Chrome cast

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Peter Howarth

Feb 25, 2021, 9:04:51 AM2/25/21
to Brennan Forum
A little while ago someone mentioned connecting a Chromecast dongle to the B2, which would allow casting to be used as an input.  This would be a way in which one could listen to BBC Sounds (and catch up on missed radio broadcasts).
I've connected my dongle to the HDMI socket, and for power I've connected it to the USB C socket.  No music when I cast, and no information on the web UI as to how I can connect.

Can anyone tell me how the Chromecast should be set up, please?

On another matter, the functionality of the web interface, next time it is modified could the area which brings up  'delete track' or 'rename artist'  PLEASE be made smaller.  These are functions that will be rarely used, in comparison with playing an artist or a track, and it's very annoying to click on a track you want to play, and to be asked (because you're not in quite the right place) if you want to delete it.
Speaking as an ergonomist, it's a universally-accepted principle that design should take into account frequency of use, and once someone has set up their files the way they want them to be, these functions will not be used again (unless other files are added). 


Daniel Taylor

Feb 25, 2021, 10:23:15 AM2/25/21
to Brennan Forum
I'm not an authority on this, but I don't think the B2 software is written to expect input on the HDMI port.  What you want to do with Chromecast seems like it could just as easily (more easily?) be done by having the B2 be a Bluetooth receiver.  Have you tried that?

Feb 25, 2021, 11:23:16 AM2/25/21
to Brennan Forum
I used my chromecast AUDIO on my JB7 a lot, On the B2 you can use the input jack on the B2 and 3.5 lead from the Chromecast, You will have to select auxillary from the B2 menu, play aux. then B2 reboots into aux and input is enabled. However you may mean an HDMI chromecast, I don't know about this.


Feb 26, 2021, 2:38:02 AM2/26/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peterala...,

HDMI is output only on the B2.

Brennan Support.

Feb 26, 2021, 5:00:16 AM2/26/21
to Brennan Forum
Peter, you can probably get a 2nd hand Chromecast audio for about a tenner, this would satisfy your needs!

Peter Howarth

Feb 26, 2021, 5:47:44 AM2/26/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks for the replies so far.  
Jeff:  I already have a couple of Chromecasts, but they have HDMI output
Daniel:  As far as I know, I can't use bluetooth for both input and output at the same time. Although my main system uses wired speakers, I have a bluetooth speaker in another room.  Chromecast into the B2 would provide a better-quality signal than bluetooth (weakest link in the chain) for my main system, and would allow me to use my bluetooth speakers on the other room.

What I need is either for the B2 to access BBC Sounds (in the way it can access YouTube)  or else for the HDMI connection on the B2 to accept an input.

Paul: are either of these feasible?



Feb 26, 2021, 6:31:10 AM2/26/21
to Brennan Forum

You need to look for Chromecast audio, it's completely different, and it will work for you. It outputs via optical or 3.5 cable.Not hdmi!

Graham Smout

Feb 26, 2021, 1:54:43 PM2/26/21
to Brennan Forum
It was I that mentioned using the Chromecast Audio a while ago. ( I hope I did specify that it must be the Audio only version with a dual optical /analogue output.) I have yet to see one for sale second hand for less than £20 and Google no longer produce them.
The advantage of the Chromoecast for castingaudio  is that any  signal  sent via bluetooth is going to be inferior. The range of almost all bluetooth connected devices is only a matter of meters and if it were more, there would be massive interference for the uses it has been devised for, such as inter device linking, phones and earbuds etc. Even a sheet of paper can stop a Bluetooth connection in some situations and the authenticity of the sound is poor due to limited bandwidth. Bluetooth may have it's fans and it's practical uses but I have lost my B2's Bluetooth Dongle and I can't be bothered to look for it!

Feb 26, 2021, 3:10:05 PM2/26/21
to Brennan Forum
GPS, you're right, I didn't realise they are not made any more, even so, great piece of kit for 25 or 30 pounds. Mine is unused at the moment, just gathering dust😩 may be s collectors item one day,

Mike W

Feb 26, 2021, 3:12:40 PM2/26/21
to Brennan Forum
I have a neighbour who uses an Audicast product which seems to be functionally similar to chromecast audio and it seems to work pretty well for him, might be worth a look.


Mike W

Feb 26, 2021, 3:13:21 PM2/26/21
to Brennan Forum
Sorry that should be Audiocast...


Mar 1, 2021, 3:17:51 AM3/1/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peter,

I will add your suggestions to the wish list but think they may be low priority....

Brennan Support.

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