus is back in synch with the physical folders.

After Scan Disk
Screenshot 2022-02-22 135643.jpg



Feb 23, 2022, 5:19:17 AM2/23/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi John,

Thanks for that. Have the two albums combined under the same heading or did the second album disappear?

Brennan Support.


Feb 23, 2022, 8:59:00 AM2/23/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul

after the rename of both albums the Web UI shows two albums of the same name but if you look at the folders on the B2 HDD only the first album has been renamed.
No tracks have been moved and the second album is not playable from the web UI.
After the Scan Disk the second album gets its original name back in the web Ui and is playable again.
No tracks moved and no music lost.
As I said  in my previous post I think the Web UI may use a copy of the B2DB data held in memory and that is why it thinks there are two albums of the same name until 
the Scan Disk forces a refresh of the B2B data


Feb 24, 2022, 5:47:26 AM2/24/22
to Brennan Forum
Thanks John.

Brennan Support.

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