Hi all, new owner here. Very happy with loading & playing at the same time, but, i have CD's that aren't recognised & get this message

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Mark Pittman

Jan 24, 2022, 9:26:34 AM1/24/22
to Brennan Forum
Folders hidden by browser for security reasons - music uploaded to Artist/Album Unknown

OK, but where do i find this folder??? Actually, this has happened with uploading files that then disappear.

CD's that aren't recognised aren't able to be ripped for me to fill in the information.

Is there a way around either??


Jan 24, 2022, 9:39:17 AM1/24/22
to Brennan Forum

There will be an "artist" level folder on the B2 called "Unknown" into which the albums have been placed.
You can see this in the Web UI simply search for "Unknown".
One point. PLEASE do not make the B2 do two things at a time - down that path there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth!! So if you are loading - load -- but DO NOT play music at the same time.
You see the little Raspberry Pi in the B2 is only small and while it CAN multitask, our experience on this forum is that, if you ask it to do so, bad things can sometimes happen.


Christian Sunderland

Jan 24, 2022, 12:44:52 PM1/24/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mark,

Personal experience tells me that If you go to 'Settings->Maintenance->Get Mydb', this will significantly increase the hit-rate on finding CDs especially that are of an older release.

After ripping CDs and before 'Compressing', always run a 'Scan Disk'.  This will rebuild the Brennan's internal database.

I hope this helps!



Jan 25, 2022, 4:28:53 AM1/25/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Markpit...,

Martin Brennan posted this explanation -

Martin here - just came across your screenshot - it looks a bit ominous doesn't it - but its my text and its more inconvenience than a serious problem.

What it is - Chrome does not want websites to see any more of your computer than it can possibly allow - and that includes the path to the files you want to upload.

I guess the path could be something like work/topsecretprojectname/music/abba/waterloo.mp3 so chrome delivers the least possible information rather than potentially reveal a secret folder name. If you upload several music files or several albums of music files - then chrome is forced to give the website enough of the path so the website can properly keep the files in the right folders. But sometimes with just one file - Chrome says I'm not going to say what the path was - so the brennan web UI warns you that you may find it uploaded to unknown.

Brennan Support.
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