Strange Noises on track changes

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Paul Martin

Mar 14, 2022, 5:26:20 AM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hello all,

My B2 is playing strange crackling sounds when it changes tracks, the music plays fine when the crackling is finished.

I have recorded it on my phone and attached a sound file, hoping that you can hear the sound, but don't know if I've done that correctly

It happens whenever a track changes, whether playing randomly or sequentially, and whether chosen by the B2 or the remote.

The sound can still be heard through the speakers or headphones even when the volume is zero, and the music can't be heard. It is not however heard over DLNA or NAS, nor from my BB1.

I have tried all I can think of to remove it but to no avail. I suspect the B2 may have to be repaired (out of warranty), but would be grateful for any suggestions!

I have the current B2B software (March), and have amongst other things tried:
  • Disk scan
  • Re flashing software
  • Powering off overnight and retrying
  • Playing without Bluetooth dongle or Internet dongle
  • Trying segue on and off
  • Trying classic mode on and off
  • Changing tracks with the remote, the web UI, and just playing
  • Sequential and random playing
  • Formatting HDD and re-importing music.
and possibly some other things that I've forgotten.

As always, will be grateful for any thoughts ,suggestions or input.

Best regards

Paul Martin

B2 changing tracks.m4a

Mar 14, 2022, 6:29:04 AM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul,

Yes you audio file is OK and I can hear your problem.

However, we still need more information to help diagnose the issue.
How are your speakers connected to the B2?
If you are using directly connected speakers, then it may be that the plugs at the back of the B2 are touching (the sockets are very close together) - if this is the case try inserting some plastic between the plugs so that they can not touch one another.



Mar 14, 2022, 7:10:03 AM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul,

It sounds like the music files are OK as they play OK via DLNA and NAS modes, so it may be a fault with the B2.

Before sending the unit for checking and/or repair it may be worth reprogramming or replacing the SD Card, which holds the operating software. There are some instructions and downloads for reprogramming on our Techy Stuff page - link - on the web site - New SD Card (left hand column) or contact us -  thebrennanb2  @  gmail  .  com  - no spaces, if you are not able to do the repro.

Brennan Support.

Paul Martin

Mar 14, 2022, 1:33:17 PM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hello Paul and Fred, thanks for your interest,

To Fred: The speakers are connected with higher quality speaker wire, and I think they are called banana plugs, all seem well fitting with no obvious cross contact.
The sound only occurs when one track finishes, and another starts, and can be heard through headphones when the speakers are disconnected, and when the volume is reduced to zero.

To Paul: I have been updating software using the experimental method, and following the March web upgrade, have re-flashed 2 SD cards and updated them both to the March 10th versions.
I have tried both, neither removed the sound on track changing.

Hope these answers help you both.


Mar 14, 2022, 2:05:54 PM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul,

Lets analyse.
1) the music on the B2 is fine as your NAS test has proved.
2) it is not a software issue because you have replaced the software and it is still there.
3) you have eliminated the possibility of the speaker plugs because the problem happens on headphones when the speakers are unplugged.
It would be helpful to confirm that the problem does not happen with the optical output (which I would expect to be the case as this bypasses the
B2's amp).
In my opinion the evidence points to your B2 amp failing, which I think would need an Audiotech repair.
However lets see if anyone else has other ideas.


Daniel Taylor

Mar 14, 2022, 3:28:20 PM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum
It strikes me as odd that the B2 only has the problem between tracks.  Do you have the Segue feature enabled?  If so, then that is when the B2 is trying to read two tracks at once (I think).  Try it with Segue turned off, and see what happens.

Paul Martin

Mar 14, 2022, 4:54:08 PM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum

Evening Daniel,

Yes, I did think it may be the segue feature, but trying both on and off did not change the situation.

Thanks Fred for your usual thorough observations. I am not able to check the optical output, but did think it may be the amplifier. Could this produce the noise with the volume set to zero,, and if necessary, is a replacement amplifier a viable option?

Many thanks to all parties


Mar 14, 2022, 5:37:54 PM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul.

Well, as your music data is OK (and you have reformatted the HDD and reloaded it) I would have said your problem was would caused by a software glitch. BUT you have eliminated this possibility by re flashing a new SD Card  with the B2 software. I think you said you had tried 2 different SD Cards ! which sort of also closes the possibility that the SD Card itself is the issue.

So having eliminated all else that just leaves something in the B2 hardware that must be causing the problem.

We could narrow down which bit if we could test the OPTICAL output  -  as this bypasses the amplifier and internal DAC  (which would mean that if the Optical is OK, one of these is the problem).

I have had the front screen off my B2, along with the Hard Drive , CD Reader and Raspberry Pi (to upgrade stuff and just look!) my B2 is 6 years old!.
The B2 is well built and easy to get into - but I have not had cause to do anything to the amplification side of the unit.
If you got a replacement board, I bet you could fit it OK, but Brennan's agent for repairs (Audiotech?)  would be able to do this for you if you wanted.



Mar 15, 2022, 4:35:49 AM3/15/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul,

I suspect a hardware fault so I'll get the return for repair instructions emailed to you (will send to your hotmail account)

Brennan Support.

Paul Martin

Mar 15, 2022, 5:03:31 AM3/15/22
to Brennan Forum

Thanks Fred and Paul,

The fault disappeared last night, but returned again this morning,  maybe confirming a hardware issue, but hopefully not making diagnosis more difficult.

Happy for anything that could be causing it to be replaced as necessary.

Best regards



Mar 16, 2022, 4:43:25 AM3/16/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul,

Have you got the equaliser enabled?

Brennan Support.

Peter Lowham

Mar 16, 2022, 7:09:50 AM3/16/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul,

This is a 'just in case' query.  Some time ago another forum user reported that his B2 was emitting strange noises at times.  After many suggestions he discovered that the problem was being caused by the Spotify app.  He removed the Librespot app and the problem was resolved.  He then reinstalled the app and the B2 continued to play without any problem, so it looked like the Librespot app had become corrupt in some way and its removal and reinstall fixed the problem.


Paul Martin

Mar 16, 2022, 9:51:59 AM3/16/22
to Brennan Forum
Hello Paul and Peter

(I had to put your names that way round, otherwise it sounded like 2 little dickie birds!!!)

Sorry for the delay in answering!

I do use Spotify, but not via the app. Just use it as the free version to record via Aux in.

I also have the graphic equaliser enabled, and will experiment with that being on/off

Best regards

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